Hey, I Found Something That Might Interest Devs

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Still Fresh
Dec 22, 2008
Just a few minutes ago, I was looking around the idgames website at the games they sold. I went to download the Q3A source code. While I was downloading it, it said the source of the download was ftp.idsoftware.com. One the page there were three options. two of which were just three dots and one that said id stuff. I checked it out. Turns out the doom 3 source code has already been released. Along with quake, 2,3 and 4, the doom series up to 3, hexen, macquake and a few other things. Just though I'd bring up that I think I found the Doom 3 source code.
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'.Gogeta§§J4BR.' said:
people are hinting at doom3 as a possible stress test for the pandora :)
awesome, I've never actually played it.
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I don't see any source, just some "SDK"s.
No source code anyway.


According to Wikipedia, they plan to release the code under GPL this year, but haven't yet.
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Yeah, no, this is just the SDK, for modding and the like.
If it were source code, it would be in actual source files, or something like a tar.gz, not a .exe.
'Gruso' said:
I had to restrain myself from posting something like "wow, an actual useful thread."

Lucky that. :P
well, ninjamonkeys threads are about as useful as lulzfishs constant meme posting, because lolcats are just sooo funny lamo
(or my negative, degrading posts for that matter)
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"lulzfishs constant meme posting"

Yep, all 3 of the posts I've made in this thread have memes in them.
Find them all and you get a special prize.

But since this thread was a false alarm, we should probably just stop posting to it.
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Hey, quit bashing the guy. He can obviously read and knows when he's mistaken. The guy's just very enthusiastic and wants to make a contribution by scouring the net for possible new info, because his ideas were not taken very well.

I understand he can be irritating. I agree he should gather more information (like the last update date on doom3 and previous discussions on the topic) before creating threads. He should learn the forum etiquette. What he should NOT learn is that everytime you say something, anything, you get knocked down by a horde of people laughing and calling you names. That's just not right. If the only content of your post is "omg you're stupid" and other things that have been said in ten posts above, you should really look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you want to kick the guy cowering on the ground.

and on that note, I think we can close this thread... - Squidge
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