Yod4z said:
maybe you mmuhack module is not loaded correctly
No it's really a crash of the 940 because when launch it through a terminal i can see the mmu launching
and after during green screen, black screen, I have these messages:
last lr: 00000000, lastjob: 3
trying to interrupt..
i = 0x10000
irq pending flags: DUALCPU 8004, SRCPND 44804260 (see 26), INTPND 04000000
last lr: 00000000, lastjob: 3
940 crashed 2 (cnt: 61, ve: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )
Shared data:
Cylce: 73333 sample_rate: 11025
pcma: 00100000 pcmb: 00100000
asize: 16777216 bsize: 16777216
sm1: 01800000Shared ctl:
result: 0 sound_code: 0 pending_cmd: 0 nmi_pending: 0
z80_run: 0 updateym: 1, play_buff:46c8a150
irq pending flags: DUALCPU 8004, SRCPND 44804260 (see 26), INTPND 04000000
last lr: 00000000, lastjob: 3
trying to interrupt..
i = 0x10000
irq pending flags: DUALCPU 8004, SRCPND 44804260 (see 26), INTPND 04000000
and it tries several times until the emu crash (i was thinking it was just slow, but it crashed)

The 940 can crash if you overclock it too high. Are you running this at the default clock? If not, you may be overclocking higher than the 940 can handle. The 920 is usually much more tolerant of a high clock speed than the 940.