Happy 24th, Mega Man!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
I wasn't going to post this in case it just attracted whining, but what the hell. :P

It's December 17th over here, now, and the same in Japan, too, and that means that it's been 24 years to the day since the first Mega Man game was released in its native land, and 24 years since the series began its rich legacy that continues even now.

It's not been a great year on the game-releases front (all we've really seen was the re-release of Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge for the Game Boy on the 3DS' Virtual Console service, which I recommend you get if you're after a short taste of a bit of what the series is like), but there's been plenty of books and other bits and bobs around. Hopefully the 25th anniversary next year will go better. :P

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!
I've played a bit of Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge on my 3DS this evening. :D

I hope that they release the other Game Boy Mega Man titles to the 3DS' Virtual Console service soon - they've never actually been re-released before, and some of them can be a menace to find. (At one time, they were going to be re-released in a collection for the Game Boy Advance, but it was cancelled. :( )
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You should check out the pitch for what was meant to be, before they refitted the TV series into the musclebound version! :D


Some of the footage from this pitch was recycled for both the intro for the reworked TV show, and in a Japan-only advertisement (specifically, one for Rockman 7).
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I like the megaman battle network spinoff of megaman the best but classic megaman is still good.
Just saw this on the net. The real megaman has come out of the closet.Bad capcom.http://www.screwatta...crowdignite.com
This isn't what a lot of people think it is...

What happened is that before Keiji Inafune left Capcom, this appearance from "Bad Box-art Mega Man", which was a stupid playable character in the rightfully and thankfully cancelled "Mega Man Universe", coupled with a character description tied to the shouldn't-have-been-cancelled MegaMan Legends 3, was meant to be appearing in Street Fighter X Tekken at around the time both of the now-cancelled games were meant to be being released.

What happened is that the silly send-up remained, whilst the two games it referred to were canned.

It has rather delightfully exposed the double-standards of some fans, though - when Inafune was doing the stupid "Bad Box-art Mega Man" idea, they were fine with it, but when they saw this and didn't know that it was his doing, they flew off the handle, proclaiming how bad it was. They then changed their minds and were less angry, once they found out that Inafune was responsible for it. Atrocious double-standards.

My take: It was stupid from the beginning.
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Yeah probably a bad idea.Funny to see bad boxart megaman though.American boxart I presume as they were usually the worst boxart offenders.Sad to see alot of game creators leaving companies like Capcom and sega though.
Given how Capcom treats their customers, I can see why a lot of their talent has left them. They're not going to be around for many more years, I would imagine - there are only so many long-time customers and employees that you can alienate before they ALL give up on you.
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