Let's help Skeezix & b_o_b add games to Compo4all MAME

Because I do not mind other things being added...so long as good MAME stuff is also being added.
pls teach Kumaki to add MAME stuff already ... Kumaki pls.

BTW for $50 a game I will try to add any games you request.  Price subject to renegotiation after I discover whether this is easy or difficult.
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Bear in mind I am trying to go for mass appeal, but not flood things yet. If pmprog gets some good filtering options going, and we can convince milkshake to do the same, I can dump in a hundred games and not sweat it. But adding too many right now may be cumbersome.

If we add onyl a few each month, then theres likely (guessing :) a bunch of people going to thit the new stuff, plus hammering their old favorites; but if we drop in too many, people spread too thin maybe?

I really don't know, we're winging it here :)

Frogger is a pretty big title, so I can drop it in soon, or wait till next month ..

Again, trying to get a feal here for what people prefer; I rather think, if we had filtering, it'd be big dump time, but we don't ;) (its up to the clients/web .. the server publishes genre and platform already.)

Hey Jeff, would it be possible to add a voting/rating system and maybe we could just keep the top 10 titles per month?

I agree we don't want to just flood this with titles, as then many won't get played, or appreciated, but certain titles I don't feel are a good fit here, but may have been added for a few peoples interest.

So an example would be a running tally for all the games currently playable, and then at the end of the month, the top 7-8 most played games can be kept and then 2-3 new games added to round out the set amount(we can all vote to see how many is a good amount for monthly play). This way, we keep the most played/popular titles and we still get new games to enjoy without over doing it.

Then as the month goes along, we can have a voting system to select the the 2-3 new titles. Doing it this way, we can insure that however many games are in Compo for the month, they are always the best and most popular titles available.  Just a thought ;)

a voting/rating system and maybe we could just keep the top 10 titles per month?
This would be a good idea for choosing the "front page" titles, but if you disable or delete titles it would make people angry!  Grr!

I reckon there's no need for voting as such, just check which games people are playing most.

Maybe drop 2 lowest "front page" games and add the two highest "other" games at the start of each month, with a manual override!

As for filtering, I think we just need two sections "main titles" (for the month) and "all titles"; keep it simple.

I'd also like to see a compo4all "libre office" where the score might be total number of characters typed or documents created...

compo4all system-info, for the shortest time from full battery to exhausted!  nah, just kidding
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Hey Jeff, would it be possible to add a voting/rating system and maybe we could just keep the top 10 titles per month?

I agree we don't want to just flood this with titles, as then many won't get played, or appreciated, but certain titles I don't feel are a good fit here, but may have been added for a few peoples interest.

So an example would be a running tally for all the games currently playable, and then at the end of the month, the top 7-8 most played games can be kept and then 2-3 new games added to round out the set amount(we can all vote to see how many is a good amount for monthly play). This way, we keep the most played/popular titles and we still get new games to enjoy without over doing it.

Then as the month goes along, we can have a voting system to select the the 2-3 new titles. Doing it this way, we can insure that however many games are in Compo for the month, they are always the best and most popular titles available.  Just a thought ;)

I am against that idea.

There should be as much choice as possible, and I sure as hell don't want MY choice limited to what other people may like.

Or we'll end up with ten Street Fighter clones and maybe Metal Gear...and none of the games I like.

I would not push my choices on everyone else...and cause THEIR favorites to get eliminated in favor of MY favorites...I'd rather see EVERYONE'S favorites in there.

I just know if we put this to some kind of vote...all the games I like would get eliminated in favor of crap games that I don't like.  Games like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat and Metal Gear would be there, and goobye Burgertime, Ms Pac Man, Frogger, if we ever get it...

no, I', totally against votes on getting rid of anything.

And no votes on getting new stuff, because otherwise some stuff some people might like would NEVER get added in favor of other crap.

Even in America, the majority does not always get what they want.

Look at reformed gun control, for example.  In the wake of the Newtown shootings, 90 percent of americans favor stricter gun control laws, but are we getting any?  Nooooope.

