I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

So far so good :) I now officially love my gp2x.

Had an issue with a 1gb mem card (one of those that plus directly into the usb, the gp2x refused to see it) that didnt want to work but changed it for a normal 2gb mem card and that works fine :)

My day with my gp2x

Went to work played vectar (amazing game) ruckman and my Super Mario World rom on my lunch break :)
Sat on bus on way home watching transformers the movie (the original 1986 version of course :) )
Listened to Scissor sisters on walk to home after getting off bus (a good 15 min walk)

Sat it in kitchen listening to tunes while chatting to my lady.

Now if i can just figure out a way of not accidentally turning the screen on when in music mode (its in my coat inside pocket and as it moves around sometimes select gets pressed and the screen ends up switched on in my pocket :( )Ill be a 110% in love with my gp2x.
Mine arrived yesterday. First impressions are great though the thing eats batteries. A set of 4 x 2500mAh rechargeables and a slow charger should arrive from ebuyer tomorrow.

Vista seems to refuse to recognize the device when attached but I managed to use my old usb 1 fitted mp4 player as an sd reader and load up a 1gb sd card. Bliss, megadrive emulation. Happy little pirate here. I think I might start enjoying my hour and a half daily commute from now onwards. (as long as mrs pirate doesn't steal it for harvest moon sessions)
Mine arrived this afternoon, having ordered one on ebay yesterday. Can't believe it arrived so quickly. Unfortunatly I'm at work, and won't get to test it for another 2 hours :'(

Woe is me, eh?
Enjoy! Remember you need good batteries (2600+) and more importantly a good charger to get the best battery life.

Pay attention to clockspeed too on games and emulators. i.e. PicoDrice (Genesis/ Mega Drive) emulator allows you to underclock to approx 160 (a bit more for some games, less for others) which greatly saves on battery life.

Card reader also highly recommended for transferring files!
I just got my second GP2X (MK II) after my MK1 came to a rather ugly end (thanks to some Gorilla Glue and an overly curious 3 year old).

Mixed emotions - it doesn't overclock as well (240mhz now, 285mhz before) but the joystick feels better than my MK1. Jury is out on the screen. When it's at EXACTLY the right position it's great, however you can't view it from different angles as with the MK1.

The inbuilt game Vektar is great :)

I also bought a cradle, OK I've not tried it yet but I tried plugging the GP2X in - it's not exactly, how should I put it... user friendly! But I still have high hopes for it. The TV out (loose connection) on the old MK1 was a real pain.

I'm probably still the only British guy in Hawaii with a GP2X ;) And it's good to have one again!
Well, Now I Have a GP2x Mk2 firmware 3.00

Been testing it out for a week now and it F*cking RuLeZ !!!!

The Screen was bigger and clearer than i expected.

The Joystick is the only minor issue, definetly needs d-pad - no dramas.

Had prepared a 4gb SD card with games,movies,music etc a week before it arrived and no probs with anything i prepared.

Fav emulator is Gameboy Advance ATM , but the rest are GREAT/AWESOME

Thanks to all developers for all their ongoing hard work.

Overall I rate this machine

SOUND : 8.5

*Note : Greater effort in Flash based development is something this machine would greatly benefit from , as its game/app base could increase
10 fold.

Thanks for all the updateds/tips on this forum , its been very helpful in my
decision to go with the GP2x.

Great Work !!!!!!
Been lurking here for a very long time, waiting till I could finally buy a GP2X, and that day finally came to be a reality yesterday. I not only managed to order the GP2X MK2, but also a ton of extras. So in total, I'm waiting for all these things to arrive at my house-

Gp2x Console MK2 Value Pack
3 Meter TV Out Cable
Payback SD Card Game
Tv Out Cable
Power Supply
1gb Secure Digital Card
2gb Secure Digital Card
Commercial Interface Board Cradle
Carrying Case

The only reason for the two TV out cables is because I honestly couldn't tell which one I needed,(I still don't get how the regular one connects to anything when it looks like the in cables need to plug into it.) since I plan to do reviews of the GP2X but also record footage from it.

