I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

Just got my GP2X F200 and I am in love. The battery life kinda suck but I got the AC cord and a battery charger so I will live. I am totally addicted...already got my fav retro games running for all the systems and I am currently searching for a good media/music player for it (Does the GP2X play AVI...or just DIVX and XVID?). Any suggestions are welcome.
Hey guys and gals.

I also recently got my gp2x F200. I like the style, form-factor, color, etc, but dang, the software on it was disappointing. Like e.g. the volume control. Is it only me, or shouldn't the volume be some kind of global control so i don't have to adjust the volume for every single game i start? Usually i start a game and the first thing i have to do is turn down the volume. But ok, i think this is because they added a more powerful amp to the new model. The sadest thing is that most homebrew games don't even support the volume controls, but I suspect this is because they are really GP32 games. Anyways, all in all i love the machine, the touch screen is great to have. I have allready made my first game (it's only a Memory game) using the stylus, and i have some more games planned, both using touch-screen and also some 2 player games where two people play oposite each other, one using the dpad and volume buttons while the other uses the ABYX + select/start. Hopefully it should make for some fun 2 player games.

Look at that, i'm still babling on.

Ah, does anyone know what is "the (un)official" place to upload my games?

Thanks for any replies.

See you guys around :)
Typhoon22 said:
I have a suggestion that might help some people out though, how about a zip or winrar with all the emulators on and the respective directories and libraries ready to go? these could be stuck on the archive.
<HINT> Of course no ROMS would be included because we couldn't varify that the user had the original cartridge and it is illegal most places to even distribute. </HINT>
That..is a GREAT GREAT idea. Would save many people much time. The emulators themselves are quite tiny.
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Hi people

Just got my F200 2 days ago love spending more time messing around with it than actually playing any games best news was the 8gb sdhc card working straight out the box only cost me £14.99 from play.com.
Just got mine yesterday, I live in Maryland USA. Shipped from Playasia july 8th, arrived here July 14th.

Quick Summary of First Impressions of Hardware

Good Impressions
-Great screen! Bright, large, very responsive to stylus
-Love that it takes AA's instead of some expensive proprietary battery
-SDHC cards are quick and easy way to load software and games
-USB connectivity to PC
-Attractive design
-LOUD speakers and loud also in headphones. (I hated how the DS has very low volume settings so the kids dont sue Nintendo)
-Love that you can plug the tv-out cable to your TV and play games on it using the GP2x as the controller.

Bad Impressions
-Feels cheap
-Controls not the best for fighting games that require rolling motions like street fighter
-No place to store the stylus
-Default operating system /user interface sucks.
-Default stylus sucks

I wrote a review here:
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:( I got mine a few months ago. The games that came with it run fine but I can't download anything new because is sooooooooo slowwwwwww. I bought it to play Doom to play old amiga and atari 512 games and I can't play any of them.

Is there anyway to get games for this without having to download them?

Maybe I am not doing it right hmmmmmm me and my dyslexic reading.

anyone got any ideas?
How did you brick it? I read about some anti-brick util some time. I take that you tried it and didn't work?

I ordered an F200 after I saw one of a friend and thought it was too cool. Too bad GPH is gone, this means that GP2x will die out eventually.
Redsandro said:
Too bad GPH is gone, this means that GP2x will die out eventually.
<_< We all gonna die!!! :D
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Today I got my F200!

First two things I noticed after 5 minutes is the korean text in Settings > LCD and that certain video files break the sound, never to come back until the device is reset.

10 minutes of Duke3d and 10 minutes of a movie killed 2 fully charged GP 1800mAh NiMH penlite batteries, so I hope those batteries are broken because that kind of battery drainage would really .. be uncool.
The menu is a lot uglier than the F100 one. I've seen chitchat about skins around, can you change the firmware menu's skin or is this only about the gmenu2x?
So yeah, of coarse the week I decide I'm finally gonna buy one... a brand new one comes out before it even arrives in the mail, twice as fast, at the same d*** price...


but, it'll probably be buggy and messed up for the first couple batches, i'll wait till i get tired of this one and buy the Wiz (the Pandora doesn't look that great to me..) about a week before they release the Wiz2x or some such...

oh well. something to look forward to.

I'll be picking my gp2x f200 up from the post office tomorrow since the mailman doesn't know how to knock, just scuttles up with a pink slip and runs away.. now i just have to wade through the millions of games out there and see which ones i want to play..
Archarzel said:
So yeah, of coarse the week I decide I'm finally gonna buy one... a brand new one comes out before it even arrives in the mail, twice as fast, at the same d*** price...


but, it'll probably be buggy and messed up for the first couple batches, i'll wait till i get tired of this one and buy the Wiz (the Pandora doesn't look that great to me..) about a week before they release the Wiz2x or some such...

oh well. something to look forward to.

I'll be picking my gp2x f200 up from the post office tomorrow since the mailman doesn't know how to knock, just scuttles up with a pink slip and runs away.. now i just have to wade through the millions of games out there and see which ones i want to play..
Dang....that really sucks.

Any chance you could just return it anyways?
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I got (2 days) ago brand new F100 boxed... tv-cable etc etc...
Firmware upgraded to 3.0...
So I am happy.
I have 2xGBA but GP2X rocks!!!
I will buy new WIZ too.
I am demoscener so I hope I will support GP2X...
Nah, i wouldn't return it anyway, its a fantastic machine, and will give me much joy and entertainment until they release the 2nd or 3rd incarnation of the wiz and it stops crashing and eating memory and all the other problems associated with being an "Early adopter"

(note to Elan: the Wiz will most definitely support the gp2x, it is for the most part just a more advanced version, hence why it is called the "GP2X Wiz" there will be some compatibility issues, especially with the programs that utilized the 2x's dual processors as the wiz has just the one running at more than twice the speed and its own graphics processor, that'll take a little tweaking, but for the most part all should run the same except better.)

on another note, you guys do realize the specs on the Wiz scream PS1 and N64 right? welcome to one more generation of emulation kids!
just traded a psp with all the fixins to get a gp2x mk2 and BoB. it's nice to have a system designed for what i used my psp for. and it's so much comfier. wewt.
Redsandro said:
......10 minutes of Duke3d and 10 minutes of a movie killed 2 fully charged GP 1800mAh NiMH penlite batteries, so I hope those batteries are broken because that kind of battery drainage would really .. be uncool....
1800mAh NiMH batteries are peanuts. You need to use more powerful batteries like 2500mAh ones or even higher. You'll definitely get a better use out of those. Expect it to be a little better than the original PSP on one charge.
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