Let's help Skeezix & b_o_b add games to Compo4all MAME

Zipping up files is no rocketscience ;)
but i have never used that app in pandora.

to be honest, I have NEVER zipped files.  I have only ever UNZIPPED them.

I am not normally in the habit of sending large files, hence never had the need to zip files.

Most I have ever done is add files to an existing zip...I had to do it to a few MAME games to make them work.

My point being I have never created a zip from scratch.
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This should be plenty to keep my busy awhile, anyway, but feel free to keep going ;)

If no one fgot R-Type, get that in there ;)

And AD&D Tower of Doom and Shadoe over Mystario

King of Dragons

Knight of the Round

Golden Axe

Bomb Jack included here, I'll have a go at Bosconian and city connection later!

Others in Skeezix list above I'll dig up and have a go this evening.

in this lot:

Bionic Commando (bionicc.zip)

Bombjack (bombjack.zip)

Cavelon (cavelon.zip)

Donkey Kong Jr (dkongjr.zip)

Dynablaster (dynablst.zip)

Ghosts n Goblins (gng.zip)

Moon Patrol (mpatrol.zip)

Pang (pang.zip)



  • PanMameSaves4.zip
    6 KB · Views: 215
OK, a few of the requested:

Bosconian (bosco.zip)

City Connection (citycon.zip)

D&D-Shadow over Mystara (ddsom.zip) (Note: allows continues WITH score!)

King of Dragons (kod.zip)

New Rally X (nrallyx.zip)

Might be a problem with the D&D games - you keep your score on continues, you just lose your character progress I think? I'll do the other if you want, but that could be 'problematic' !

Also tried Golden Axe - but it doesn't have a conventional scoring system and doesn't record a name... have a look - the base score to beat is '50 pts' but it appears you only need to keep pumping coins in and bashing away for as long as you can, could just become an endurance test?

Had a quick shot at R-Type, it has a pretty high score minimum to get recorded, will have to have another crack at that...



  • PanMameSaves5.zip
    3.9 KB · Views: 255
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More choices:

Gorf (gorf.zip)

Missile Command (missile.zip)

Mario Bros (mario.zip)

Popeye (popeye.zip)

Toki (toki.zip)

Knights of the Round (knights.zip)

Scramble (scramble.zip)

Road Fighter (roadf.zip)

Silkworm (silkworm.zip)

'Knights of the round' as requested - but take a look, it's another that allows continues with the score intact.



  • PanMameSaves6.zip
    6.7 KB · Views: 216
yeah, I worked on R-Type for awhile as well; I used to be 'okay' at it .. played a lot back in the day, and I've got an r-type pcb for my home arcade, used ot play that. But my skills are long gone.. and ksills in R-type means 'memory of the levels', since its one of those games.. doesn't matter how good you are, you have to memorize how the levels work :)

So I fiddled around for 156mins, couldn't register a score, moved on :)

If someone can get that nailed, I'll be happy :)

Pooyan (pooyan.zip)

Anteater (anteater.zip)

Time Pilot (timeplt.zip)

Solomons Key (solomon.zip)

Terra Cresta (terracre.zip)

Roc n Rope (rocnrope.zip)



  • PanMameSaves7.zip
    4.1 KB · Views: 244
Tutankham (tutankhm.zip)

UN Squadron (unsquad.zip)

Timepilot '84 (tp84.zip)

Toypop (toypop.zip)



  • PanMameSaves8.zip
    3 KB · Views: 231
Kung-Fu Master (kungfum.hi)

Contains 16 records of the following - counting from the bottom to the top

Offset | Description
00 | [score / 10] nn0000 mask
01 | [score / 10] 00nn00 mask
02 | [score / 10] 0000nn mask
03-05 | Three character name
Then a "Top Score" of 3 bytes, however, interestingly, the mask of offsets 00 and 02 are reversed for this
Note: Each byte of the high score stores the score visually correct, but not digitally. ie, a value of "25" in hex does not equal 19, it actually equals "25". Below is my default hiscore file

00000000 00 14 95 54 41 2E 00 15 38 41 41 41 00 15 72 4E ·¶òTA.·§8AAA·§rN
00000010 4E 49 00 16 52 41 41 41 00 18 21 49 4B 4F 00 19 NI·▬RAAA·↑!IKO·↓
00000020 85 41 49 2E 00 20 07 41 4E 4F 00 21 01 4D 2E 4B àAI.· •ANO·!☺M.K
00000030 00 25 51 49 49 41 00 25 70 48 41 54 00 26 35 41 ·%QIIA·%pHAT·&5A
00000040 2E 54 00 28 11 59 45 2E 00 30 21 53 41 49 00 35 .T·(◄YE.·0!SAI·5
00000050 50 49 48 4D 00 38 10 41 4E 49 00 39 18 54 53 49 PIHM·8►ANI·9↑TSI
00000060 00 39 75 42 41 48 00 40 10 54 2E 4B 00 43 15 53 ·9uBAH·@►T.K·C§S
00000070 55 49 00 48 52 4E 2E 41 52 48 00 UI·HRN.ARH·
So for the first entry (which is 16th position) has an actual score of 14950, and is stored as hex 00 14 95.Starting from offset 000072 - you'll see the highest top 16 score (00 48 52, which equals 48520 ingame), and the last three bytes (52 48 00) is also the same score, but this is shown in the "Top Score" when playing the game.

Hope this helps
Kung-Fu Master (kungfum.hi)

Note: Each byte of the high score stores the score visually correct, but not digitally. ie, a value of "25" in hex does not equal 19, it actually equals "25". Below is my default hiscore fileSo for the first entry (which is 16th position) has an actual score of 14950, and is stored as hex 00 14 95.

Starting from offset 000072 - you'll see the highest top 16 score (00 48 52, which equals 48520 ingame), and the last three bytes (52 48 00) is also the same score, but this is shown in the "Top Score" when playing the game.

Hope this helps
Great analysis.

The encoding scheme you discribe for the numbers, is called "packed BCD" I think.
Chase H.Q. (world)

10 records of the following:

 Offset  |  Description
  00-04  |  Score in BCD, most significant bit first (02 59 20 20 = 5292020 ingame)
  05-06  |  Display control bytes? Irrelevant to scoring anyway
  07-09  |  Player's name - 3 char
  0A-0F  |  Display related - irrelevant to scoring
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Must be anticipation jitters! (scramble .hi file posted above)

R-Type (rtype.zip)



  • PanMameSaves10.zip
    1.8 KB · Views: 229
Away from pandora unfortunately: Could anyone try Space Duel? It?s like Asteroids but bedtter.