Gpx2 Unvailed!!

Angel posted on Jul 29 2005 at 07:04 PM said:
your not getting it.

Gameboy Original/Gameboy Pocket/Gameboy Color, yes they got smaller, yes one had a color screen, but the systems were all relatively the same, still 8-bit, still same processing speed, so they are not next gen. Just like the GBA/SP/Micro. They are all different but that doesn't make them next gen.

Gameboy Original then next genned to GBA which next genned to DS.

I guess being a collector since early 90's and seeing the jumps next gen systems have made like NES-SNES-64 and SMS-Genesis-Saturn-Dreamcast i'm just suprised that it's not as much as a leap as i thought it would be, but again, i could be getting this and the XGP mixed up, which i probably am.

But enough with this, i'm not going to argue, i'm just going to wait until the thing comes out and then see what people think of it.

gba did not next gen into the ds. The ds is if anything the successor to the virtual boy, with it being the innovative model in the range. The GBA 2 was rumoured to be at the e3 show this year but has been pushed back to next year according to shiguru miyamoto.
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SbS Studios posted on Jul 29 2005 at 06:36 PM said:
Just a question for anyone who pre-ordered on gbax, did you get a reply from craig?

i've had no confirmation either + craig has been pretty silent on the boards ever since.
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x68000 posted on Jul 29 2005 at 06:19 PM said:
SbS Studios posted on Jul 29 2005 at 06:36 PM said:
Just a question for anyone who pre-ordered on gbax, did you get a reply from craig?

i've had no confirmation either + craig has been pretty silent on the boards ever since.
indeed, i would like to hear him about all the speculation we are doing, he has to clear our mind...
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I think hes had enough of us.
btw floating point processor really improves this alot, and especially as Gamepark have said that the 2nd processor can be used for general purposes.
I am getting excited...
Magus 86 posted on Jul 29 2005 at 05:15 PM said:
.... Do you seriously mean to tell me that you DON'T like the fact that you won't be missing any of the GP32's features in the new machine? what the fuck? I'm looking forward to this new machine, and I can't see why others of you aren't. Seriously, if you want it to be a Jizzmondo, PSP, or DS, then go friggin' buy one of those.

Not missing current features? I would consider all of our current emulators and software to be quite an important "missing feature".
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DaveC posted on Jul 29 2005 at 08:28 PM said:
Magus 86 posted on Jul 29 2005 at 05:15 PM said:
.... Do you seriously mean to tell me that you DON'T like the fact that you won't be missing any of the GP32's features in the new machine? what the fuck? I'm looking forward to this new machine, and I can't see why others of you aren't. Seriously, if you want it to be a Jizzmondo, PSP, or DS, then go friggin' buy one of those.

Not missing current features? I would consider all of our current emulators and software to be quite an important "missing feature".
So I presume you aim to be trapped on the GP32 for the rest of your life then, as no other handhelds have the original GP32 emulators.
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sir diggy posted on Jul 29 2005 at 05:21 PM said:
They said on the suggestion board that they decided to make black units only. Now we are likely to get a lot of "is that a fake PSP?"

Just custom paint it. It is uber-easy.
1. Take the damn thing apart.
2. Tape the screw holes.
3. Airbrush/Spray paint/Model Paint the case.
4. Take it to a local body shop and ask them to overcoat it the next time they do a car. I paid the guy in 2 hotdogs and a bad of chips to do my snowboard. :)

It has been 2 seasons of rough riding and the clearcoat is still perfect except for some scuffs and such.

i should have done that with my xbox pad and console! the paint is chipping off on the pad some, i've only used regular krylon clear coat.

anyway, i was hoping to get that white/grey gpx2 unit... hopefully they'll sell replacement cases later
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DaveC posted on Jul 29 2005 at 03:28 PM said:
Magus 86 posted on Jul 29 2005 at 05:15 PM said:
.... Do you seriously mean to tell me that you DON'T like the fact that you won't be missing any of the GP32's features in the new machine? what the fuck? I'm looking forward to this new machine, and I can't see why others of you aren't. Seriously, if you want it to be a Jizzmondo, PSP, or DS, then go friggin' buy one of those.

Not missing current features? I would consider all of our current emulators and software to be quite an important "missing feature".

Yeah, so would I, if they weren't making it open source EVER and if they weren't making the emulators themselves... or at least having someone else make them for them. But since they are doing that, We're not really missing out on any of the GP32's features.

Flipside, I know you weren't talking about me selling mine, I just wanted to let everyone know that I don't intend to sell mine like a lot of ther people do.

The reason I brought up the Gameboys is because there are a lot of complaints about this thing not having enough of a boost in power and abilities... But I never heard any complaints about the gameboy, and those really WERE just repackaged and put into new cases. Nothing was even revamped at all. The only time there was actually an improvement was from the GBA to the GBA SP, when there was a light added. This is what pisses me off about Nintendo. They make something, and then a little while later they release the exact same thing in a new color or with some new BS gimmick and charge the same as the older version or more for it when it's the same damn thing. Take a look at the Play It Loud series of gameboys... they were actually softer. And they charged 50 bucks for them when they were new. They did that with the play it loud, the pocket, the color, the SP, the NES(except that with the NES the top loader actually was a good idea cuz it worked better, but by then nobody cared anymore), the N64, the Gamecube, and the controllers for N64 and Gamecube. I haven't heard any complaints about that at all, yet Gamepark tries to make something that's actually an improvement and people are bitching... WHAT THE FUCK?