Anyway, I overkilled in some sense, but at least I know I'll have everything I need. Now all I gotta do is try not to go crazy waiting for the all this to show up. You can tell a person wants their delivery fast when they pick any sort of 1 day express shipping :P
I got mine 2 days ago :D Waiting on the breakout box and the TV-Out cable (yes I know the point of the breakout box is not to need the cable but I thought a cable would be less cumbersome in some circumstances). Very excited about using my 8 gig CF card :D

This thing is not plug and play, but I like tinkering with things (i.e. it's not for the general consumer market). The first day I got NES, Colecovision, Genesis, and Atari 2600 and 7800 working, along with video. Yesterday didn't do anything with it other than convert some more video formats. I also had SNES working Friday but didn't count it because I don't know how to reset. Today got gpSP working, but don't know how to reset either. Once I get PocketSNES and spSP working, that's up to 7 emulators, video, music, and tons of games I got from the web that were free domain and made for the GP2X.

I keep reminding myself to keep track of what I have accomplished and not on what I haven't gotten working yet :D Especially since once I get something working, that's it, no more tinkering around.

I just have to keep working on the PDF and Karaoke programs :D

Question: if I want to run a program like the PDF viewer, I run it from Games, right? There's no "Apps" menu button.

I'm happy with the purchase. Now the PSP can be delegated to just PSP, and the NDS can be delegated to just NDS. I also have a portable movie player that runs on batteries. Batteries are actually one of the biggest draws for me. I have 4 sets of Powerex 2700 (for comparison, I took 1000 (yes, 1000) pictures with a Canon S3 IS and four Powerex 2500's... and still had power left. The Powerex's rule. I get to test on Black Friday how long the 2700's will last :D Also have 20 Tenergy 2600's, and a bunch of difference capacity batteries in my camera bag.
GatorDeb said:
I got mine 2 days ago :D Waiting on the breakout box and the TV-Out cable (yes I know the point of the breakout box is not to need the cable but I thought a cable would be less cumbersome in some circumstances). Very excited about using my 8 gig CF card :D

This thing is not plug and play, but I like tinkering with things (i.e. it's not for the general consumer market). The first day I got NES, Colecovision, Genesis, and Atari 2600 and 7800 working, along with video. Yesterday didn't do anything with it other than convert some more video formats. I also had SNES working Friday but didn't count it because I don't know how to reset. Today got gpSP working, but don't know how to reset either. Once I get PocketSNES and spSP working, that's up to 7 emulators, video, music, and tons of games I got from the web that were free domain and made for the GP2X.

I keep reminding myself to keep track of what I have accomplished and not on what I haven't gotten working yet :D Especially since once I get something working, that's it, no more tinkering around.

I just have to keep working on the PDF and Karaoke programs :D

Question: if I want to run a program like the PDF viewer, I run it from Games, right? There's no "Apps" menu button.

I'm happy with the purchase. Now the PSP can be delegated to just PSP, and the NDS can be delegated to just NDS. I also have a portable movie player that runs on batteries. Batteries are actually one of the biggest draws for me. I have 4 sets of Powerex 2700 (for comparison, I took 1000 (yes, 1000) pictures with a Canon S3 IS and four Powerex 2500's... and still had power left. The Powerex's rule. I get to test on Black Friday how long the 2700's will last :D Also have 20 Tenergy 2600's, and a bunch of difference capacity batteries in my camera bag.

Deb I recommend that you put a frontend on your Gp2x and then you can put your startup icons anywhere you want... I believe the most popular one is GMenu2x which you can find here... http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,1

or more specifically here... http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,7,1724
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Ordered mine friday from GP2X.co.uk, hopefully it will come some time today.
If it doesn't i'll just ring them up and ask if i can drive down. (Only 20-30min away)
Just ordered a GP2X F200 yesterday, $205.53 with a 1GB card.
When I get the cash I'm gonna buy the cradle thingamajig...

I'm new to this site and hopefully you see more of me on here as I plan on playing around with this and hopefully (attempting to) code some stuff.