Odroid-Go Advance

I really liked the ODROID-GO as a handheld... It's just a shame it was a little underpowered (and I found it pretty difficult to develop for).

It reckons it can do SNES... which means hopefully a NeoGeo Pocket Color emu... Colour me interested!

Edit: I hadn't watched the video, or even really read any specs when I wrote that... Looks like it boots Linux, which is a little disappointing in one way. I liked the fast booting of the embedded ESP32 design.
I'm going to assume you need to "clean shutdown" this device too...
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I wonder if there's a quick pause function like on the Odroid GO, it was my favorite feature compared to other cheap handhelds.
I didn't like the screen on the GO, so I hope it will be better here.
This will be superior to the current MIPS consoles.
The only advantage that RG350 have is the dual analog stick and this is questionable because the left stick of the RG350 is above the D-pad.

I hope HardKernel will make a dual analog version.
320x480 resolution is really nice! Makes integer number scaling of the GBA and Lynx resolutions possible.

Now if the key and d-pad are really good that'd be my favored emu console. Hard to get Nintendo level of quality on those. So far only Pandora managed that.
320x480 resolution is really nice! Makes integer number scaling of the GBA and Lynx resolutions possible.
Well the screen resolution is my main grip with that device. The CPU is a very powerful and should allow to drive way a larger resolution (pyra HD screen would make more sense with that powerful CPU)
A larger resolution would allow way more games playable on the device, while the current one will limit the device to emulate old machine and that's it.
A game like "TuxRacer" would easily run on that RK3326 CPU, but wont on the Odroid-go Advance because of that so low resolution
Well, it arrived today! Not sure when I'll get a chance to have a go with it... might not be until the weekend unfortunately... really looking forward to it though :)
Well, it arrived today! Not sure when I'll get a chance to have a GO with it... might not be until the weekend unfortunately... really looking forward to it though :)

Got it assembled at least, and will see if I can find a micro SD to image and test with it tomorrow. Feels pretty nice, although the six bottom buttons are mushy, so hopefully they work fine.

Putting in the screen is definitely the worst part, and I was a little paranoid given all the warnings about the screen being easy to break. Think it's good though, and although I just saw the SD card missing screen, it is very bright!
I need a debian / ubuntu device with WIFI and firefox. There is a wifi stick avaible. Is there a firefox version for it? Can you use the analog stick and the buttons for mouse interaction? Just want to receive (not write) emails / discord messages on the go and read some newspaper websites. nothing fancy. No android, no apple and no windows devices please.

Since my Pandora died I am waiting for the Pyra, but until it is out this looks quite nice.
This is a little off-topic, but I figured the people checking out the Odroid Go Advance might be more likely to answer my question:

My wife would love a dedicated device to replace her long-dead but much-loved (original) Gameboy. That's pretty much it. GBC maybe, but nothing even as advanced as NES/SNES etc.

Of all the options open to me to provide such a thing (and there are _many_), for the price the Odroid GO seems to be ideal.

Anyone with any experience of the GO care to comment?
I need a debian / ubuntu device with WIFI and firefox. There is a wifi stick avaible. Is there a firefox version for it? Can you use the analog stick and the buttons for mouse interaction? Just want to receive (not write) emails / discord messages on the go and read some newspaper websites.
It looks like someone has ported debian buster to it already. I haven't seen anyone on their board mentioning a working web browser, but I left a comment asking if firefox was working in the thread. I'll let you know if anyone replies.

Here is a link to the thread btw. https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=193&t=37399&p=280525#p280525

*Edit: Someone replied to the thread. Firefox does work on it.
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I just tried the basic image with a bunch of roms. Took me a little while to work out that it doesn't show systems unless the roms are present and correct (and that roms aren't recognised if they're zipped - different to my retropie setup).

In short, it's great!

Only couple of gripes so far - the volume really should have been a physical wheel, as I could only adjust it via the menu (which is pure guess-work), and the six buttons at the bottom aren't at all intuitive - just pressed all of them while trying to work out what they're doing. They're also very mushy, so it's hard to tell if they've registered or not (although they do appear to be working fine).
My wife would love a dedicated device to replace her long-dead but much-loved (original) Gameboy. That's pretty much it. GBC maybe, but nothing even as advanced as NES/SNES etc.

If that's all she's after, this probably isn't the best option. My first suggestion would be the bittboy pocket-go. It's a lot smaller (more pocketable), slightly cheaper, and a little less janky.

If she prefers the vertical form factor of the OG gameboy, the RG300 is pretty nice too.