Sony made newer versions of 2 of their systems so far, but the 2 systems they re-released were smaller, which is somewhat of an advantage over the previous version, and they didn't charge more for them. GamePark Holdings is giving us MUCH more in a package of relatively the same size for LESS MONEY... WHY ARE THERE COMPLAINTS ABOUT IT? Let's see some consistency here, people.
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looks sorta like this thing.
I seem to recall that the Gameboy color had a faster processor than the original Gameboy.

I preordered one when I read that GPH (on their site) claim that the processor they are using is as powerful as a single 400MHz ARM9 and plan to prove it.

I am also quite pleased to read today that I will be getting a black one. Mind you I'll be pissed off if Craig hikes the price up much (which he probably will).
Vimacs posted on Jul 29 2005 at 05:30 PM said:
have you ever used snes at 250mhz at the current gp? its near perfeckt,

Uhh, where can I get a 250mhz version of OpenSNES? The highest I ever had was the 200mhz version, which sadly still isn't anywhere near perfect (with sound on certain high demand games I would like to play; like Tetris Attack) :(
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carlgeorge posted on Jul 29 2005 at 10:40 PM said:
I preordered one when I read that GPH (on their site) claim that the processor they are using is as powerful as a single 400MHz ARM9 and plan to prove it.

That is just a matter of running a test program designed to take advantage of the dual core but the real world is a very different place.
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x68000 posted on Jul 28 2005 at 06:00 PM said:
DaveC posted on Jul 28 2005 at 06:54 PM said:
junker posted on Jul 28 2005 at 05:49 PM said:
yeah man, since it is set for that price, and you will get video playback without reencodes, then i don't see what the fuss is either.

we all hope for it to be more powerful than it sounds, but it's not crap.

davec, i'm having plenty of fun watching low res HUGE file videos on my psp now, heh. it's not like you can playback 480x272 videos!
and neogeo is great, but not perfect. it's not the emulators that i have a problem with anyway, it's the psp's screen and dpad. it really is that bad, for me anyway.

Well there you go. That is all this thing is good for is watching movies since none of your emulators will work on it.

in fairness, that may not be such a bad thing considering most gp32 emulators are rather flawed. Maybe a fresh start could be a good thing.
No, I don't think it will be... just think, we get 12 new emulators from Rlyeh this summer, and none of them will be able to play on the GPX2 (unless Gamepark hired him, that is). :unsure:

DaveC posted on Jul 29 2005 at 12:22 AM said:
LHC posted on Jul 28 2005 at 11:50 PM said:
I think the anti-this console argument loses a lot in terms of credibility because DaveC has found a way to criticise incredibly:
Gizmondo: "HAHA STUPID"
and nobody listened.

And what was said there that is incorrect?
Nothing, but it's still funny. :p

Angel posted on Jul 29 2005 at 02:39 PM said:
i know emulators are legal, and every system that can play emulators didn't start out playing emulators, it just sorta happened and there wasn't much that anybody could do about it, but to openly advertise playing these games, i am just wondering if they "nintendo, sega" could do something to prevent this from happening since they are advertising it before system release. Or maybe Gamepark is so far under the radar that nobody will even notice.
When the GP32 was about to be released Gamepark was actually advertising that it could play GBA games (this was a planned feature). Not surprisingly, Nintendo objected. But again, emulators aren't illegal.

Angel posted on Jul 29 2005 at 04:27 PM said:
No you have a system that plays other systems 2d games good. Have you played any of the commercial Gp32 games? For the most part they are bad. Only 1 or 2 out of the bunch are any good.
:blink: :blink: :blink: I've gotta say that I heavily disagree with you on that. There are many dozens of wonderfull homebrew games, and a lot of excellent coders. You probably haven't looked very hard.
EDIT: Sorry, you said commercial. My bad. :( Still, there are more than 1 or 2 - Blue Angelo, GloopDX, Pinball Dreams, GPFight, Her Knights/All for Princess, Tomak, Astonishia Story R (granted, only for Korean speakers). It may not be that many, but it's more than one or two.

The thing I wish most for right now is for Craig or Evildragon or anybody else who is "in the know" to come here and say something. This thread is an awfull mess right now, with too many conflicting theories. Thanks Jr2Swiss for confirming the price on ($170); at least that's one hurdle out of the way. ;)
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Umm... :unsure:
*points at sig...*
I'm not worrying...

Gamepark Holdings says they are doing some emulators...

Plus Reesy seems interested... :)

I'll certainly be buying a gpx2 sometime within the next year... :)
moz posted on Jul 30 2005 at 01:21 AM said:
does this thing have a built in mic?

No, the DS does.
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