New Multifirmware!!

hmm something strange happend, after playing a while with opensnes9x @ 150 my gp32 freezes... and i thought that it could handle 150, also kof91 feezed...
cant remember that something like that happens before at that clockspeed... cant be because of the bios.. caus i remember watching 50 mins Videos on my gp32 @ 150 without any problems.. and now it crashes after 15 min...
GP 32 is not supposed to run upper tha 132 Mhz so it quite normal your GP 32 freze :P
I don't think this problem is due to the firmware
yes.. happens still when i flashed the original back... perhaps its because of the batteries?... i jsut worked longer..

still think about doing robs mods..

BTW: is it possible to code a battery checker... to look how much power is left... or is something like that impossible to do in just software.
Yeah, somtething like that would be usefull. Because my red light is always totaly bright, even though my Batteries are low (rechargeable Batteries)
I don´t think coding a batter-checker would be possible without hardware that measure it.