Mupen64Plus Video

Enverex said:
Are games like GoldenEye and StarFox far more taxing and not likely to work yet, or have they just not been tried? (I have no idea of the requirements on the hardware for games like Banjo/Mario compared to ones like GoldenEye).

Banjo like most Rare games pushed the n64 to it's limits - in fact there's some slow down playing this on a real n64. The follow up to GoldeEye - Perfect Dark is probably the most taxing n64 game
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Enverex said:
Are games like GoldenEye and StarFox far more taxing and not likely to work yet, or have they just not been tried? (I have no idea of the requirements on the hardware for games like Banjo/Mario compared to ones like GoldenEye).
This is from November 3rd, in this thread, if it's of any interest;

Adventus said:
Goldeneye was made by Rare. Who pushed the N64 to its limits using custom uCodes
glN64 has support for the Perfect Dark and GoldenEye ucodes. It doesn't support Conkers Bad Fur Day though.

EDIT: While I'm here... Ari64, I hope you don't mind me asking, but does Star Fox 64 run ok, by any chance?
Starfox 64 is one of the better running games. Currently the training mission is about 12-15 fps@500mhz and 20-25 fps@850mhz with no frameskip. Games without many textures seem to have the best performance. Its a pity our sgx driver always converts to a swizzled format, i suspect this is a bottleneck for Mario Kart 64.
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craigix said:
kmob said:
What's the native resolution of these games? Are we down-sampling to 400x240 / 400x320 etc?

No, it was usually 256 × 224 or 320 × 240, it did support 640*480 but I doubt it was used often.

640*480 was used for these games:

Turok 2
Turok Rage wars
Turok 3
South Park
Star Wars: Rouge Squadron
Star Wars: Battle for Naboo
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
NFL Quarterback 98
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour
Road Rash 64
San Francisco Rush 2049
Hybrid Heaven

I might have missed a couple more.

That is more games then one would expect :P though a majority of those required an expansion pack to use the mode, so the lower res mode of those games should be fine.

I think the NFL game was one of them that didn't need the expansion pack to run at high resolution.
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scottm said:
Enverex said:
Are games like GoldenEye and StarFox far more taxing and not likely to work yet, or have they just not been tried? (I have no idea of the requirements on the hardware for games like Banjo/Mario compared to ones like GoldenEye).

Banjo like most Rare games pushed the n64 to it's limits - in fact there's some slow down playing this on a real n64. The follow up to GoldeEye - Perfect Dark is probably the most taxing n64 game
Yeah Rare pushed the N64 to its limits in pretty much every title they released. I Remember Donkey Kong 64, you couldn't even play it without an expanion pak. It was the first game to come with one and Perfect Dark needed it to play certain modes completely IIRC
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Would someone be kind enough to post the link to the video? I can watch it on my phone if I have the link. I am at work right now and can't watch the video.
so is this "the" n64 emulator for the pandora, or is this another one being developed? I thought some guy called ari64 or something like that was working on it?
Paradox said:
so is this "the" n64 emulator for the pandora, or is this another one being developed? I thought some guy called ari64 or something like that was working on it?

its a combined effort ari64 does the dynamic compiler and adventus helps with GLes plug-in and there are more people working on it.

So yes its the same emulator
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Derek said:
Would someone be kind enough to post the link to the video? I can watch it on my phone if I have the link. I am at work right now and can't watch the video.

And get back to work! :P
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looks pretty awesome but kind of saddening to hear it's @ 850mhz with no sound, although I suppose since it's not using any frameskip, if we have like frameskip 1 or 2 (which is not noticable at all?) then we could have sound?
Tokiopop said:
I wish someone would make a video of LOZ :(
Although not running on Pandora hardware, ZodTTD's video is fairly representative. It really needs frameskip to be playable.

I don't know why ZodTTD showed Smash Bros. The intro looks great, but the game doesn't work all that well when you really try to play.

Prometheus said:
Enverex said:
Are games like GoldenEye and StarFox far more taxing and not likely to work yet, or have they just not been tried? (I have no idea of the requirements on the hardware for games like Banjo/Mario compared to ones like GoldenEye).
This is from November 3rd, in this thread, if it's of any interest;
Um.. If you're going to quote that thread, at least quote the relevant part:
Ari64 said:
lulzfish said:
Also, GoldenEye might take a while to get up to full speed, if it ever does, since it's allegedly much tougher on the N64's hardware than Super Mario is.
I tried Goldeneye with the current emulator and it's crashing due to some TLB mapping issues. This one is going to need more work.
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ndbsolar said:
Paradox said:
looks pretty awesome but kind of saddening to hear it's @ 850mhz with no sound, although I suppose since it's not using any frameskip, if we have like frameskip 1 or 2 (which is not noticable at all?) then we could have sound?
Paradox, what makes you think that this is emulating without sound? The older videos had it...

well what gave it away was in the first post, he says it has no sound.
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ha nice, cant wait for this to be worked on more.

being able to play n64 games will make this little beauty even more desirable
wermy said:
Derek said:
Would someone be kind enough to post the link to the video? I can watch it on my phone if I have the link. I am at work right now and can't watch the video.

And get back to work! :P
Much appreciated. I am an IT guy at my job and I am waiting for a call back from someone. Should be enough time to watch the video :P
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Derek said:
Much appreciated. I am an IT guy at my job and I am waiting for a call back from someone. Should be enough time to watch the video :P

Heh, I was just teasing. ;) I'm at work too, and am waiting for the slowpoke server admins to reboot a server -- until then, I'm wasting time on here. :P
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Paradox said:
ndbsolar said:
Paradox said:
looks pretty awesome but kind of saddening to hear it's @ 850mhz with no sound, although I suppose since it's not using any frameskip, if we have like frameskip 1 or 2 (which is not noticable at all?) then we could have sound?
Paradox, what makes you think that this is emulating without sound? The older videos had it...

well what gave it away was in the first post, he says it has no sound.
I think the bigger question is the sound being emulated without output or is it not being emulated at all? If it is the later then sound will surely take the framerate down a little when its implemented.
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Derek said:
Paradox said:
ndbsolar said:
Paradox said:
looks pretty awesome but kind of saddening to hear it's @ 850mhz with no sound, although I suppose since it's not using any frameskip, if we have like frameskip 1 or 2 (which is not noticable at all?) then we could have sound?
Paradox, what makes you think that this is emulating without sound? The older videos had it...

well what gave it away was in the first post, he says it has no sound.
I think the bigger question is the sound being emulated without output or is it not being emulated at all? If it is the later then sound will surely take the framerate down a little when its implemented.

well usually when people talk about no sound with emulators like this they mean not being emulated but who knows what he meant
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