New Blog Post!

Why Lead in Toy Paint? It’s Cheaper

Why is lead paint — or lead, for that matter — turning up in so many recalls involving Chinese-made goods?

The simplest answer, experts and toy companies in China say, is price. Paint with higher levels of lead often sells for a third of the cost of paint with low levels. So Chinese factory owners, trying to eke out profits in an intensely competitive and poorly regulated market, sometimes cut corners and use the cheaper leaded paint.

Dr. Clark and a team of investigators sampled paint supplies in Shanghai and other parts of China in recent years, and in some 26 percent of the cases, they said, the paint met neither American nor Chinese standards.

Even goods at high-end shopping malls in Shanghai contained unacceptable levels of lead.

But Mr. Clark said that China was not alone in producing such tainted goods. “We also looked at India, Malaysia and Singapore,” he said, “and only Singapore met the requirements.”
mali said:
r00tw00t said:
stop scaring me!
I'm sorry if I cause sleepless nights, but the Chinese already copied the boards.

Yeah, and they also cloned the community and ourselves.
You should see the clone of myself, looks really awesome. Too bad it doesn't work at all, it can only play cheap NES clones, everything else is too complicated.

Now they only need to clone the OMAP...
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MWeston said:
[Lots of Stuff]
Ah.That clears up a lot. I take back at least fifty percent of the angry things I said about Open Pandora. Possibly more.

jake52 said:
I'm amazed hom much grief the 'Chinese' are getting in all these posts.
It's alarming. And it's never "The Factory", It's always "the Chinese". ( Of course, I make one post mocking this phenomena, and suddenly, I'm yelled at for being racist!)

EvilDragon said:
Thanks for clearing up Michael and sorry to anyone who was scared or pissed off by my blog post.
I should stop posting and do more scripting for the time being...
No. Well, yes. Scripting is good. But often through this project EvilDragon has been our best source of straight information. Even this update told us lots and where it was wrong you forced others to correct you.

EvilDragon said:
If you ever see me in real life, you're all liable to smack me :)

mali said:
I'm sorry if I cause sleepless nights, but the Chinese already copied the boards.
r00tw00t said:
I'm sorry I'm dumb. But isn't that bad Mali?
Depends, ... how fast can they get me a Pandora? :p

crade said:
Or have small children in the same house as your Pandora.
If any small child tries to eat my Pandora (s)he deserves what (s)he gets!!
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EvilDragon said:
You should see the clone of myself, looks really awesome. Too bad it doesn't work at all, it can only play cheap NES clones, everything else is too complicated.

If there was a clone of me that could only play cheap NES clones, it would be a pretty good clone! I can play real NES games too though...
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"Hey, EvilChineseDragon, wanna go play Super Mario World?"
"Negative! I can only play NES Clones. How about a nice game of 'The Great Giana Sisters'? "
r00tw00t said:
I knew it, they clone everything. Everything from China is fake!!
And everything we own is from China!

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r00tw00t said:
I'm sorry I'm dumb. But isn't that bad Mali?
Besides the issue with that one trace that caused the Wifi problem, it should be ok I think ;)
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I strongly disagree with the factory painting Pandoras because:

1. We don't know how long it will really take them to do this over the course of the 4000 or even the first 1000. They say one thing and do another and when they are told of a last minute change of plan to tweak, Openpandora gets put to the back of the queue and left wondering(as we are/have been).

2. We don't know what kind of paint they'll use. How it holds up long term. You can ask, but even the spokesperson Fatih's translator talks to might not know the correct answer. They obviously haven't understood time schedules very well. I'd rather not be worrying about lead on my Pandora even if they say it's the tastiest paint in China.

Thanks again for that direct post Michael Weston. You are one of the reasons I am still in this.
Wow I read todays blogpost and felt I just had to say this...I've been following this project when I was deciding on this or the soon to be released GP2x f200, I left my first ever job, stayed with another company for a year and a half, got engaged, got unengaged, joined the military, left the military, moved to Oxford & went back to programming for the 3rd company and having moved house 6 times! lol.

Can I say something though? As I do plan on ordering one of these...maybe batch 2 or 3 though.

Can we opt to buy the pandoras unpainted? There's just no freaking way I can buy a gadget that will likely stick in my hands for 5 hours at a time potentially absorbing lead paint.

Lead paint poisoning is not the new black.
jumpman said:
because there is NO WAY IN HELL those guys are going to paint a thousand units properly in 4 days time.
Will they paint them by hand ? I would have thought they would use a dipping tank of some kind.
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zRichi said:
I say something though? As I do plan on ordering one of these...maybe batch 2 or 3 though.

Can we opt to buy the pandoras unpainted? There's just no freaking way I can buy a gadget that will likely stick in my hands for 5 hours at a time potentially absorbing lead paint.

Lead paint poisoning is not the new black.

As long as you don't eat/breathe your Pandora, you should be fine.

"Inorganic lead is the form of lead used in lead-based paints. It is commonly encountered in harmful levels in and around houses that were painted with lead-based paints. Unlike organic lead, it may not be absorbed through the skin, but can enter the body in high amounts through ingestion or inhalation."
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EvilDragon said:
That's what's always keeping me alive when things go bad. Seeing it does work so well :)

Seeing it in the flesh will certainly placate the masses of complainers and renew some of that waning faith in the Pandora. If only you were sending some of these lovely completed Pandora's out to more specialist, understanding members of the press *hint hint* so that they could keep everyone occupied with YouTube videos, reviews and Q&As.
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mali said:
r00tw00t said:
I'm sorry I'm dumb. But isn't that bad Mali?
Besides the issue with that one trace that caused the Wifi problem, it should be ok I think ;)

Oh, that's right. For the benefit of other people who are as slow as I am : The gag here is that the boards were manufactured in China.
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