Little Update

Thank you Craig and the team, please ignore the crazy people.
And TaG; you have the best analogies. They make my analogy senses tingle with delight.

A little late to the party- thanks for the updates Craig, especially the note in your second post. That definitely clears alot up about the bank issues more than most here have noticed. Thanks again, I look forward to my Pandora (plural :) ) arriving on my doorstep.
Thanks to craigix for an update. I do however feel that Craig is somehow the 'update with no new information' king, since everything he told us we already knew, with the exception of the LCD info, good to know we're not being fobbed off with used parts.

I still would have liked to know exactly how far through the refund process they were.
Thanks for the update Craig, to echo the comments above: I also appreciate a delay for no-compromise quality.

That being said, what do these info mean in term of production and schedule? At this point, I'm only interested in one question: will ANY Pandora ship before Xmas?
Racemaniac said:
just wondering, all those that thank for the update (nice gesture), what news did you actually get from it?
some rough numbers would have made it interesting for me, but i don't see anything new in this update tbh...
i don't mind if there's nothing new, but i don't like to get updates that aren't updates at all -_-
"The fact is, the community DEMANDS solid dates, DEMANDS updates, and they don't have them... so they have to make them up or give small, content- less updates. really, we brought this upon our selves (having 'promises' broken, not late release date)"
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Hey craig,
Thanks tons for the updates. Banks suck like that sometimes, happens in the US pretty often as well. It blows that a bunch of people are being a*holes about this whole thing, but then again I'm sure they've never dealt with a startup business, over $500,000, or dealing with pain in the butt manufactures who promise you the ocean before they have your cash, but give it to you one drop at a time after they get it. Keep it up and don't worry about any "extra" pandoras lying around after this. Me, and a few other i'm sure, will be picking up more as they become available.

Also, I start a full time job In January and will have vacation time by March, if you need an extra dedicated helper for a week I'd be willing to take the time off and fly out there. I've got a little bit of experience with everything and would be willing to put in whatever's needed.


You've been doing a great job dealing with the bullspit on the forums. Just keep your head like you have been, weather the storm and it'll all be worth it in the end. Thanks for all your work and dealing with the few rabid beasts prowling these parts.

Foaming at the mouth

Update no say when get Pandora RAAAARRGH!!!
Me give monies. Now DANCE!!!


j/k :lol:

Thanks for the update. Good luck with the bank.
Stinkin' banks, think they're so big using everyones money.
updates are good, even if there is no new information really, nice to know somebody acknowledges the people who made them millionnaires :P
hereitcomes said:
updates are good, even if there is no new information really, nice to know somebody acknowledges the people who made them millionnaires :P

we haven't made them millionaires yet. They have a ton of money invested in this and probably wont be out of the red until the second batch at least.

these delays are probably costing them money for more reason than one
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Craig, help , I still didnt have my reorder email. Am I one of the lucky ones or am I really unlucky.It's really a long while ago ( 3 days lol) since I send my email to ask it , but still got no responce. Thx
Mithrildor said:
Craig, help , I still didnt have my reorder email. Am I one of the lucky ones or am I really unlucky.It's really a long while ago ( 3 days lol) since I send my email to ask it , but still got no responce. Thx
No mail = no problem. That's the deal. Keep cool.
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hells_dark said:
Mithrildor said:
Craig, help , I still didnt have my reorder email. Am I one of the lucky ones or am I really unlucky.It's really a long while ago ( 3 days lol) since I send my email to ask it , but still got no responce. Thx
No mail = no problem. That's the deal. Keep cool.
Mails / refunds aren't finished yet. We'll make it really obvious when they are. Until then you might still get the email.
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Chip said:
hells_dark said:
Mithrildor said:
Craig, help , I still didnt have my reorder email. Am I one of the lucky ones or am I really unlucky.It's really a long while ago ( 3 days lol) since I send my email to ask it , but still got no responce. Thx
No mail = no problem. That's the deal. Keep cool.
Mails / refunds aren't finished yet. We'll make it really obvious when they are. Until then you might still get the email.
Is there any date we can expect that all refund emails are send?
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Mithrildor said:
Is there any date we can expect that all refund emails are send?
As already stated, we will be told when it's all over. Please employ a little patience as this is not your everyday situation, and as such, time scales are a little hard to predict.
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