New Blog Post

mali said:
^I just think it's a neat project, thus I posted the link :)

Thank you so much! Found this:

V-USB is a software-only implementation of a low-speed USB device for Atmel's AVR® microcontrollers, making it possible to build USB hardware with almost any AVR® microcontroller, not requiring any additional chip.

Not my intention to take this further off topic, just wanted to say thanks to Mali for a lead to some nice weekend projects. :)
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Sphinxter said:
Mjlink said:
r00tw00t said:
Forget about the silkscreen. Just run the production like it was about to do before the CNY now. Haven't you noticed how everything that "needs to be done but it will only take for so long" ends up taking weeks and months?! I have seen the Pandora functional on craigix YT channel. It works! We are first batchers so everything doesn't have to be "perfect".

Just start producing cases, start assembling and ship them!

Sphinxter said:
I think it would help a great deal to know what all the lights are for.
No buttons are labeled on the iphone, the Pandora will not be a XMas tree.

Im done with waiting, produce & ship, thanks. Become Pandora literate, go naked, first batch!

It has like 8 lights on it and WTF is that supposed to mean anyway, the iPhone doesn't even have any buttons far as I can tell. Done with waiting then maybe you had better get a refund.

So one light will be power, so that leaves 7. 2 are going to be for each SDcard, so that leaves 5, one for bluetooth, one for wifi, last three for (please feel free to ask more WTF is wrong with me for not knowing this info)?

WTF I'm trying to say is the iphone has 4 buttons (home, volume up/down, power), a switch (sound/silent-vibrate), a 3.5mm headphone jack, and a power port that aren't labeled.

The deal was that this silkscreen bit was not going to delay first batch, it appears that it may or it already has (who knows WTF is going on in China at the factory at this moment and what their priority is ((is it silkscreening or finishing the case?))).

If the keyboard wasn't labeled, I could understand people's concern, but I haven't heard any people with dev Pandas complaining about the lack of silkscreen, in fact some dig it without.

I won't be giving up my order # or order for that matter, I'm truly tired of the back and forth with the factory at this point. A voice of reason telling those in charge to get their 10000 cases and find a better company to produce the case/keyboard that has better communication and customer relations. It's gonna be more expensive, but if they want to make a profit on this venture, this bottleneck will always be a nasty hurdle if it's not overcome. It won't be easy but it may become reality in 6 months or a year from now as batch 3 or 4 needs cases, after demand increases ideally.

Hope this clears up my point/lack thereof.

Peace & Haze,

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EvilDragon said:
mindlord said:
Khan said:
By the way, it has been stated that cases production starts (presumably) on Monday so... are we waiting for an initial 1000 or 2000 cases shipping in order to speed up the process (as planned previously) or do we have to wait until the whole 10000 are finished?
You misread, Production of another sample to check the silk screening starts Monday. Full-tilt mass production won't start until the decide to scrap the silkscreening altogether or keep it like it is on the sample.

Errmm... nope? Full production will probably start on Monday, as I wrote down in the blog. If they manage to present us a nice picture of a silkscreen till then, we'll go for a case without at first.
Well, they might even be able to show us a picture during production, as the silkscreen is applied after that :)
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Thanks Mali,

I've been on the road for the last three days, so its been hard to follow progress. I'm very glad that in approximately 30 hours, the cases will start.

Hoping the chinese can't figure out how to attach a photo to an email...

Peace & AMTF (Alaskan Matanuska ThunderFuck)

And there are 6 LEDs. AFAIK LEDs 7 and 8 are unpopulated and left for modding. LED 1 and 2 is for power on and battery state, 3 and 4 for SD cards, 5 and 6 for wirelesses. (Maybe wrong with exact order, and sorry no exact source, just from memory) :-)
Should be 8 LEDs:
From left to right: SD1, SD2, BT, Wifi (last too might be other way round, forgot :D), two empty spots then Charge and Power :)
EvilDragon said:
Should be 8 LEDs:
From left to right: SD1, SD2, BT, Wifi (last too might be other way round, forgot :D ), two empty spots then Charge and Power :)
LEDs 7 and 8 are populated on the board? What colours are they please? :-)
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peca said:
EvilDragon said:
Should be 8 LEDs:
From left to right: SD1, SD2, BT, Wifi (last too might be other way round, forgot :D ), two empty spots then Charge and Power :)
LEDs 7 and 8 are populated on the board? What colours are they please? :-)

Not populated, but you CAN populate them.
I thought you meant LED connections above, not actual LEDs populated, sorry about that :)
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Well at this point i'd have my pandora with or without silkscreening but I think it would be better with than without especially because we'd lose the "First batch" bit so there wouldn't be any differences between the first and second batches and I liked the fact that I was one of the first 4000.
Assuming they ship WITHOUT silkscreen, Magic Marker will fix all problems - failing that I'm sure someone can create a stick on laminate (Think PS3 TV kit sticker for DVD remote) that will suffice until everyone has the option of buying revised cases down the line/
puppydee said:
Well at this point i'd have my pandora with or without silkscreening but I think it would be better with than without especially because we'd lose the "First batch" bit so there wouldn't be any differences between the first and second batches and I liked the fact that I was one of the first 4000.

As I understand it the factory will be producing 10,000 cases in one run. I am not sure how the silk screening fits into all of this, but would only 4,000 cases have the "First Batch" print? Or would all 10,000 have "First Batch" on them since they would be done in the same run (even though 6,000 would be used for subsequent batches)?
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