Mould Creation Time

It might be a little too early to say there will be a delay. However, Gruso should probably put a range of dates in the case completion process instead of a specific date. But from the news we have now, the worst case scenario is that the cases ship the second week of October. Which puts us in late November/Early December period for us to receive our units.
It's more like a general strike with cake than a holy day. Been a regular thing since the beginning of farming. Everyone drops whatever they're doing and goes home, factories are empty.
The good news is there's usually enough moon cake for everyone.
craigix said:
At least having 10,000 means it will be a while before we need anymore.
10,000? Wow. Maybe a silly question (and I know this is probably meant for future production runs as well), will we be able to purchase new cases? Thinking about modding it has me wondering if I'll need to drill holes. Just one slip and...
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So is the reason the holiday is so long is because National Day is on the 1st and the moon cake festival is on the 3rd?

Also, this is the second time a Chinese holiday has interfered with the Pandora's production.
-Tj- said:
craigix said:
At least having 10,000 means it will be a while before we need anymore.
10,000? Wow. Maybe a silly question (and I know this is probably meant for future production runs as well), will we be able to purchase new cases? Thinking about modding it has me wondering if I'll need to drill holes. Just one slip and...

It would also be nice to have an extra case for when my Pandora is like 10 years old and the first one is a little bit beat up from lots and lots of use.
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Yes you will be able to buy cases.

I think with this holiday there is a lot of time spent traveling before and after it, people will travel thousands of miles back home before the actual festival, so they will be leaving the factories several days before.

I don't think they will want to start any major work (such as setting up for the 10,000) if it isn't going to be finished before they leave.

Let's see what happens, remember that the PCB work goes on as normal in this time as that's in the USA.
Is this the same totally unpredictable Chinese holiday that caused a delay in the Pandora production last year?
I'm going to go out and buy a moon cake and day dream about my delayed Pandora T_T

(moon cakes are indeed delicious! If there's some sort of Asian market near you take advantage of it and join me in mourning :p )
We Make em at our House XD.

Never Expected that they would start the Holyday so long Before.

cross ur fingers PP and hope Panda Cases Roll faster than the Moon Cakes (Though the second is round)
Monk said:
Is this the same totally unpredictable Chinese holiday that caused a delay in the Pandora production last year?
Craig, you already used this excuse. If you want to keep this scam going, you need to be a little more creative. ;)

*sprinkles with extra sarcasm, in case no one got it the first time*
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This doesn't make sense to me. So apparently heaps of Chinese people have left the factory several weeks before a public holiday because it takes a few weeks to travel 1000's of kilometres. Its not like there walking several thousand kilometers, surely this cannot justify people leaving the factories severals weeks prior. How did 35 days turn into 2 months? I hope these are trustworthy people because the first time I brought something from China on Ebay was a horrible experience. They litterally made up excuses for two months saying stuff like my item needs to go back to the factory and keeping quiet most the the time. Thank god for Paypal.
Shaun. said:
This doesn't make sense to me. So apparently heaps of Chinese people have left the factory several weeks before a public holiday because it takes a few weeks to travel 1000's of kilometres. Its not like there walking several thousand kilometers, surely this cannot justify people leaving the factories severals weeks prior. How did 35 days turn into 2 months? I hope these are trustworthy people because the first time I brought something from China on Ebay was a horrible experience. They litterally made up excuses for two months saying stuff like my item needs to go back to the factory and keeping quiet most the the time. Thank god for Paypal.

Yes, China Factories normally close for around a week for 'Golden week', national holidays in China, and also the Mid Autumn festival is also during this holiday this year.
For many workers , apart from Chinese New Year , this is the longest break that they will have to go visit their families back home.
Please bear in mind that the majority of workers in factories live in dormatories near or on site, and do not have local homes.
The factories and Industrial areas are normally fairly isolated too.
Its not like people in the west that have a car, or can drive home.

China is a very big place, and huge numbers of workers migrate from home to work with all their belongings during these holidays.
The transport infrastructure is also not built to handle these huge numbers of people moving about, especially during holiday seasons, and it is always a huge pain travelling on any transport ( buses , trains, taxis) during this period.

I speak from experience, as I also oversee QC for plastics company in China.
Our factory has around 1000 workers, and normally any public holidays are accounted for in the production schedule of the factory.
I'm sure that Craigs appointed factory know exactly what they are doing, and usually they have given a conservative guess as to how it will affect production.
The 8days is probably the amount of time that the machines will be off, so they just advised that final shipment date may be pushed back accordingly.
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^ I'm glad I previewed and saw this before posting what I was going to. Much more diplomatic and informative. :)

Short version of mine: Shaun, try a little cultural sensitivity. And I'm not sure where you got weeks from, we're talking 8 days. Annoying - yes. Freak out - no.
craigix said:
We have been told that due to a Chinese holiday the cases might be delayed from being delivered by 8 days.

At least having 10,000 means it will be a while before we need anymore.

Does that mean you actually have a date when they're supposed to be delivered that is potentially going to be pushed back 8 days? Or are you guys operating in DNF-mode where you'll get them 'when it's done'?
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Suppose it actually takes them 1 week to produce all 10'000 cases. A day for setup and calibration, 2000 per day for 5 days, and one more day for cleanup, takedown, and storage. They aren't going to start with less than 7 days before the holiday then, because they need everything packed away properly. They may want to make sure they have a few days buffer, just in case, so they won't start a new project as far as 10 days before the holiday.
So the 8 days the factory is closed could theoretically be 2+ weeks delay. That's just my take on the problem.
Gruso said:
^ I'm glad I previewed and saw this before posting what I was going to. Much more diplomatic and informative.

Short version of mine: Shaun, try a little cultural sensitivity. And I'm not sure where you got weeks from, we're talking 8 days. Annoying - yes. Freak out - no.

Disregarding WizardStan's musing for a moment - maybe Shaun works short weeks?

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