Skulltag - Popular Online Doom Port


Jun 23, 2006
United Kingdom
I created a thread on their forum.

Check out the main site for more information about Skulltag. I think a port is pretty possible given what has been said. I said Open Pandora might send them a unit but of course I wasn't stating that on their behalf. I just know that Open Pandora has sent out units in the past, so I'm not so sure if they'd be willing to do so for Skulltag. Behind ZDaemon, Skulltag is probably the most popular online source port of the Doom engine and also supports other id games as well as advanced modifications. It has a large community of mappers and online players. I think the Pandora is the perfect device if Skulltag was ported to ARM.

The Pandora already has Doom, yes, but Skulltag brings so many new features to the table. Let me know what you think, guys. :)

Edit: Should this be in Dev Corner? If so could a mod please move it? Thanks.
I think Skulltag on Pandora would be super kick ass.

Please somebody pick this up!
B-ZaR said:
I'm gravedigging a bit here, but any news on this? I just bumped into Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch project, which just now released a demo. Looks really cool and would be a perfect fit for the pandora, right?

darn. I was hoping for a Mega Man deathmatch in orginal platform style. Like super mario war. That would be cool :)
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Mantis said:
The Pandora already has Doom
We do? It's not in the app-store, have i overlooked it somewhere on the fourms? I've been having a doom hankering for a while now.
B-ZaR said:
I'm gravedigging a bit here, but any news on this? I just bumped into Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch project, which just now released a demo. Looks really cool and would be a perfect fit for the pandora, right?
I saw this too & immediately thought the same thing :D

do we have an existing Doom interpreter tho as Mantis claims?
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Sorry for the huge bump, but does the Pandora team have any views on this? As for the existing Doom port, I thought there was one but I guess I was probably wrong.
Consequence_9 said:
Mantis said:
The Pandora already has Doom
We do? It's not in the app-store, have i overlooked it somewhere on the fourms? I've been having a doom hankering for a while now.
B-ZaR said:
I'm gravedigging a bit here, but any news on this? I just bumped into Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch project, which just now released a demo. Looks really cool and would be a perfect fit for the pandora, right?
I saw this too & immediately thought the same thing :D

do we have an existing Doom interpreter tho as Mantis claims?
Not everything is in the AppStore. In the file archive, look fir prboom, it handles doom 1, doom2, TNT, plutonia but I don't think it does mods. Skulltag would he nicer for it's mod handling. Is doomseeker open source? It would be the greatest to play doom online from my panda
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I'm not sure about Doomseeker. Regardless, if Skulltag were to be ported to the Pandora, I'm confident that they'd willingly provide the source for Doomseeker if it isn't freely available. Obviously, providing the source for an online game is risky business with the amount of cheaters about, but I don't think it matters for a server browser. I believe the Skulltag team would be willing to share the source with a good dev who is willing to collaborate with them on bringing ST to the ARM architecture, but if you see the thread it seems one of the ST devs would be willing to do it if he had a Pandora.
I posted about this a little while back already, and since i'm too lazy to find the thread I won't.

If anyone is interested in compiling/porting or just looking at the sourcecode for skulltag, PM me, I have ver 97c backed up.
linc186 said:
Not everything is in the AppStore. In the file archive, look fir prboom, it handles doom 1, doom2, TNT, plutonia but I don't think it does mods.

I dunno. It has a built-in autofire mod that can't be disabled :P
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I just noticed on the megaman deathmatch site, it says that doom isnt required to play. Did not the not use the doom engine? it sure as hell looks like it does, and if it didnt why wouldn't they mention it? From my experience you need the IWAD of the game they used (for expample doom2.wad) and then the WAD (megamandeathmatch.wad for expample) in order for it to run. Atlwast that's how skulltag works. Isn't this illegal? Also, if doom isnt needed then if we had source code couldn't we jsut make a direct port that would stand on its own? Wouldn't it run faster because its is own, rather than having the program handle differnt things, like how a direct port is better than having an emulator run this? I would gladly have this megaman thing on my pandora, regardless if i was separate from the doom handler.

PS: Thw world can only imagine Promtheaus' happiness if this gets ported.
It means the Doom IWAD. The IWAD contains all of the graphics, maps, music, sounds, and other resources that make up the game. Doom clients are what run the IWADs. Megaman 8-Bit DM is its own IWAD and thus only needs the Doom client, not the game files. However, it needs a specific client, Skulltag, in order to run. Did that make sense? I'm terrible at explanations.

Edit: I didn't read through your post thoroughly enough. No, it is not illegal because the Doom engine is open source, just not the graphics, maps, etc. And no, it wouldn't run faster either because it's still running the same engine, it's just not using the original Doom resources.

Oh, and just to shed some light on those of you not into the Doom scene: these source ports such as Skulltag and PrBoom are vastly different and offer many new features that the original didn't include. That's why some of us continuously request ports of Skulltag or GZDoom when we already have PrBoom. PrBoom is great source port, but it lacks so many of the advanced features that Skulltag supports. Online play being the biggest. Others include 3D architecture, better script support, added game modes, and a bunch of other stuff.
linc186 said:
From my experience you need the IWAD of the game they used (for expample doom2.wad) and then the WAD (megamandeathmatch.wad for expample) in order for it to run.
The IWAD, whichever it may be, can contain graphics, maps, and sounds. In order to play Doom 2, you need the Doom 2 wad. A lot of mods, however, also use the default graphics: their IWAD contains just the new maps. In those cases, you need the original game .wad file plus the new one for the mod.
In this case, megamandeathmatch.wad contains all new graphics, sounds, and maps: it doesn't use anything from the original game other than the engine. The engine is open source and distributed free, so as long as they don't use any of the original graphics and sounds it is perfectly legal to distribute for free.
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