Mame Gp32 Bad News :-(...

alyinsanfran posted on Mar 21 2005 at 08:12 PM said:
DaveC I'm with you on this. So much for the freedom of the open-source movement. These pricks sound more like Microsoft.


Be careful though.. remember, the freedom is where the guys who wrote it (including me for a small part! ;) means donating it to a license which protects it, so anyone can use it, but they too must follow the license; Franxis is actually remo,ving your freeodm by not distributing the code, since you cannot also add to it etc.

I'm totally pro franxis here, but you also should not lose your heads and be anti-MAME or anythign else here.

NO ONE is the bad guy.

This thread makes me sad.

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I just remember the sheer joy of first discovering Mame, spending inordinate amounts of time on (sigh) and thinking 'wow, these guys are the best, they're just like me 'cept for ability!'.
And I've had the same feeling with Franxis bringing it to us all. Top guy, blood and toil clearly expended on filling in the missing piece of the GP puzzle and making all us old geezers happy campers.
To have my old heroes treat my new hero like this.... It's like Superman taking Lara Croft to court for saving people. :unsure:

Franxis, take your time. With luck we'll have an *excellent* update when you're able.
Till then, back to Super Rally X..
Go for it, Francis! Don't worry about any grumpy curmudgeons on the GP32 scene -- you've already given us a kick-ass MAME and I for one am very happy with that. Thank you once again.

And if you spring up in a few months with a new version -- awesome! It'll be a great surprise.

Best wishes, dude.
skeezix posted on Mar 21 2005 at 07:28 PM said:
alyinsanfran posted on Mar 21 2005 at 08:12 PM said:
DaveC I'm with you on this. So much for the freedom of the open-source movement. These pricks sound more like Microsoft.


Be careful though.. remember, the freedom is where the guys who wrote it (including me for a small part! ;) means donating it to a license which protects it, so anyone can use it, but they too must follow the license; Franxis is actually remo,ving your freeodm by not distributing the code, since you cannot also add to it etc.

I'm totally pro franxis here, but you also should not lose your heads and be anti-MAME or anythign else here.

NO ONE is the bad guy.

This thread makes me sad.


Me too Skeezix. Me too. And point taken.
Nuff said.
PS Dungeon Master doesn't get any easier despite the years does it? :)
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Dungeon Master will always rule my world :)

Its beatable not too badly.. Now Chaos is tough; I know I got close to beating it, but I don't recall if I ever beat it. Waiting for my new BLU from DaveC to see if I can beat it on GP :)

Yes we know that rules are rules etc etc. But come on what is the big deal? The MAME project is mostly concerning PCs as that is where all of the major developement is. I can see them wanting to keep tabs on the PC version so that it doesn't get out of control. The PC version is where all of the advancements, improvements etc are so yes I can see being strict there.

But a port of an old outdated version to a handheld that almost no one knows of? I think they should have cut him some slack there. The GP32 community is so small that I think they could have just looked the other way. If someone was requesting the source and was refused, and then made a complaint i could then see it, but we know that didn't happen. It is no threat to the integrity of the main MAME project at all. Here in my state it is illegal to set off fireworks. But on the 4TH of July it goes on anyway. It is still illegal ant the police would be 100% correct by law to arrest you, but the police look the other way that day. I think that this is a case like that, yes it may be against the rules but they could give the guy a break, it is no big deal for them, it hurts nothing.
well look at it this way.. 2 months is NOTHING in GP32 time between releases (it's unusual to get updates within 6 months, sometimes!! Not that I am whining mind you)

anyway, I agree "abide by the mame license, respect the work of those who's works you are building off of"

but for that dude Haze to be rude is unappreciated, esp. considering the GP32 situation. I know "treat all the same" but come on. I am sick of the GP32 community getting shat on by outsiders (but then again, that's what keeps it cool and safe in a way, maybe.. instead of flooded with throngs of shitheads)

ah well. in any event.. good luck franx + thanks so much! you know, by now, you have our support and respect..
Short answer?

"Who are these guys? the emulator nazis? ICH BEIN NO PORT! YOU MUST POST THE SOURCE OR THE FUHRER GETS ANGRY!"

Longer anwer?

They were rude to someone who took an interest in their FREE NO PROFIT PROJECT, the situation they were in did not allow them to add source untill they were done (and why bitch? don't they have the source on their main site already?) and proved themselves to be only one notch below microsoft, and one notch above EA games.
I saw this post at work and quickly downloaded the mame port and then sent it to my ftp server at home. It is too bad that the public will not be able to see the progress of the work that you will continue to do on this port. The work that you have done so far is pretty nice stuff and will keep me playing for awhile. It would be nice though if you could keep your site updated with your progress just so we can see how it is coming along. Hopefully at some point you will get the code cleaned up enough to release along with your port in the future and we will be able to see what your school project has turned into. It is really cool that you are acctually able to use this as a school project though, school is always that mugh better when you can do somthing fun with a project and get a grade. Oh well no new mame ports for us but bust your ass on this thing and get an A on your project.
Dont worry about the "outsiders" calling you a lamer and other bullshit Franxis. The only community that matters is this one, as we directly deal with the system and we appreciate what you do.

The people in the MAME forums probably have no clue what a GP32 is to begin with, so who fucking cares what they think.
Dear Franxis,

I think you should just stick to their rules, finish the project
without releasing anything to the public besides progress
updates and a few pics from time to time, and then make
a comeback when you finishid your project and can make
the source public.

