Release Gngeo 0.8.2

Hey pepone, does this emu have any way to access the Neogeo menu system? I would like to turn on the blood in Metal slug games, but I can't seem to find the menu.

Zero3K said:
Yes. I have sound issues with every games. I managed to get it to work somewhat (by somewhat, I mean that I can hear the voices in KOF 2002, but not the bgm during a fight and after I win, I hear a strange melody then there's no sound at all). Maybe you could try a different way of outputting the sound (such as the one that Exaile uses).

Well, for Kof 2002, this is a bug, not a sound driver issue. Had you taken time to read , you'd know it (even if the list isn't up to date).
For other games, what's your OS version, as it seems there's no problem for me with the official "Zaxxon hot fix 5" (tried Garou running more than 5 hours, and had no problem) ?
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Zero3K said:
How come KOF 2003, etc. freezes before starting the game? Is there any way to fix it?

Once again, please read the other posts, and .
kof 2k3 uses a security chip that isn't emulated in GnGeo. It should be working with Mame .106 and overclocking I guess.
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jumpman said:
Hey pepone, does this emu have any way to access the Neogeo menu system? I would like to turn on the blood in Metal slug games, but I can't seem to find the menu.

maybe use
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Yod4z said:
jumpman said:
Hey pepone, does this emu have any way to access the Neogeo menu system? I would like to turn on the blood in Metal slug games, but I can't seem to find the menu.

maybe use
Has anyone gotten this to work? When I try the unibios alone, the games won't even boot.

I have the unibios included in my bios zip, but I can't bring up the menu during play. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, so if anyone can use the bios menu, please let me know how.

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pepone said:
dgame said:
Thank you very much! It works.

Is there a way to assign (or use) the Test switch?
The test switch is used to set up the soft dip and make changes to how the game plays, enable/disable blood, number of rounds, difficulty etc.
Test switch is currently disabled. It's easy to add though. In the meanwhile, you can try with the universal bios. put uni-bios.rom in the roms directory, and add the following in your gngeorc:
system unibios
Then, check the doc ;)
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anyone had luck running KOF98 without crashing?

my KOF98 rom (38,6 MB zipped) seems to exit the emulator to the desktop when running in XFCE,

tried it in the Minimenue and the game reset itself instead of killing the emu.

The crashes seem to happen completly random...
Just wanted to add my thanks for another excellent emulator on the Pandora, seems to be coming together really nicely, my Neo Geo faves all run silky smooth without screen tearing. :D

Keep up the good work Pepone, really looking forward to save states with this.
Bampt said:
anyone had luck running KOF98 without crashing?

my KOF98 rom (38,6 MB zipped) seems to exit the emulator to the desktop when running in XFCE,

tried it in the Minimenue and the game reset itself instead of killing the emu.

The crashes seem to happen completly random...

I did a test, and have the same result after maybe half an hour of play. Below is the pndrun_gngeo_pepone.out:

