The French always have to complicate things. For instance Composite video via Y/R/W cables... nice and simple, small. The French though had to make the SCART standard... so now you need a composite cable with the SCART connector or an adapter. Rediculous
May I remind you that SCART is one of our greatest (but also rare) inventions of the IT world, along with Gouraud shading and the Minitel ? And AFAIK, SCART makes for a much better standard for television and video games than S-Video, which was much more of a standard in its time than RCA. And I'm not even talking about the RF connector...
Anyway, I'm surprised to hear the news here, on an international forum, linking to an american website, instead of local news. Maybe I should listen to them, after all.
I'm glad I haven't bought a new keyboard after all. Mine should last long enough to see where this leads.
Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty sure this won't get far. As long as it involves fixing what most people think of as not broken, we froggies can get really lazy and unwilling.
But there is a need. I've given some thought about getting a QWERTY with Compose or BÉPO keyboard. And I can type on AZERTY while wearing a blindfold. That sums up how deep we are in this.
Actually, if one gets to know what can be done with this layout, we only need these keys for most use cases : é, ç, à, ù and œ. We have most of them as lowercase only, but some of them are unobtainable unless we use fancy commands.
I'm actually surprised we didn't try anything sooner. I guess that's the french way of doing things : waiting until it's too late, silently complain then freak out when nobody can do anything anymore.
It's tragic how we're slowly destroying our language with this hell of a layout. Most of us have come to think that if you can't type it, then it's orthographically acceptable. I refuse to lose hope. Let the war flame on.