fusion_power posted on Mar 24 2007 at 09:40 PM said:
No problem. I hope, the horizontal BG will automaticly replaced with the vertical when turning the screen. (Via menu with other options soon I hope

Yeah, I know. Everyone wants the Config routines, but they're so boring to write

But I've promised to do at least some of them for the next release. At least the Font an Colour options will be covered.
fusion_power posted on Mar 24 2007 at 09:40 PM said:
Sadly at the LCD isn't made for vertical use ( I have an MK2 GP2X ) because of the different brightness - Games look somehow weird but I haven't tested greader yet ^^""
You might be surprised, I've been using GReader2X rotated 90 degrees for the past three or four days, maybe two hours a day, and I've decided I'm not going back to horizontal.
I've got the left shoulder button set to page down and the right to page up. My hand is big enough so that I can use my thumb to page down, and a squeeze with my little finger presses the base of my thumb onto the button to page up.
I also use the joystick left and right for line up/down and the joystick click for select, that way I can use them in the file selector still with one hand.
Basicly, I'm left handed, so I use the GP2X in my right hand while I'm eating etc. (mealtimes are one of the few times I have the time to read nowadays).
fusion_power posted on Mar 24 2007 at 09:40 PM said:
Besides at the Liquido-Design is © pedator and the book is an clip-art. ^^" Add it where you want if you want.
One of the ideas I had was to foster a GReader2X community where we could share our configs and backgrounds, maybe even our favourite fonts, I just havent had a chance to set it up on the website (things were a bit hectic getting everything ready for this release).
I'd like to have at least a backgrond and key layout for each of normal, rotated 90 (right handed use) and rotated 270 (left handed use). But extra backgrounds and colour schemes would also be great.
Of course, I'm assuming that people want background images and colour schemes and such. None of which I wanted when I started this, but after using them, I decided that they do make reading either easier or more comfortable.
fusion_power posted on Mar 24 2007 at 09:40 PM said:
A nice feature also would be, when in greader selected bg's also select an simple graphic "theme" like the different menu/slider/font - colors. Some presets (only menu color-combinations or complete bg with matching colored menus/fonts) could be a help for undecided people :lol:
I considered splitting the visual stuff (colours, fonts, backgrounds etc) from the keys and general options, that way we could have basic skins and an easy way to switch between them. I'm just not sure people would want that. Even I tend to find a look that suits me and stick to it.
fusion_power posted on Mar 24 2007 at 09:40 PM said:
-Of course everything easy to select in greader....
Well, maybe not select yet. It's certainly easy to change the settings if you use a SD card reader, but if you're relying on hooking the GP2x up over a USB connection, it can be a pain. (Yeah, I know. Finish the config routines and it'll be fine).
fusion_power posted on Mar 24 2007 at 09:40 PM said:
EDIT: a NICE feature is this "ConvertExtended" function!

In the past I had no Idea, that such an issue exist until I copied a text from a webside, put 'em in a correct looking textfile on PC -everything seems fine - and then wanted to read this text on my gp2x later. I was surprised, that the standard reader had messed up signs like " '...and so on. It only showed funny squares and garbage-stuff

h34r: I had to replace all this special characters in the text with even nearly identical looking (but working) ones - weird! I thought it was an GP2X-Settings problem but it wasn't.
Glad you like that option, and I hope it's documented well enough on the website
Here (sorry for getting that URL in again, but it has most of the information people need to use GReader2X). By the way, if you spot anything on the website that could be explained better, let me know, I've never claimed to be able to write documentation, it's one of the things I hate about my day job.
fusion_power posted on Mar 24 2007 at 09:40 PM said:
This stupid GPH reader still is buggy. Until today he can't even display german characers like Ä Ö Ü ß correctly (kills letter behind such characters) One reason why I now LOVE the Greader!
I'm working with another user at the moment to add UTF-8 support to GReader2X, unfortunately he wants Arabic support which has it's own set of problems. but hopefully we'll be able to handle UTF-8 for European languages quite soon.