Sorry for the delay, I haven't been near computer for the weekend.
So you expect ED to delay (by 2months) the pyra release because you wanna win an internet point ?
No. Because I'm tired of failing Pandora cables (after the first one failed, I bought the supposedly better one, that shouldn't be prone to that issue, and guess what - it starts failing too) and I would like Pyra to do better. If what ED proposes as a solution works - it's great. But I think there is a reason laptop manufacturers don't use twisted flex foil cables like that, but bunched tiny wires instead.
Also it would actually be a time-saver, not a delay. The cable I suggest is an of-the-shelf part - no special design, no various shapes testing, no dozen of prototypes to get the perfect one. The board connector patterns would have to be modified - that's a loss, and I regret I haven't got that idea earlier. But I think it's worth at least a consideration for the future, if not feasible from the start.
Not quite accurate. I am very familiar with stranded ribbon cables.
Not quite accurate. This isn't a stranded ribbon cable

This cable is made of
individual wires. Not connected mechanically apart from the end connectors. You can actually see that in the second picture. The wires can move freely independently of each other.
You miss one point.
You need to get the whole thing including the connector through the small hinge, not only the wires.
I guess it's a comment for my post.
No, you don't have to get the connector through the hinge. See the ED's video about the flex foil cable - does the connector go through the hinge? No. The connector goes through the slot in the case. The connector of my cable is 1mm thick, so the slot wouldn't have to be much bigger than it is now. Also the slot could be much shorter, maybe not required at all, as you can actually bend the wires near the connector sideways at 90deg, and probably get the whole thing through the bigger hinge hole in the bottom case.
This is only an example. It can bend more if necessary.
Alright, I stated my point, and won't argue about that any more, unless asked something specific.