It Sucks To Be A Visually Impaired Student

May 25, 2004
I am a student at the Governor Morehead school for the Blind in Raleigh North Carlina. Being a student at this school is a living BEEP. At the following address is a letter written though by a handfull of the Highschool students at GMS. Link: It somes up conditions that students(and Staff) have to endure on a regular basis. I have posted this here to get feedback from some outsiders on my schools condition.

To generalnmx: I unforunatly don't have a GP32(weeps), But it is on my to buy list. As for something comparable I have over the years had a Gameboy Pocket/Color/Advance/Sp and given proper lighting the GBP was the only one that was hard to see, and mainly on games with to much details in their graphics to work well in B&W. The Sp with built in light was godsend though(playable in anylight)
Good god those are inhumane conditions! If I was still in high school and told my mother something like this was happening, she would tackle our State Governor and not let go until something happened (tackling him in the non-lewd way of course). That's just how my mother is, always the outspoken advocate for student's rights, especially her own.

Given the severity of the situation, the only and best option is to get this out to as many parents as possible. If everyone doesn't have internet access, print out a copy and distribute it to every student possible. Have them mail it to their parents, or better yet hand it to them directly and discuss the issue. Hundreds of angry parents can get things done.

If even they are silenced, a teacher's strike may work to stir up some results.

By the way, a little off topic, but I find it curious that a visually impaired person owns a Gamepark32. Although I myself am slightly visually impaired (glasses), I do have trouble seeing the tiny GP32 screen at times. Have you found any trouble viewing the device?

Not enough food = scary, since I'm growing a lot and need lots of food :D. My last school's cafeteria (homeschooled now) let us eat as much as we could for some monthly price, and if we didn't pay hat price, we could take all we wanted for money. GMS sounds mean <_<.