Guy Who Wants To Sue Gamepark, Gph, Me & Ed

hey guess what, here is another guy with jewish decent! And I own a gp2x... and I am bisexual so shut the fuck up... and this guy is clearly meshugga, oyweh oyweh...
gaterooze posted on Sep 13 2006 at 11:28 PM said:
His latest post is even more insane:

No, he's not insane, actually. Just not very clued in on real world hardware issues...
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seems like it... poor chap just doesn`t know what he is talking about. If he goes on about it like this, he is going to lose even more money for some asshole lawyer who exploits him.
He attacks emulation in general, saying that they're used to play illegally obtained games. While for the most part that's true, there are lots of public domain ROMs out there, and there are means to dump your own games. For example I used to have a NeoGeo Pocket Color Flash Linker and 32Mbit cartridge, which I would use both to play homebrew PD ROMs on my NGPC, and to play NGPC games I owned on the PC after dumping them.
xnopasaranx posted on Sep 13 2006 at 11:47 PM said:
seems like it... poor chap just doesn`t know what he is talking about.

Heh. It is a very repetitive version of "I've invented this amazing thing. It's called a wheel, and General Motors stole the idea from me!" mixed with a big lack of factual knowledge.

And the thing with "Oh, but someone has heard them say 'we didn't sign anything', and *that's* an admission of guilt!" - Yes, it would be *if* the ideas he proposes were, in fact, new when he came upon them - *if* his ideas were as new and groundbreaking as he believe. As it is, it is a bit touching, really :)
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So my advice to you is if you do think it's a specific device, instead of trying to impress us with how bad your English is, how little you know about the law, business, hardware or software development, how many ad homonyms you can Google, how well you make conclusions with almost no facts, email that company. Tell them you really like their device and if they are the people I am talking about call or email me and make a deal. Unless you actually know the facts, not just wild guesses, leave me alone.


He told us. :(

Can we get a thread lock?
I can barely hold myself, this guy has gut to lie abput any subject, he lies about clear facts that I can't even discuss, I don't want to be rude or discreminating, but this guy deserves H...

Never mind, I will not turn this into a bigger issue, he doesn't even deserve any of the attention he already got.


You are "Ben Zenot"!

Apologies to all for getting angry, but this creature pissed me off regarding some other topic beside his lies about GPs, so sorry...
EvilDragon posted on Sep 13 2006 at 02:44 PM said:
The only patent I found out that's from him is this one:

Method for reduced power consumption

Though I don't think that's used by GPH... there isn't a processor that controls power in the gp2x.

It's looks very dubious at anyrate. It certainly fails to be non-obvous. Laptops have been doing exactly that for a while and pda, mp3 players, mobile phones and who knows how many other embeded systems scale the cpu according to some metric of system load. Using cpu load as the metric when using a general pupose os runing unknown programs is going to be obvious to an expert in the field.
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Why the fuck is he posting about this whole ridiculous issue on a public blog if he can't discuss nearly anything, it's all under an NDA, and he won't even mention the GP2X, in favor of just saying 'the device in question' over and over? All it does is give an impression of self-importance on his part, as though vaguery lends credibility to his claims, or that nondescriptive snippets about the marvels of this nonexistant device will win anyone over to his side. It doesn't even make sense to bullshit on a blog instead of actually engaging in legal proceedings.

The very concept of his device is ridiculous, too. It's supposed to run old PC games, and to put them on it, I have to go out and buy them, plug a CD-ROM or Floppy drive into the unit (which only 'might' exist 'if' someone wants to build a floppy controller for it? Or does it use USB? He completely contradicts himself, as he offers both solutions..) and do a disk-based INSTALL to the unit onto a CF card (??!) to play the games portably using a processor that will tear through batteries faster than Oprah tears her way through a hoagie? ... I can tell you, I know a lot of people who keep a giant stack of floppies of vintage games lying around and would love to do a disk-swap install circa 1993 onto a shitty handheld with no original games. And I'm sure a market share of 20-30 buyers is really enough to invest your kid's college fund into..

If any company stole this product idea or business model, they should commit corporate suicide.

At any rate, if what Craig's told us is accurate, GPH has made no money off the GP2X yet. Where's his 'cut' going to come from?
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Moxie posted on Sep 13 2006 at 05:09 PM said:
yaustar posted on Sep 13 2006 at 11:57 PM said:
I wonder if he is talking about the iRiver G10?

