Nintendo Wii U

The work was not stolen intentionally, my laptop with my work was stolen.
Ah, yes, I remember.I take it I've also already told you how stupid unprofessional it is (sorry, but true) to work for months without backupping?

If I was in place of a professional software developer I would at least have automatic daily backups to some home server, and probably I would get me a private git on github as well to have something offsite too.

I can't even imagine how someone can not backup serious work for months. I don't seriously program a lot, but even when I'm just spending some 20 hours or so on an essay I start backing it up to some offsite location every hour at least, because I wouldn't want to do work twice.

This is already a longer post than I wanted, but maybe you now understand better why I've just gotten a bad/unprofessional impression of you.
Hey guys. You're all missing the important bit. Shovel Knight isn't only available on the  WiiU
The work was not stolen intentionally, my laptop with my work was stolen.
Ah, yes, I remember.I take it I've also already told you how stupid unprofessional it is (sorry, but true) to work for months without backupping?
 Oh, people are actually believing the stolen notebook story? :D
I try to believe what people say unless I've evidence suggesting it's wrong (or it's a really important topic, then I need positive proof first). :-)
Hey guys. You're all missing the important bit. Shovel Knight isn't only available on the  WiiU
Shovel Knight is a Wii U console HOME exclusive, eh?

Let's get over the stolen laptop and non-backed up data thing, it does not resurrect or recover the data.

Moving onward, Smash is coming and so is winter!
and so is winter!

May the world be warm and filled with love.

On slight update, site updated to have 15 Wii U exclusives on front page.

Also, who has Call of Duty Black Ops 2 or Mario Kart 8 and wanna play online?
Yup work should definately be backed up to a cloud storage and at least 1 other physical place. Anything else is unthinkable.

It does not inspire confidence.

I've decided I'm gonna buy a Wii U again (I sold mine late 2012) next month.

You see, it'll actually be in preparation for the Aussie release of Project Zer0 (Fatal Frame in Japan): Maiden of Black Water (late October) and Xenoblade Chronicles X (early December).

I know it's kinda crazy for me buy to buy a console just for 2 games. But that's where you guys come in...Can any of you Wii U owners recommend me (its been a while since I've been in th loop regarding Wii U games, scene, etc.) a few 'must have titles', so that I don't feel so bad about buying a console just for 2 games (I've never done anything like this in my whole life, lol)...?

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You probably already own it on another system but Rayman Legends its pretty much on the same level as Super Mario something. Another non exclusive title I can recommend is Child of Light. And Lego City Undercover (which is the sole reason I bought a WiiU) of course > I am not really into Lego Games (as they get really boring for me quickly, but my Kids love the coop, sigh) but Lego combined with a quasi open world scenario is really something.
I second LEGO City Undercover - awesome (except for the lengthy load times)

Pikmin 3

WindWaker HD

DarkSiders 2

NintendoLand (if you can get it cheap)

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker

Metroid Prime Trilogy

Bayonetta 2

Mario Kart 8

Monster Hunter 3

Super Smash Bros.

And many more...

And don't forget there are a hundred excellent Wii games (like Fire Emblem)that you can also play on WiiU as well as some great indie eShop games like ShovelKnight as well as Virtual Cosole stuffage,
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Iwata's replacement has been announced.

He was the head of Human Resources, so I don't know what the hell he know's about "gaming" per se, but whatever. Gunpei Yokoi was the Janitor at one point, and he was one of the best things to ever happen at "N", so maybe this guy will be the engine that drives them in the right direction, but I'm not to hopeful at his point. I think they should have gone outside the company to find someone, as everyone wthin has been "tainted" by the old guard, and will likely operate in the same fashion, but time will tell I suppose.

"Meet the new boss,

same as the old boss"

-Pete Townshend

^ Nintendo of Japan will never learn :(

You probably already own it on another system but Rayman Legends its pretty much on the same level as Super Mario something. Another non exclusive title I can recommend is Child of Light. And Lego City Undercover (which is the sole reason I bought a WiiU) of course > I am not really into Lego Games (as they get really boring for me quickly, but my Kids love the coop, sigh) but Lego combined with a quasi open world scenario is really something.
Yes, indeed, I already have Rayman Legends and Child of Light on my PS Vita and have no intentions of playing it on the big screen.

As for LEGO City Undercover, well that was actually also one of the main reasons I purchased a Wii U all the way back in November 2012, but then I lost interest in it when it finally came out. Thanks anyway, I'll just have to take pricey's recommendations for now.

I second LEGO City Undercover - awesome (except for the lengthy load times)

Pikmin 3

WindWaker HD

DarkSiders 2

NintendoLand (if you can get it cheap)

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker

Metroid Prime Trilogy

Bayonetta 2

Mario Kart 8

Monster Hunter 3

Super Smash Bros.

And many more...

And don't forget there are a hundred excellent Wii games (like Fire Emblem)that you can also play on WiiU as well as some great indie eShop games like ShovelKnight as well as Virtual Cosole stuffage,
Thanks pricey, I'll buy the following:

WindWaker HD

Mario Kart 8

Below are the reasoning why I'll give them a miss.

Pikmin 3 - not my kind of game anymore

DarkSiders 2 - not my kind of game anymore

NintendoLand - I'd rather Mario Party

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker - not my kind of game at all

Metroid Prime Trilogy - not my kind of game anymore

Bayonetta 2 - Wish Bayonetta 1 was on Wii U as well, I wouldn't mind owning them on a single console

Monster Hunter 3 - not my kind of game anymore

Super Smash Bros. - definitely not my kind of game

Wii games - I can't stand non-HD games that might need motion controls

eShop - I don't buy games digitally, unless it's on Android
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My only advice is to buy your WiiU refurbished from nintendo. It was way cheaper than retail and is AS good as a new item... plus has the added bonus of probably reducing e-waste... trivially so.
My only advice is to buy your WiiU refurbished from nintendo. It was way cheaper than retail and is AS good as a new item... plus has the added bonus of probably reducing e-waste... trivially so.
They may not offer the refurbs "down under", but if they do, it's a pretty good deal if the pricing is similar. We just got the all white 32GB refurbs online, and those aren't even offered at retail here. I want one, but I'm waiting for the magic price of $200.

Really, the worst Zelda in the series (that I have played) ? Even Zelda 2 was a lot more fun then endlessy traversing a blue wasteland
NintendoLand - I'd rather Mario Party
If you can get it for cheap, buy it, its a great game actually, just not for single player
Something you probably also already know: don't pay extra for a 32GB console if you also want to use the eshop to some extent. If so, you will eventually connect some sort of storage device to it as the internal space is used up.
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