And what's wrong with a filtering system that is user-defined?  FBA can do it.  You can see ALL TITLES...or just the titles YOU have installed.

Then it can move favorites to the top, and non-favorites at the bottom.
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Okay, I see that side now....and I agree with it too.  People, it's just GAMES.....we're going to get our favorites in there.  Maybe it will take bribery this time?  Who knows...

I was just mostly curious about the whole thing and I may have prematurely adjudicated myself....Oh I am so witty and pithy....wherw oh where is my cup o' tea and matching doily?

I say that the masses are asses and we are them.  We want what we want.  I also have to personally praise Skeezix and Co...it's quite an accomplishment so far, but I really need to play MY game!.  Sorry...no shouting....
I'm not trying to take titles away from ANYONE, but trying to keep interest up. The more games we add, the less likely older and less interesting games will be played. 


I personally don't like the idea of even having fighting games here at all, as they are competition based by nature, and unless you can play another user head to head, playing for score is useless IMO. Plus without proper six button layouts(at least for SF), the game is gimped to me in the same way a driving game or other special controlled game would be(Temest, Ikari Warriors, Super Sprint, etc). Most recent games don't even run well under this Mame, so I don't see an issue of more recent games ever being added, which is good, as I personally prefer the older more classic games(Yes, I prefer Bugertime, Ms Pacman, Frogger, Donkey Kong, as well).

As far as your personal favorites go, what good are they for you to play, if no one else is playing them? This is a "competition" program and I'm just giving suggestions to make sure the "competition" continues. I have some personal favorites as well, but I would hate to play them a few months from now, and no one else is playing them. What's the point in being number 1 in DK if no one else is playing that title. I might as well just be playing Mame4All, and competing with my own top scores.

These suggestions are only to keep the "competition" alive month after month. Not to exclude personal favorites from users. If I'm the only one playing one of my favorite games, everyone has to see the clutter and uselessness this would cause in the long run.

I've also suggested in the past, that unless a game runs at full speed on a stock Pandora, the game should not be added, as that game is "broke", and offers uneven advantages to certain players. The same goes for games that allow continues in which your current score is kept, or if graphic clarity is an issue. 

Certain ideas and concerns have to be addressed, so EVERYTHING is fair for EVERYONE :D  I know Jeff is doing his best to add games that everyone can enjoy, as the games I like, others may not, but certain games, just  shouldn't be included here for different reasons(controls, speed, continues, clutter, etc).


I like your idea of keeping the top 10 games on the front page and rolling the rest to pages 2-3. So this way to hottest and most played games stay in the forefront. I personally like competing in games where the competition is high VS. A game where only a few players are competing. The voting portion of my statement was more for adding new games or selecting overall amounts of games we use in a one month period(I do believe there should be a cap).

As for picking the top titles each month, a game counter is just fine. The amount of times current games are played is perfect, and can be done automatically and readjusted each month when the scores reset to zero.

Even if no one else is playing it...why not?

Why take it away from someone else?  Especially since someone else MIGHT decide to play it.

Once a game is on Compo...it should STAY on compo.

And the front-end COULD be ordered so that the most popular games are on the first page (based on actual number of plays) - NOT VOTING.  If you like the idea of VOTING...then think of every time you play a particular game...as casting a vote for that game!

Most popular should definitely be a function of what is actually played most...or by the most people.  Not a function of just putting a poll up on the Forum.

It could also be customizeable for each player.

This way, perhaps you could set it up to show all titles, where I might wish to show only the titles I have.

I could push my own favorites to the front screen, and you could push yours.

Or, with a toggle, you could make it order the most popular ones to the front page...or back to your custom set-up.

Again, I'm all in favor of more choices, more customization options...and I'm in favor of not taking any choices away from anyone.

It would be like any other MAME program on Pandy...you could have as many...or as few...games as you want in your own list.

Isn't that better for everyone?

Personally, if it were ME...playing a game others might not like...I'd be inclined to start a thread, issuing a public challenge to "kick anyone's ass at Game X"

And betcha a few folks would take up the challenge!

In short, my point is...more is always better...and users can prune down to what they want.  This is better for everyone.
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Hey Jeff, would it be possible to add a voting/rating system and maybe we could just keep the top 10 titles per month?

