What Is The Best Firmware For The Gp32 And Need Advice


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Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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1. what is the best firmware for the gp32 ( i found this on gp32 download: Slubman Firmware (pclink Version) , Mr. Spiv's MultiFirmware V2 ,AquaFish Multifirmware v5.01 ...
i dont know which to choose. please tell me what firmware is the best and the version too. ex: v5.01 or v5.02... ( its for a NLU no light gp32 edition)
i want to flash it when i will receive it. ( after installed the freelauncher)
i bought a new gp32 ( last one didnt work (usb port) remember?) lol

2. i want to know ANY TRICKS that can help me to not got a dead gp32. i know flashing a gp32 is danregous. any advice ?
i know great battery is important... ( i have 2650 nihm duracell, i will charge them before flashing)

3. Maybe, if i have to keep the defect gp32, i will try to get smc id to get free launcher on it. After that i will install a firmware on it. But the gp32 usb port is defect and it dont work . do you know any firmware that can help me to get the gp32 port working again. i read the description of this firmaware it seem it fix something about the usb:

Mr. Spiv's MultiFirmware V2
This slightly tweaked firmware contains the following: a boot firmware selector v0.3, Pacrom 0.31b, fw157e (with USB FIX and startup animation removed), BIOS monitor v0.4 (bugfixed), Wind-ups v0.9 (I patched the FXE loader i.e. it now loads compressed FXEs...More

can it help to get working the gp32 usb port ?

4. i saw a flashing tool in gp32 download. But what is the best flashing tool ?

5. Can you flash any another firmware in your gp32 if you have already a tweaked (modified one) firmware. ex: if i installed slubman but i want to try mr. Spiv. can i do that and flash the new one ?

Thanks all for answers. i really appreciated it :)
You can't go wrong with Slubman. It's a great firmware and has everything that you need for running homebrew software including a built in "free-launcher" and pc-transfer software.

Make sure you get the correct version for your GP32. There is a regular version and a BLU+ version. Only use the BLU+ version if your GP32 is a BLU+.

If you have a hardware-dead USB port then no firmware is going to make it function again.

The update process is quick - typically less than a minute. Make sure your batteries are fully charged before you do this.

The best bet would be to use an AC/DC adapter but if you don't have one, it's probably okay. I've done all my firmware updates using battery. Be warned that the DC power requirements is the same as the GP2X ie. it's nonstandard and has the negative in the middle (most DC plugs have positive in the middle).
The good news is that you can use a GP2X AC/DC adapter if you have one or wish to buy one!
I'm using this one: http://www.gp32x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,42,393 It's booting a BOOT.BIN / BOOT.FXE from SMC so you'll only have to flash your rom once and could play around with different firmwares without any risk. Personally I'm using slubmans firmware, it's slim and easy to use.
I've done quite a few flashings and always with fresh loaded batteries. I was always a little bit worried that the DC adaptor would break down during flashing... :)
Hi, if you're who I think you are (just bought my gp32 and games on ebay), you need not worry :)
It's.flashed with Mr. Spivs boot selector, so you get about 3 different pc link choices, and it already has free launcher and the better alternative installed :)
renejr902 said:

1. what is the best firmware for the gp32 ( i found this on gp32 download: Slubman Firmware (pclink Version) , Mr. Spiv's MultiFirmware V2 ,AquaFish Multifirmware v5.01 ...
i dont know which to choose. please tell me what firmware is the best and the version too. ex: v5.01 or v5.02... ( its for a NLU no light gp32 edition)
i want to flash it when i will receive it. ( after installed the freelauncher)
i bought a new gp32 ( last one didnt work (usb port) remember?) lol

2. i want to know ANY TRICKS that can help me to not got a dead gp32. i know flashing a gp32 is danregous. any advice ?
i know great battery is important... ( i have 2650 nihm duracell, i will charge them before flashing)

3. Maybe, if i have to keep the defect gp32, i will try to get smc id to get free launcher on it. After that i will install a firmware on it. But the gp32 usb port is defect and it dont work . do you know any firmware that can help me to get the gp32 port working again. i read the description of this firmaware it seem it fix something about the usb:

Mr. Spiv's MultiFirmware V2
This slightly tweaked firmware contains the following: a boot firmware selector v0.3, Pacrom 0.31b, fw157e (with USB FIX and startup animation removed), BIOS monitor v0.4 (bugfixed), Wind-ups v0.9 (I patched the FXE loader i.e. it now loads compressed FXEs...More

can it help to get working the gp32 usb port ?

4. i saw a flashing tool in gp32 download. But what is the best flashing tool ?

5. Can you flash any another firmware in your gp32 if you have already a tweaked (modified one) firmware. ex: if i installed slubman but i want to try mr. Spiv. can i do that and flash the new one ?
Thanks all for answers. i really appreciated it :)

You can ship your old gp32 to somebody with a jtag cable. Most will do it for nothing, just the cost of shipping. It would be well worth it.

I would also recomend the slubman firmware. It's fast and easy, with a built in explorer and you don't have to launch 2 programs to run one (free launcher and then the game/emulator)

It's also a little late, but you probably would have been happier with a flu or a blu.

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I have another question.

Can i flash the Official European Firmware in a gp32 NLU ( no light version) ?

(note: i want to install this one in the gp32 with the non working usb port)
I highly suggest slubmans firmware instead, as it has a formatting utility built-in, Windows XP was never able to format the cards correctly for the GP32.