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Nov 16, 2003
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Here's the GP32 playing it's first Lynx game:


It's just a small amount slower than the real thing at the moment, there are no controls and no sound support.

As you can see, it really needs some screen scaling too, but that shouldn't be difficult to do.

Shame it's not going to be ready for GBAX04 :(
WOOHOO! way to go Squidge just the fact that you're making progress on it makes my morning! (wait, can it be morning if I havent been to bed yet?... I better hit the sack so I can wake up and praise you again for your work)

Keep it up! :D
Excellent work, and very quick to get to this stage.

Just a small amount slower? What are we talking 90% and that's unoptimised?

Again excellent start!!
Squidge posted on Apr 30 2004 at 10:09 AM said:
Here's the GP32 playing it's first Lynx game:


It's just a small amount slower than the real thing at the moment, there are no controls and no sound support.

As you can see, it really needs some screen scaling too, but that shouldn't be difficult to do.

Shame it's not going to be ready for GBAX04 :(
Isn't there already any Lynx emu on GP32?!!!

So what is this?
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That version is a port of an old version of Handy, it's slow & doesn't support sound :

"At the moment Chip's Challenge runs with 20 fps (here: 's' aren't seconds :], but nearly the same) The starttime from the games is increased, but only the logic-games are a bit playable. And the games don't have sound"

Mines already faster than that :)

Yes, I'm using code from Handy to help write this Emu, but it's certainly NOT a port (as that would be wayyyy too slow)
Blue lightning rocks!

The lynx truely was a system before its time - nothing else handheld touched the hardware til the gp32 and gba came out
Great!!!!!! :lol:

My last handled Console will right emulated...!!!


looking forward to see your work



Her. :ph34r:
Great news! I'm very very impressed with just how fast you've managed to make progress on the emu having announced it - what - a week ago. Good luck in getting it to a good state - this is yet another piece of software I'm oh so looking forward to...
Yeah! Nice one Squidge!

Now look what you have made me do - You have only made buy an Atari Lynx due to all this talk! <_<

Seriously, what is the potential of this emu? I am delighted that there could be a decent one out. I used to own one, and it brought so many good times, until the screen backlight broke! :angry:
why arn't i a programming god....then you would all praise me.....

btw.....i praise squidge....truly a programming god....(unlike me....who i don't praise).
Yes! <_<

Oh well, it is my birthday today! :P So i suppose i deserve getting myself an Atari Lynx. I am without my GP32 at the mo, as i sent it to mashmods for voltage, screen and d-pad mod.
Nice one Squidge! If you could just get it to run games properly at a good speed without sound that would be progress enough!