Beta Minitube 1.1

sebt3 isnt the auther of minitube he ported it for us (thanks :)) no point in removing 720 and 1080 options as minitube just presents the video options given to it by youtube if you cant view 720 then just select a lower value :) if anything could be added at all I would say the option to download the video would be a brilliant addition. i just wish the wifi issue was fixed so things like this amazing app would work perfect.
Actually, I didn't ported it, I just packaged it :p
Porting mean you have to mess with the code, I have no plan at all to mess with the minitube code as i'm not a user of this. (Well I do have checked if I could add more buffer to it, but I didn't find anything usefull :( )
If someone want to hack this : go ahead, I'll provide as much help as I can :)
I've been trying to stream my TV stream (I use starmedia player to broadcasts the MMS stream). Mplayer was just quitting out until... I installed the minitube app + QT libs associated with it. I got the same results as you guys did with You Tube vids, 3 seconds then freezing, stuttering, not useable.

Then it struck me.. perhaps the QT libs addressed my problems with Mplayer and lo and behold - I ran my stream and it played... stuttering but it played; I gimped the bit rate down to 120 kbts/sec for the video and 22 kbts/sec for audio and it plays PERFECTLY.

So my assumption (as a non-coder) is that the issue you guys are experiencing are bandwidth related. I can now watch my tv wherever I have a connection... now to work on channel changing remotely....