Well, here I am announcing the launch of GP2XForge, the open development site dedicated especially to the GP2X! I hope there's still enough interest to make the site useful.
The site is still far from finished, but I want to make it available to as many people as possible, as soon as possible. However, it is functional already: you can register a new project, and get a subversion repository to dev in and a website to promote on (And it will get even better when I find more time to spend on it).
So if you have a bunch of game sources just collecting dust on your harddisk, if you're starting a new project, or if you have code to share with the community in general, please consider hosting it on GP2XForge.
If you're unsure about what exactly GP2XForge is, or why you should be using it, please read this. And I'm always very keen to hear feedback, questions or comments, or just about anything.
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