Certified Guru
I'm in need of some icons for the menu system in my emu, is anyone willing to draw some? I've looked around in google for the past hour, and although I can see some suitable ones, I can't find everything in the same set, and pinching icons for different sets looks ugly due to different styles/sizes/etc.
So I'm looking for an icon for each one of the "main menu" items, which currently consists of:
Return to game
Load ROM
Reset game
and a background/backdrop image *
(If you would like further options, then design icons for those too and they just may make it into the emu too
However, note that stuff like vsync, frameskip, etc will be in the "settings" menu)
Icon size can be between 16x16 and 64x64, but they should all be the same size. All files should be 24bpp BMP's. These files will be seperate from the emu, so can be changed at any time.
* The background image size is 320x240. However, when the menu is active, you will only see approximately 30 pixels on the left and right side of the background and 10 pixels at the top and bottom of the background. So placing a lot in the middle will be a waste of time, as it will hardly ever be seen.
EDIT: Here's an example of a 16x16 icon, 64x64 and backdrop picture, so you know how it'll all fall into place: http://www.squidgey.plus.com/Cap_2.bmp
So I'm looking for an icon for each one of the "main menu" items, which currently consists of:
Return to game
Load ROM
Reset game
and a background/backdrop image *
(If you would like further options, then design icons for those too and they just may make it into the emu too
Icon size can be between 16x16 and 64x64, but they should all be the same size. All files should be 24bpp BMP's. These files will be seperate from the emu, so can be changed at any time.
* The background image size is 320x240. However, when the menu is active, you will only see approximately 30 pixels on the left and right side of the background and 10 pixels at the top and bottom of the background. So placing a lot in the middle will be a waste of time, as it will hardly ever be seen.
EDIT: Here's an example of a 16x16 icon, 64x64 and backdrop picture, so you know how it'll all fall into place: http://www.squidgey.plus.com/Cap_2.bmp