New Firmware Soon!

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Wite_Noiz posted on Jul 7 2006 at 08:13 AM said:
K0K0NUT_h3lmut posted on Jul 7 2006 at 05:34 AM said:
1. Sometimes even when im on headphones, it switches to speakers but i can still hear the headphones. So then my *put relative or family member here* gets pissed that im listening to heavy/death/whatever metal.
What model do you have? Sounds like your headphone socket needs fixing
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I'd like to see AC97 audio codec support. If the owners still demand their extortionate fees for this (which they will) I'd like some top Korean boffin at GPH to have an 'accident' and accidentally slip his prototype into his emule shared folder. Oops! That said, piracy is wrong so if you've got any pirated software please delete it immediately.

winapa posted on Jul 6 2006 at 08:22 PM said:
I'd like something that would stop my wife moaning at me for not playing Animal Crossing anymore on my DS...

Just tell her that you got fed up with playing a game where the action revolves around deciding whether to paint the inside of your house peach or olive.
..and characters walk up to you and say, "EHEHEHEH... can we be best friends??? eheheh"

I don't know about you but I don't want to be friends with anybody who starts a sentence with eheheheh.

I worry about games that don't have any lasers or explosions - that's why I bought a GP2X.
With the old shoot-em-ups I can comfortably use my heavy artillery without the fear that some Animal Crossing half-man half-owl is going to show up and ruin everything by turning my recreation into a teddybear's picnic where we all take turns putting flowers in each others hair.
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A better default graphic for the menu would be good. The one it ships with is a bit of the 'coder' art style. ;)
I've said it before and i'll say it again, i'm using the very good Aurora skin, it looks so nice and makes the gp2x look very professional.

Also some kind of screen saver. ;)
I'm a simple soul... you know what I'd like to see? The ability to change the deafult text color in the GUI. I'm tired of using only dark colored skin backgrounds to accomodate the white text, I want black text at the very least - more colors would be cool.
FFNoir posted on Jul 6 2006 at 08:13 PM said:
I want MPEG and WMV support. WMV mostly because with SUPER I can't encode flv into avi and keep the audio and video in sync.

A bit late i know, but for converting .flv files to avi I use the ImToo AVI MPEG Converter.

It works really well and is quite quick as well.
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TKF15H posted on Jul 7 2006 at 02:34 PM said:
WTF, samba client is already working
Isn't it the samba server that's already working? Or are they the same thing?
Firmware 2.0 comes with the Samba server built in, but there is a Samba client available which you install to the NAND.
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Wite_Noiz posted on Jul 7 2006 at 03:13 AM said:
K0K0NUT_h3lmut posted on Jul 7 2006 at 05:34 AM said:
1. Sometimes even when im on headphones, it switches to speakers but i can still hear the headphones. So then my *put relative or family member here* gets pissed that im listening to heavy/death/whatever metal.
What model do you have? Sounds like your headphone socket needs fixing
The F-100. I sent back my first one because it had a similar problem but to an extreme, but this one seems to be kinda bad also. I don't feel like sending two back, i dont know if that is even allowed. I even bought new headphones with a goldplated jack :blink:

Oh yeah and this reminds me of another problem i have. Sometimes the sound on the songs becomes turned down alll the way and then i have to pause and unpause the song for it to be turned back up to normal.
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K0K0NUT_h3lmut posted on Jul 8 2006 at 04:42 PM said:
The F-100. I sent back my first one because it had a similar problem but to an extreme, but this one seems to be kinda bad also. I don't feel like sending two back, i dont know if that is even allowed.

of course it's allowed, you have 2 or 10 shitty machines, you send them both or all 10 , the warranry doesn't stand for each person, but for each product sold !

so fear not and send back :P
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K0K0NUT_h3lmut posted on Jul 7 2006 at 04:34 AM said:
1. Sometimes even when im on headphones, it switches to speakers but i can still hear the headphones. So then my *put relative or family member here* gets pissed that im listening to heavy/death/whatever metal.

Same thing happened to me as well. I was quite surprised the first time this happened.
I was going home on the train and was getting all these people staring at me weirdly. I had no idea what they were staring for until I got home and took off my earphones, and heard loud music coming from the speakers :o

Mine is one of the F-100's also. I just assumed it was a firmware problem, but it looks like it may be hardware related from the replies here.
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well, the headphones/speakers are toggled on/off by software afaik, maybe theres a bug in the musik player?
Vimacs posted on Jul 9 2006 at 07:07 AM said:
well, the headphones/speakers are toggled on/off by software afaik, maybe theres a bug in the musik player?

idk how it's like in the GP2X but even if it's software controlled it doesn't mean the problem is due to the software. if the connector doesn't detect the presence of the headphones correctly then you'll still have your problem.
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Jul 10 2006 at 07:39 PM said:
NoidZ posted on Jul 9 2006 at 11:42 AM said:
I hope the new firmware allows you to have full control over everything.
right, because that makes sense ;)

A non-believer! *assembles the mob* Burn him in the town square!

j/k :)
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No, but seriously, the ability to turn off the speakers for those with crappy headphone jacks who don't want to solder (even though it's incredibly easy and it took me all of 10 minutes to do it, 6 of those minutes were waiting for the soldering iron to heat up)
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