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Aug 14, 2003
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Just been reading on GP32spain that it's Frameship 1 without sound but nearer Frameskip 4-5 with sound and won't be released this year.
or maybe this is just an evil joke...and the topic started should be beaten very very hard for making such an evil joke ;)
triksR4rabits posted on Apr 22 2004 at 06:15 PM said:
No way its a year dude. Any spanish speakers out there that can check out gp32 spain? Squidge... is it time...? :)
I think this would be a good idea because it seems like we don't know anything actually. Many different posts say different things about it, it's rather confusing...
2 days, a few weeks, end of year?
Let's wait and see :)
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Soy español, y en Gp32spain no pone nada acerca de 1 año ni nada de frameskip 3 o 4. Es mas rlyeh espera sacar una beta privada mañana con el fgen ya estabilizado y el bug por lo tanto arreglado. Si alguien sabe español que traduzca mi post. Gracias.
I'd have a go, but I'd probably get it very very wrong. I'm not what you'd call knowledgeable about Spanish.

Though at a guess, I'd say it meant something along the lines of
- I'm Spanish, and GP32spain doesn't say anything about a year, or frameskip 3/4
- What's more, Rlyeh hopes to release a private beta for bug-testing tomorrow (or in the morning; not sure)
- If anyone speaks Spanish they can translate my post. Thanks.

That is a *guess* though. Like I say, my spanish is p o o r lol.
Soy español, y en Gp32spain no pone nada acerca de 1 año ni nada de frameskip 3 o 4. Es mas rlyeh espera sacar una beta privada mañana con el fgen ya estabilizado y el bug por lo tanto arreglado. Si alguien sabe español que traduzca mi post. Gracias.

Right - here we go....

"Nothing about 1 year or frameskip 3 or 4 on GP32spain. Rlyeh hopes to release a stable private beta tomorrow with bugs fixed. If someone knows spanish, could they translate my post?"

Or something similar. My Spanish is extremely rusty. Needed the dictionary once or twice there :P
you are right Tobriand, and "mañana" means both tomorrow and morning (so tomorrow morning is "mañana por la mañana") :) but he means tomorrow. Also he says that rlyeh will have fixed a severe bug that fgen has
Kick ass- thanks guys :D . That makes so much more sense and matches ilarri's story as well... Where did ste_167 get his info from?...
La mañana, la tarde, la noche, learn castellano in gp32x. JAJAJA. Tomorrow, the numbers in castellano. lol.