I agree we don't want to just flood this with titles, as then many won't get played, or appreciated, but certain titles I don't feel are a good fit here, but may have been added for a few peoples interest.

So an example would be a running tally for all the games currently playable, and then at the end of the month, the top 7-8 most played games can be kept and then 2-3 new games added to round out the set amount(we can all vote to see how many is a good amount for monthly play). This way, we keep the most played/popular titles and we still get new games to enjoy without over doing it.

Then as the month goes along, we can have a voting system to select the the 2-3 new titles. Doing it this way, we can insure that however many games are in Compo for the month, they are always the best and most popular titles available.  Just a thought ;)

My original thought was .. even if you dump a pile in, or just add a few over time.. eventualyl you will have an unmanagable number, whatever number that is. Eventualyl you have to filter to make easy to find, but also.. to help people clump together (for those that want to compete) you need to motivate somehow.

So just have a random (or some other criteria.. theme, manually picked, whatever) highlight set. This woudl be the _ROT_ part of it.

The idea was.. compo4all is the framework and the ability to rank any game in the system; the ROT part is the actual tournament, be it free or with prizes, where some _subset_ of games each month woudl be the ones that "matter".

So maybe one month would be Platform Games, or maybe just DK+DKjr, or some other group (randomly pick 10), etc.

That month, many people would jsut compete those titles; the frontend coudl have a tab to show the highlighted ones, or just show them in red instead of default, or whatever highlight mechanism that author sees fit. But you could still play the other un-ROTted games, they would just no tfactor into ROT, but would still be ranked.

We'd just need a game master to manage votes or otherwise pick which games to highlight, and some tool to let them do the highlighting.

(also note, some number of people will want to play against themselves; surely they could just use panmame, but maybe they want to play some C4A "ROT" style, and other games just monitor their own personal best, and see it on the flashy websites we're building. Why not?

Once we have 'achivements' in there too, maybe there will be achievements for personal best or number of times played or who knows what, so whynot play in C4a instead of (say) panmame, just for that?

And for the record, I have no problem with having LibreOffice or gcc in there -- I was the one who brought up this very (sickly) idea ;) I'm actively pursuing some crazy ideas down these roads. I am your humble servant, trying to find ways to waste your time and mine both =)

How about a few different spins on it for some 'meta' filters...

1) 10 Most Played Games (Last Month/All Time)

2) 10 Least Played Games (Last Month/ All Time)

3) Golden Games (Developer Favorites Last Month/ All Time)

4) New Games (Last Month)

5) Highest Scored Games (Last Month/ All Time)

6) Lowest Scored Games (Last Month/ All Time)

7) Most Requested Games (Last Month/All Time)

8) Most Favorited Games (Last Month/All Time)

I'm sure there's a million more ways to do this... but... uhm... yeah... I spent too much time thinking about this already :p
Too many different filters.

All that is needed, really is...

All Titles

Installed Titles Only

Then, for ordering, you could do...

Personal Favorites to Front

Ten Most Played to Front

That should be good enough to get the job done.
No, I mean 'compo titles'.. there are a couple of concepts that are not obvious right now, since they are not exercised yet..

There are 'all games'; each game has a genre, a field, and an active state

genre: platform, maze, runngun, etc are the config names, for example; stuff like "Platformer", or "Shmup", etc.

field: Indie, arcade, snes, etc... the 'field' these guys are in (platform really, but platform I use to mean host platform like pandora, raspberry pi, etc.)

active: could be 'available' for play (show in the front end), or active in ROT tournament (to be highlighted or in special tab or whatever)


The whol system is 'compo4all', but at any given time, some few of those games ocul be ROT tournament games. I know, I made the brand a big mess, but that was the goal..

So if we have 50 game s(or 26 like we have now!), only maybe say 5 will be an active tournament for the week or month, but asll of them are available.

So by default a frontend should have an all games tab or display, a ROT tab or highlightas in the list, plus tabs or filters for others.. most popular, more recently played, and personal favorites and personal scores over time, etc..
