ough, I'm sorry for people who flash their gp with my multifw v1.0 : I have just tested the pclink with a little text file (< 256 ko) because I have a smc reader and that has worked... in fact, the problem don't come from my bios but from the european bios : with the new version of the multifw (with pacrom instead of comi), pacrom's pclink work without any problem, but the eufw cannot receive files bigger than 256 ko, for people who flashed their gp with the multifw v1, they can resolve their problem by putting dark fader's pclink.fxe on their smc (pclink.fxe<256ko so it can be transfered with the eufw's pclink) and transfering another their files with it (or to transfer another bios for reflashing your gp, my multifw v1.1 with pacrom's pc link has not these problem)