I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

zodttd posted on Dec 1 2006 at 05:03 AM said:
Faugh: Did you try a FrameSkip of 1 or 2? It may help the sound sync better too. :)
Frameskip 2 helps the sound a bit, actually. The game's slightly faster, but it was perfectly playable without frameskip. I'm gonna try with something that requires a few more reflexes.

And you weren't kidding when you said the menu was sensitive! :D

Great job, though! I love it, this is awesome. I'm very impressed.
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The only rom I found was Mario Kart and it is actually just about playable at 250MHz FS1, although the sound is quite stuttery. I couldn't test it long though as the sound was rather loud for 4am :-P

This is pretty amazing for such an early release.
Lunar Legends runs really well--especially for a first release. This is great stuff, Zod. Totally worth waiting all day for. I can't wait to see this develop further. :)

Everybody, make sure you rename your bios properly... I made that mistake at first. :P
Weird! People I've never seen at gp32x before are posting and they have some low digits for their member number. Welcome old newcomers!
Yeah Mario Kart is tough on performance. It seems like it's well within reach of being nice and fast soon enough though.

The BIOS must be the correct version and must be named all lowercase: gba_bios.bin
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past plays almost half speed (which is really good :D). Mode7 is slowwwww, though that's to be expected.

Amazing work so far, ZodGod and Exophase. Much better than the previous simple ports.
Wow, brilliant!
Just tried Zelda Minish Cap and it runs fine on FrameSkip 2 (sound a little juddery).

Very Impressed, Nice one Zodttd!

My only concern is that the volume is set a bit loud, I cant try it out any more tonight for fear of waking someone up. But this was definitly worth staying up for :D

stormyandcold posted on Dec 1 2006 at 03:57 AM said:
AWESOME! now about that 1 file needed...
Don't worry, I'm sure it will appear on some torrent site very soon.
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Castlevania: Circle of the Moon is sloooooow... At least the menu and cut scenes. I'll test more tomorrow.

The stuff that runs fast is really impressive, though!
Xenoflash: Yeah a lot of games run slowly when you wouldn't expect them to. It seems a lot of GBA games have idle loops and/or poorly written code to deal with. Probably the case with the menu systems in Klonoa.
It's good to hear that game is working well besides the menu!
Anyone try Super Robot Taisen?
-Golden Sun 2= Unplayable. Maybe 2 FPS if that.

-Harvest Moon: Friends of mineral Town = Hangs on white screen on loading.

-Fire Emblem= Stutters, but almost playable!

-Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance/Aria of sorrow = Completely playable, BARELY EVEN STUTTERS!

-Lunar Legend= Sound stutters a bit, and game slows down sometimes, but overall pretty playable.

Now the suprise:

-Tales of Phantasia = Completely Playable. No sound stutter. No game stutter. It works like it was on an actual gameboy! Its scary!
I'll get the volume issue sorted out. I was testing on firmware 2.0.0, which probably has volume levels different than other firmwares. I'm updating now though, since I want to see if 2.1.1 affects gpSP with the SD card reads being faster.
How bizarre. The tiny little bit generations game, Boundish, runs at slideshow speed (even on FS2), even though there is no background and only three sprites on the screen. You're right about expectations being topsy-turvy on some games, zodttd.

And Hudson Collection vol.6 is similar, but also has some really weird graphical bugs (backgrounds wiping on Adventure Island 4, sprite jumping out of the screen on A.I.1, etc).

[not that those are important games, I just found it interesting]
*** BIG NOTE ***
I noticed that if a game "white screens" when being loaded, it is still probably playable by doing this:
1. Load a game known to work.
2. Once the game is running, go into the menu system either by entering Frameskip and pressing right or by the key combo for the menu.
3. Load A New Game
4. Choose the game giving a "white screen" when being loaded...watch it start to play...odd. :)

I wonder if Bit Generations has an idle loop elimination address in the game_config.txt. Those games are really interesting and would be good to see running well.
Concerning sound, I'm using firmware 2.0 aswell... actually maybe it's because I'm in a really quiet house that it seems very loud... I guess if it's lower then other people may not be able to hear it under normal conditions.

but YAY :D
donation coming in the morning, just need sleep now :)
Oh yeah, about the volume. I have noise canceling canalphones that I use with my GP2X and iPod. I had them plugged into my 2X' when I brought up the emu, IT WAS DEAFENING!!!

Edit: Im in the process of testing Warioware, but it's got such a damn long opening sequence and it's running like crap. Is there a way to disable sound?

Edit 2: WarioWare is a no. At least not on 240mh/z...
Edit 3: Metroid Fusion looks VERY promising! The opening sequence is doing great and the actual game should be playable. Even the sound seems to be pretty good.