I really appreciate your work so far, and legal trouble is the
least you want right now, when you need your time to finish
your degree (or whatever, good luck by the way).

So, 2 months isn't that long, we have been waiting for other
GP32 stuff far longer than that.


P.S.: One more thing, it isn't lame to do MAME as an university
project, it is ultra-cool and I would have been happy to deal
with my hobby AND do something for university at the same
time! They are just jealous!
right... to all newbies I have a copy of GP mame which I am willing to sell for....

[Dr Evil face pulled...]

£1 MILLION DOLLARS (evil laugh!)


ebay will be flooded! i am sure! :D

sPaCe :ph34r:
Okay guys. Nobody was rude.
The MAME team did what they had to.
And they didn't flame him, they requested it via eMail.
They could've reacted differently, because he already HAD an illegal port
out to the public.

Why did they do this?

Because he broke the rules.
Even if it is a small project for a minor userbase, they can't make an exception here.

Imagine anyone releasing an illegal (withous sourcecode) MAME port for a LARGE userbase, probably very much enhanced and becoming the best ports of all - without releasing his enhancements. That could make all MAME coders angry - because they see this as a COMMUNITY project, everybody should benefit from the changes someone made.
And IF someone released a major illegal MAME port - how could they explain they didn't complain against the GP one (if they knew about it)?
That's the problem - if they start to make exceptions, everyone else could be asking for exceptions... or do the same thing for a major community.

They probably wouldn't have done anything if Franxis didn't contact them - as they could've said "I didn't know about this port!", but as he wrote an eMail to them, they can't stick to that.

So, the MAME team is nice - but they did what they had to.
Franxis also is nice - but did what he had to.

So just wait until his project is over (2 months) and be prepared for a new MAME version. No big deal, eh?
Wow shocked to read the emails they've sent you Franxis.

As everyone else has said dont worry about not releasing a new emu for a while, your studies and social life should be #1

I do find a lot of double standards though, its like people preaching about how bad 'roms' are and then the next minute theyre playing tons of mp3's on their machine, hypocrites !

I didnt realise MAME wasnt open source though, just to me sounds a bit hypocritical when theyre releasing an emulator to play other peoples roms for free. So theyre moaning if people might use the code or not post the binaries but its okay for them to release an emulator where 10000's of people are going to download free roms to run on it and they dont care about those companies who created the original games ?

Just stinks of double standards to me.

What you have released has been amazing so far and i'm sure most of us will help out any newbies if theyre after the files and missed them the first time round.
psj3809 posted on Mar 22 2005 at 09:06 AM said:
i'm sure most of us will help out any newbies if theyre after the files and missed them the first time round.

I wont.... newbies will pay!

im gonna make millions and billions on ebay :P , ive already ripped off the whole of ED's archive and put it on a big lovely DVD, with the addition of lots of cracked copies of Game parks games and now MAME...

all I need to do is start a rumour that beta 6 is faster than DrMD 2.0 and Ill be rich... rich I tell ya!

sPaCe :ph34r:

P.S. and i wouldve gotten away with it too if it wasnt for you meddling kids! :D
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EvilDragon posted on Mar 22 2005 at 08:55 AM said:
So, the MAME team is nice - but they did what they had to.

Probably true but that was one pretty strongly worded email to someone who doesn't speak english as his first language (so it may have seemed even stronger to him). MAME is supposed to be a community project so one would hope that they would try to avoid scaring/pissing off new contributors.

@Franxis: Thanks for your work on GPMame so far. Good luck with the uni course and please keep us up-to-date with how it goes :)

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I think that the thing that has annoyed most people is not that Franxis has been asked to withdraw the port but the manner in which he was asked. It costs nothing to be civil and I'm sure if Haze had been civil it would have changed the entire tone of this thread from one of MAME team bashing to oh well never mind we can wait two months.

The way I look at it is this. We waited a very long time for MAME so who cares if we have to wait 2 months for an even better version :)
BaDToaD posted on Mar 22 2005 at 10:21 AM said:
I think that the thing that has annoyed most people is not that Franxis has been asked to withdraw the port but the manner in which he was asked. It costs nothing to be civil and I'm sure if Haze had been civil it would have changed the entire tone of this thread from one of MAME team bashing to oh well never mind we can wait two months.

The way I look at it is this. We waited a very long time for MAME so who cares if we have to wait 2 months for an even better version :)

Agree with you 100% !!!!

Franxis has created an amazing emulator, we still have 'f' day to look forward to as well !

I must admit though i do blame Franxis as i am totally addicted to Penguin Kun Wars and keep playing that game a ton as i so badly want to win it (keep getting beaten in the semi-final) !! ;-)
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I won't say anything that hasn't been said already. But still, I'll say it :P

Franxis > 1) Protect your neck, it's important (you know that, I'm sure... but you may not know how important it can be !)
2) Don't get depressed by lamers who call you a lamer... you're not the first one who went through this (btw, did you know that such people usually don't even code and are just massive pirates on top of being plain lamers...)
3) Don't try to explain things to lamers, they're better at not understanding that you'll ever be at explaining!

The MAME team > I've seen you a bit more gentle in your mails... but still you did the right thing. Now, be kinder when Franxis goes back on the "right" track 'kay ;)

Everyone > Just be cool (most of you are cool anyway :) ), it's annoying, it's unpleasant, but no one's really guilty on this one...

P.S. I share the idea that on the GP scene, 2 months is but a little time ^^