Guy Who Wants To Sue Gamepark, Gph, Me & Ed

I think we should let this whole thing rest now. It is kinda redundant and it will only get this guy going even more. I think if he doesn`t receive any attention, his whole master-plan will die off.

@Omars: And if we are cheap, and greedy, you probably live in a cave with a goat right :D :D :D :D
xnopasaranx posted on Sep 14 2006 at 11:59 AM said:
I think we should let this whole thing rest now. It is kinda redundant and it will only get this guy going even more. I think if he doesn`t receive any attention, his whole master-plan will die off.

Awww...but I so enjoy psychologizing random web oddies :-) It is good practise for your sense of empaty: Try to find a way in which someone could hold a set of opinions and still not be totally insane. And tha intarwebb is full of practise subjects!

ste_167 posted on Sep 14 2006 at 11:11 AM said:
In an early post, he cites them as easy European targets from which he can get a bit of money. That's his agenda.

Actually, your avatar pic makes me realise that really, Geoff is the swedish prime minister, wearing a fake beard and a wig. See for yourself:


The plot thickens...
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:D I thought he was George Lucas with a wig on!


ste_167 posted on Sep 14 2006 at 10:11 AM said:
In an early post, he cites them as easy European targets from which he can get a bit of money. That's his agenda.

Oh if thats his basis (which it seemed like from the beginning) I don't think it should rest he should suffer. As it is in that last post he was like "leave me alone" .. sounds like he's already in over his head and people want him to prove the crap he's been talking.
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Yes, reading between the lines he even hints at wanting an out of court settlement from craigix and ED.

If you know anyone who operates those web sites please have them get in contact with me. If they treat me nicely, I will try to solve this in a friendly way.

Or as a friend of mine said "I was willing to sell him the rights until he called me an asshole. Now he will have to deal with my lawyer and the U.S. Attorney's office".

Can anyone remember the old full page ad in Retrogamer? I expect geoff would explode in fury if he ever saw it :D How did it go again..? Something like:

An open source Linux handheld?

Now that's a good idea.

I don't know why, but of the whole, somewhat bizarre and sorry saga (and I like Moxies explaination) I found this increadibly funny:

2006-09-13 08:01 pm UTC (link)
not readin this, but the GP32 came out in 2001, so by your logic they time traveled to the future to steal your plans, then traveled back and made the device, but if the Koreans were that advance already to be able to time travel then they probably would have already came up with the idea of an open-source hand held that is based around the idea of homebrew, which isn't very original at all. and while you are at the sueing of GPH, also sue the thousand other companies that stole your "ideas" with their PMPs.
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2006-09-13 08:26 pm UTC (link)
I sent you an explanation offline, if you don't get it send me your email address and I'll send it again.

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2006-09-13 09:04 pm UTC (link)
what do you mean sent offline? like did you mail it to my house?
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:D :D :D :D
lol... the guy is just totally inapt when it come to technology. Which is weird because he does so many other things in his hobbies that one would think require some basic ideas of how these things work...

EDIT: lol spelling inapt != inadept... shame on me :P
andyB911 posted on Sep 14 2006 at 12:52 PM said:
2006-09-13 09:04 pm UTC (link)
what do you mean sent offline? like did you mail it to my house?

it was dull and miserable this morning on my way to work, and that one quote made my day :lol:
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I'm not going to tell you what you're doing wrong, but I am going to sue you over it! Try fighting that in court!!11 *strokes gigantic, unkempt, unwashed beard*
All this seems like is some guy that has obviously failed at something, has psychological issues, and just needs some attention. He's obviously getting his attention. Well I say nothing is going to come of this and like Telcolou said lets please lock this thread.
Judge: Could the prosecution now present their evidence to the court
Geoff: I hardly think that that's relevant to the case
Judge: Well, it is..
Geoff: Hmph. The device in question was the same as my idea but..
Judge: Can I stop you there.. 'the device in question'?
Geoff: Yes, the device in question. The device was not a media player, it was a game computability device. They dropped that later because they could not do it. The CPU was the wrong type and too slow.
Judge: What was the 'device in question'?
Geoff: I hardly think that that's relevant to the case.
Judge: Sir..
Geoff: You missed something big. I'm not going to clue you in on it, but it was a key part of the business plan.
Judge: FFS. Divulge..?
Geoff: It's like the movie "Galaxy Quest". The aliens copied what they saw
on TV from signals that eventually reached them many years after
being transmitted. What they did not realize was the show (modeled
after Star Trek) was science fiction not reality.

The aliens were unable to operate the technology they copied. In this case,
GP does not have the intelligence the aliens in the movie had. They could
build the device, they could copy the docs, but they cannot make it work

(Court adjourned..)
We do not want to close this thread, we want to keep going and grind this bastard into the ground!

And anyone who tells me to be grown up in my arguments can kiss their liberal spotty behinds! I wouldn't be a Mason now if you begged me to be!!!

(He is an idiot, we need him on these boards so we can really savage him. Someone invite him, pretending that we are sympathetic. Then let's all buy PCs off him. Or something.)