Nvidia's Project Shield - 'Android & Tegra 4 inside'

Why can't you just download STEAM games directly on the Shield without a PC?  I own a iMac  :eek:

Not being able to store games on the micro sd card is a downer. hopefully that will change soon with an update.

I still am excited to get mine delivered.
Well technically, it's just streaming games from the PC. It's not actually able to run the games through android. So even if you could download the games directly, the shield could never run the games without a proper Nvidia based PC. I actually have a pretty cool gaming rig, but I have a ATI graphics card, so streaming's not an option for me either. They do plan to offer tegra 4 specific games and one's that take advantage of the physical controls, so between that and emulation, I'll be good.

They say there should be a hack for the micro sd issue in short order, as this is a major flaw, but it has something to do with android and allowing games to be placed there. It's not really a design flaw, so much as it is a rule of the format. If Nvidia wanted to make this device, they had follow the "Android" rules.

With the positive reviews and user comments, this thing seems to be picking up some real "steam" :p Over at NeoGaf, there was hardly any love since this thing was announced at CES and now there are a ton of guys talking about how they now want one. It's nice to see a product like this getting some real attention by word of mouth. Nintendo should take some notes(I'm looking at u, WiiU).

I'm not sure how many preorders Nvidia had, or how many more over that they produced, but I'm guessing restock should trickle in over days, weeks and months. Hopefully demand will stay high going in to the holidays as well.

@ANDROID:  Have you tried to run Drastic with TV Out?  If so how is the video out from the shield for Drastic?  I assume it must be really nice.
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@ANDROID:  Have you tried to run Drastic with TV Out?  If so how is the video out from the shield for Drastic?  I assume it must be really nice.
oh... it's better than you could imagine... hint hint

more coming soon
Nice and thanks!!! You're the only man around here who keeps us update on this.

NVidia should give Exophase a share now that tons of people will buy it just to use Drastic  :D

Edit: and Lordus too  :D
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Here's a little love for Exophase & Lordus. Plus the DS emu running great. This thing is looking better by the minute.


How does Drastic compare between the Pandora and Shield?
Well, I don't have the sheild yet, but it seems to run mostly full speed for most games. I actually own a DS Lite and a 3DS, so I personally never tried it on Pandora. I actually own one of the first Pandy's, so I'm sure my performance wouldn't be great.

I'm sure some others can give some better details on performance between the two units. I would guess the Shield runs circles around the Pandora though.

^ Ahh sorry, I thought that video  with  Drastic on the Shield was yours.  My mistake.
^ Ahh sorry, I thought that video  with  Drastic on the Shield was yours.  My mistake.
It's all good, don't worry about it. I'm curious about that myself, so if anyone can chime in on performance between the two, we'll take it.

UPDATE: Newegg is "Out Of Stock" again! Hopefully anyone who was interested was able to grab one. They still have an ETA as this coming Monday for more units, so I'm guessing today's lot was cancellations from the 31 that didn't go through or last minute cancellations.

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^ Ahh sorry, I thought that video  with  Drastic on the Shield was yours.  My mistake.
It's all good, don't worry about it. I'm curious about that myself, so if anyone can chime in on performance between the two, we'll take it.

UPDATE: Newegg is "Out Of Stock" again! Hopefully anyone who was interested was able to grab one. They still have an ETA as this coming Monday for more units, so I'm guessing today's lot was cancellations from the 31 that didn't go through or last minute cancellations.

How many did you grab?  Like 10 and flip them later?   :p
To those of you who have the Shield, how is N64 emulation overall?

I saw a comment over at NeoGAF that states it isn't fullspeed at all times, and FPS can take a dive in certain games. Admittedly, the user states his noobness in regards to Android emulation, but I figured it was a good question to ask all the same.

N64 emulation is just about the main selling point of this device for me.

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To those of you who have the Shield, how is N64 emulation overall?

I saw a comment over at NeoGAF that states it isn't fullspeed at all times, and FPS can take a dive in certain games. Admittedly, the user states his noobness in regards to Android emulation, but I figured it was a good question to ask all the same.

N64 emulation is just about the main selling point of this device for me.

You won't be disappointed. It isn't perfect as Mupen isn't perfect.  But if you plan on rooting and then using Tincore and N64oid, and also having Mupen, then you should be thrilled. 

And fps take a dive with an i7 , Geforce 650 and PJ 64 on some games. LOL
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