Mould Creation Time

well, its been a while and there doesnt seems to be any news from the Mould and Cases.

anything new? (appart from the AV cable)

yetti Nipple Harvest?
...with the week added for the moulds and other stuff to go yet, is October/November still a reasonable expectation?
im afraid that what is going to enlarge the delay is the Shipping times. one here, one there then all goes to assembly, den go back around UK, and then shipped up
Shaun. said:
Yea I hate waiting for shipping too. Don't we need to wait for the first 100 to be shipped and tested before the rest of us people get our Pandoras.
I don't think that's the case any more.
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Gruso said:
Shaun. said:
Yea I hate waiting for shipping too. Don't we need to wait for the first 100 to be shipped and tested before the rest of us people get our Pandoras.
I don't think that's the case any more.

Could you elaborate?
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MWeston said:
This first 100 debate might not be as big of a deal as you might think. It's likely that the time difference between the first 100 and the next 1000 will only be one week if any delay at all. The first 100 will be going nowhere until the case is done and shipped since we are no longer shipping out bare boards to anyone.
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Gruso said:
Shaun. said:
Yea I hate waiting for shipping too. Don't we need to wait for the first 100 to be shipped and tested before the rest of us people get our Pandoras.
I don't think that's the case any more.

but reading the official post seems so, theres always "the First xxx have arrived" so what about the other left?
first 105, first keymats, first AV samples
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Oh, I should give newcomers some background. :) A few months back, the idea was raised of sending out the fist 100 boards for a few weeks of field testing / abuse, which might uncover any remaining issues before the entire first batch shipped. The discussion that erupted around it was lively to say the least. But it was just an idea. The MWeston post I linked above was a response to the discussion.

They didn't do a test run of 105 boards so they could ship them early; they did it because it wouldn't be sensible to run off 4,000 boards without ensuring that the manufacturing process is solid. The idea of shipping them early came after that. But chances are that by the time the cases are ready, there will be hundreds if not thousands of boards ready to go too. So no significant delay between the first 100 and the rest

I'm basing this on a post that's a couple of months old though, so don't take it as gospel or anything. That's just how I have interpreted what's going on. :)
We have been told that due to a Chinese holiday the cases might be delayed from being delivered by 8 days.

At least having 10,000 means it will be a while before we need anymore.
The Chinese Workers has now 8 days holidays? thats good for thy: when thy have holidays than they have work, i have holidays avery day because i dont have any work :(
i would like to drive the truck from chinese to america where the faktory is, thats give me about 2mounts (tm) of work :lol:
Ähm, what is a good news? that the chinese makes hollydays? or are the moulds and the cases ready and the workers chipped the case in 8days (tm) to the other faktory?, i cant follow the meantion of this good news.. ^_^
Remember it only *might* be delayed. However, what I am curious about is which Chinese Holiday? The only one I saw is this:

National Day (October 1)
It is the anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 in the wake of routing the Nationalists who have since taken refuge in Taiwan. There used to be grand parades squares of major cities of the country. Now celebrations usually take the form of parties in amusement parks by day and fire-works and grand TV ensembles during the evening. Employees enjoy two paid days-off. It is also a good occasion for many people to take a short excursion to enjoy the beauty of the golden Fall.

But this is still 2.5 weeks away. This leaves a ton of questions. Eight days from when? Are people just taking off early for this event? If this holiday starts Oct 1st, that means they wouldn't be able to ship the cases until Oct 5th, the earliest, right?

I do understand you qualified your statement with *might* delay the shipment. But how I look at it, there is still 13 business days for them to make the cases and ship them. I suppose there is a threshold somewhere, like Sept 24th. *IF* they finish the molds by Sept 24th, there shouldn't be a delay. However, if it goes past that day, everyone is going on holiday and then we are looking at Oct 5th.

This is just assumption.
Phawx said:
Remember it only *might* be delayed. However, what I am curious about is which Chinese Holiday?
Presumbly the mid-autumn moon festival, which is around October 3. This implies that they do not expect to have the cases done before then.
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Weird, the next holyday (chon chun chie) (or however it is spelled as i never learned to write))is at the end of september, so WTF? and yeah 1 October is National Day.

so i dont see why there should be delay unless the production does take down to these days, and therefore panda gets delayed once more. :(
how large is this packet going to be? and is it gonna be sent via?.

((10 000 * 1.15 * 30) / 3 600) / 24 = 3.993055.

at this point im more worried about customs stuff, if they just hooked up any packet the project would be stuck for a while.
borgqueenx said:
good news! so what does the raodmap looks like now? waiting for the cases to be shipped? putting the pandora board, keymats, nubs and cases together and ship them?
Good news! Where's the f'ing good news in a possible 8 day delay!
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