Certianly sounds a little closer to 'his' idea.

Yup, apart from the obvious decision to try to run windows games under a windows OS...Duh. :)
Windows CE/Mobile aren't anything like the Windows versions for PCs; they're designed to run on architectures like ARM, MIPS and Hitachi SuperH, not x86, don't use the same API, and aren't binary compatible so they cannot run any Windows 3.1/95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP... etc software.
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This guy proves the Jewish stereotype. They are said to be cheap, and this just proves it. :lol:
Speaking of the plan, I would publicly like to thank the person who posted that "The ... device is a classic example of how to do Linux right - put it on good hardware, stand back, and let the hackers move the platform forward .. this is hardly an ideal that anyone can claim proprietary knowledge over."

I developed that plan. The people who used it could not come up with it on their own, so they stole it. They did not realize that even if they were moving in that direction, once they stole it, it belonged to me. My plan was the key piece they were missing. It may be something that one can hardly claim, but that's the difference between "it's obvious now that I've seen it", and writing it the first time. The devil is in the details.

Wow, he developed that plan? A plan which is to... sit back and do nothing? I mean, especially considering the hardware is pretty cookie-cutter style, and the software mostly just needed some minor modification of open source components... that's not a plan; that's a relinquishment of planning.

Smart? Sure. Did it work? Guess so. But the fact is, homebrew, and even linux has been on consoles to a very visible degree since the dreamcast. It doesn't matter if it was Sega's intention or not - the fact is it happened. It doesn't even matter that it wasn't a handheld system. It's like if someone first used a wood chipper to clear away some brush... someone can't come along and patent the wood chips afterwards.
OMars posted on Sep 13 2006 at 06:18 PM said:
This guy proves the Jewish stereotype. They are said to be cheap, and this just proves it. :lol:

You are an asshole.
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OMars posted on Sep 13 2006 at 05:18 PM said:
This guy proves the Jewish stereotype. They are said to be cheap, and this just proves it. :lol:
Give a little more consideration to what you're saying than that, OMars; that's an extremely ignorant viewpoint. Didn't you also believe 'Loose Change', the shitty 9/11 conspiracy theory video whose creators/affiliates blamed the Jews for every negative event in history, from the extinction of the dinosaurs to both world wars to causing them to get a sprite instead of a coke at McDonalds.
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Epicenter posted on Sep 14 2006 at 12:14 AM said:
Why the fuck is he posting about this whole ridiculous issue on a public blog if he can't discuss nearly anything, it's all under an NDA, and he won't even mention the GP2X, in favor of just saying 'the device in question' over and over?

Well, he did spill the beans that the "device in question" is the GP2x and/or the GP32 (depending on which part of his post you read in what order) once, didn't he? He still won't say who is the "company in question", which is prolly wise - Considering how many holes in his plot can be found using just the little facts that he's let out, it's obvious why he won't tell more of it :)

Oh, and let's just pointedly ignore mr OMar, aight?
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Epicenter posted on Sep 14 2006 at 01:21 AM said:
OMars posted on Sep 13 2006 at 05:18 PM said:
This guy proves the Jewish stereotype. They are said to be cheap, and this just proves it. :lol:
Give a little more consideration to what you're saying than that, OMars; that's an extremely ignorant viewpoint. Didn't you also believe 'Loose Change', the shitty 9/11 conspiracy theory video whose creators/affiliates blamed the Jews for every negative event in history, from the extinction of the dinosaurs to both world wars to causing them to get a sprite instead of a coke at McDonalds.
The guy was just kidding, jokes are said about everyone, why is it so sensitive when it is about Jews? many guys made fun of people with handicaps and it took a long time before someone responsed and advised the mockers to stop, and I guess jew guys don't mind, in fact they laugh about the jokes said about Kyle in South Park much more than others do (maybe because they think about Cartman's words and find them to be true :p )

JUST KIDDING, now, back to the subject, do you guys think there's any way to be 100% sure that he is really who claims to be?
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TelcoLou posted on Sep 13 2006 at 05:20 PM said:
OMars posted on Sep 13 2006 at 06:18 PM said:
This guy proves the Jewish stereotype. They are said to be cheap, and this just proves it. :lol:

You are an asshole.

EDIT: oh and sehs33 I'm Jewish and I don't find South Park's Jew bashing to be very funny at all. Mean != Funny.
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