This isn't just my decision, it's the decision of the whole team. And yes, I've double checked.
It's not going to have full sized SD. It takes up too much space.
Getting angry won't change this.
Unless I don't have a clear statement from EvilDragon I don't believe there isn't space for what the community wants.
I think you sacrifice the full sized SD-slot to make Pandora 2 unnoticable smaler/thinner or to build in something additional stuff you won't tell.
If Pandora 2 is modular with any stuff behind the screen why isn't there some space on the board as it's on Pandora 1?
At least one full sized SD-slot doesn't kill the whole project. You can't tell me that. it's just some more work for you, that's it.
Did you see this:
I got 4 great working shoulder buttons into my Pandora. EvilDragon told me there is no room for them.
If you want to, it's possible to get at least one full SD-slot inside.
Take a look at your statement.
It's nothing more than you said before, it's simply other words.
I want some clear arguments what is so big that it needs more space than all that stuff inside Pandora 1. If you replace one full SD with micro SD it's even more space.
It's really not that much more to get one full SD-slot inside.
As long as I don't get some solid arguments it's nothing.
Will there be at least some spares for R2/L2 buttons or is that also to a waste for you?
Will we get R2/L2 in the end built in by default?
Tell me anything to understand why there's no room.
If you'd say we get R2/L2 instead it's some argument I can follow.
Please give me anything to understand why there's no room and you work against nearly everyone here.