F200 Icons - 1/2 Size?


Certified Guru
Jan 31, 2008
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I've recently received my F200 for winning the GLBasic/GP2X.de coding competition with B'lox! and one of the first things I noticed was that the icons appear to be half the size of those on the F100 (16x16 instead of 32x32). Many of the icons now just look odd now, as they are not scaled down, just cropped. Even the folder icons look crap.

Is there any way (on the standard menus) to use 32x32 icons?

The F200 is using Firmware 4.0 (why on earth does it take so long to boot up the F200 - I thought the F100 was bad enough!).
I don't think you can change the view to fully show the 32x32 icons on the default menu. I'm just using GMenu2X instead, which shows the 32x32 icons correctly; not to mention, it is more useful and better looking.

Well, I can't really complain on the boot time (and all the other quirks) as I never had a F-100 to compare. I just got used to it. :P

Congrats again for winning the competition. :)
Great to hear. :)

Hmm... I am currently making a puzzle pack consisting of 20 new puzzles, and I wanted them to be included in an updated release of B'lox!... but it seems I won't make it. I only have around 10 at the moment. (I actually made more, but I scrapped the ones I don't find as good.) :P
I'll be updating my site at some point and will have individual sections for my games.

Whenever you're done, just send them to me and I'll update them on there. I can add a message in the game to say that new puzzles can be downloaded from there.

The update will also scale the pc version up, so it's not quite as small. :)
Will do... but it might take awhile as I am slow.

Creating puzzles is suprisingly fun. :lol: