im getting sick of reading posts about :can pandora run this game:
the original xbox can run doom 3 very nicely once it was optimised and i am very sure that if the pandora got the same attention it could do an even better job of running doom 3 but i cant see it happening any time soon as the cpu for the pandora is quite different and would take much more work to port the gpu setup as well.
its all pie in the sky unless someone says they will be porting it and asking if a game would run is all well and good if you can back it up
with source code then soneone on here may well port it if they fancy the challenge.
i wish most of the crap posts on the forum would be deleted and only
factual information and news was available,theres too much crap getting posted,complaints,worries and non productive chat/questions
to read through,and whats worse is that the pandora team seem to think
its a good idea to add in that they will be upgrading the pandora to 256
and there will be slight delays,and theres also banking problems all scattered throughout the entire forum without creating an actual post.
i had to read through lots of crap just to get to the ,Craigix posts on whats happening,yes i know theres the news thred and thank god for that but its not very professonal nor is it the way to do things when all
i read was Hints at what might be,seeing as there would likely be a problem with the banks,wtf is that all about,just come out and say it
man,and becase of the lack of a proper formal news letter or heading post from the pandora team we are now littered with scare posts,
complaints,and questions regarding all of the above.
why cant we have a pandora chat room and more inforced rules when
it comes to posting,ohh and while we are at it,get some rules for the pandora team to follow.