[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]
oshide: open /dev/tty: No such device or address
oshide: open /dev/tty: No such device or address
Option effect
Option fullscreen
Option rompath
omapsdl: opened tslib touchscreen
omapsdl: in_evdev: found "gpio-keys" with 30 events (type 00100023)
omapsdl: in_evdev: found "keypad" with 84 events (type 00100013)
omapsdl: in_evdev: found "nub0" with 3 events (type 00000007)
omapsdl: in_evdev: found "nub1" with 3 events (type 00000007)
omapsdl: skip /dev/input/event5 as ts
omapsdl: found 5 evdev device(s).
omapsdl: detected 800x480 'lcd' (0) screen attached to fb 1 and overlay 1
switching to 640x480@16
/dev/fb1: 640x480@16
fbdev initialized.
oshide: X vendor: The X.Org Foundation, rel: 10704000, display: :0.0, protocol ver: 11.0
oshide: display is 800x480
joy "gpio-keys", axe:2, button:11
Get mapid A
Get mapid B
Get mapid C
Get mapid D
Get mapid START
Get mapid COIN
Get mapid UP
Get mapid DOWN
Get mapid LEFT
Get mapid RIGHT
Get mapid MENU
STBILOAD 0x40ee0008 304 224 4 1216
STBILOAD 0x24d820 605 14 4 2420
STBILOAD 0x266c80 1243 14 4 4972
STBILOAD 0x243030 32 32 4 128
STBILOAD 0x2440e0 32 32 4 128
STBILOAD 0x245190 32 32 4 128
STBILOAD 0x246240 32 32 4 128
STBILOAD 0x255c80 75 67 4 300
STBILOAD 0x25ab08 75 90 4 300
Loading kof98
AAA Blitter soft effect scanline50
Option effect
Option fullscreen
Option rompath
AA Blitter soft effect scanline50
omapsdl: opened tslib touchscreen
omapsdl: in_evdev: found "gpio-keys" with 30 events (type 00100023)
omapsdl: in_evdev: found "keypad" with 84 events (type 00100013)
omapsdl: in_evdev: found "nub0" with 3 events (type 00000007)
omapsdl: in_evdev: found "nub1" with 3 events (type 00000007)
omapsdl: skip /dev/input/event5 as ts
omapsdl: found 5 evdev device(s).
omapsdl: detected 800x480 'lcd' (0) screen attached to fb 1 and overlay 1
switching to 640x480@16
/dev/fb1: 640x480@16
fbdev initialized.
oshide: X vendor: The X.Org Foundation, rel: 10704000, display: :0.0, protocol ver: 11.0
oshide: display is 800x480
BBB Blitter soft effect scanline50
Loading ./roms/
Allocating 0x00600000 byte for Region 8
Allocating 0x00040000 byte for Region 1
Allocating 0x04000000 byte for Region 9
Allocating 0x00020000 byte for Region 6
Allocating 0x00001000 byte for Region 11
Allocating 0x01000000 byte for Region 3
Allocating 0x00000000 byte for Region 4
BIOS SIZE 00000000 00000000 00000000
Trying to load file 242-p1.bin in region 8
Load file 242-p1.bin in region 8: OK
Trying to load file 242-p2.bin in region 8
Load file 242-p2.bin in region 8: OK
Trying to load file 242-s1.bin in region 6
Load file 242-s1.bin in region 6: OK
Trying to load file 242-m1.bin in region 1
Load file 242-m1.bin in region 1: OK
Trying to load file 242-v1.bin in region 3
Load file 242-v1.bin in region 3: OK
Trying to load file 242-v2.bin in region 3
Load file 242-v2.bin in region 3: OK
Trying to load file 242-v3.bin in region 3
Load file 242-v3.bin in region 3: OK
Trying to load file 242-v4.bin in region 3
Load file 242-v4.bin in region 3: OK
Trying to load file 242-c1.bin in region 9
Load file 242-c1.bin in region 9: OK
Trying to load file 242-c2.bin in region 9
Load file 242-c2.bin in region 9: OK
Trying to load file 242-c3.bin in region 9
Load file 242-c3.bin in region 9: OK
Trying to load file 242-c4.bin in region 9
Load file 242-c4.bin in region 9: OK
Trying to load file 242-c5.bin in region 9
Load file 242-c5.bin in region 9: OK
Trying to load file 242-c6.bin in region 9
Load file 242-c6.bin in region 9: OK
Trying to load file 242-c7.bin in region 9
Load file 242-c7.bin in region 9: OK
Trying to load file 242-c8.bin in region 9
Load file 242-c8.bin in region 9: OK
Special init func
Allocating 0x00020000 byte for Region 10
Load Sfix
Couldn't find sfix.sfx, try sfix.sfix
Loading sp-s2.sp1
ReadeALSA lib pcm.c:7234:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
ALSA lib pcm.c:7234:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
ALSA lib pcm.c:7234:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
ALSA lib pcm.c:7234:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
ALSA lib pcm.c:7234:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured
Obtained sample rate: 22050
PAUSE audio 0
GAME kof98
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Game Vector
Selecting Bios Vector
Selecting Game Vector
[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]

ps : unibios is ok, can turn blood on in mslug. Can't insert coin in arcade mode but ok in console mode.
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ps : unibios is ok, can turn blood on in mslug. Can't insert coin in arcade mode but ok in console mode.

This was for the using the Universe Bios with the 0.8.2 version but your last line suggests it is probably still the same:

dgame said:
When in Arcade mode the in-game controls do not work with the 1.3 or 2.x Universe Bios (can not insert coin, start, or play game).

The in-game controls work in Arcade mode with Universe Bios 1.0, 1.1, & 1.2.

The Arcade mode with with Universe Bios 1.1 and 1.2 starts with credits showing for both players like in console mode but allows Coin entry.
This is a problem because it skips the attract mode.

Arcade mode with Universe Bios 1.0 starts with no credits as it should.

I use Universe Bios 1.0 in Arcade mode to access the Test switch.
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I keep trying several versions of the roms, but only a couple actually run. A few ones just crash gngeo outright. What should I be looking for? (fell free to PM me, hint hint)
Perky_Goth said:
I keep trying several versions of the roms, but only a couple actually run. A few ones just crash gngeo outright. What should I be looking for? (fell free to PM me, hint hint)

This from Pepone helped me : "I tried a romset made for a really more recent version than mame 0.106 and it work."
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Sengoku 3 still has strange graphical issues, no life bar, stuff like that

Screen scaling is so good :)
Prehistoric Isle 2 is screwed up. A lot of graphics are either missing or broken (mostly missing).
I'm aware of these bugs. I'm still short on free time, so I can't fix them all at once.
you can check know bugs here ;)
Mr Loon said:
Perky_Goth said:
I keep trying several versions of the roms, but only a couple actually run. A few ones just crash gngeo outright. What should I be looking for? (fell free to PM me, hint hint)

This from Pepone helped me : "I tried a romset made for a really more recent version than mame 0.106 and it work."
Yeah, thanks, turns out my download wasn't actually finished overnight. :blink:
Works like a treat. If only I were any good at fighting games... at least there's infinite continues :lol:
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How can I change the button mapping in games I can'tsee a option to do so and I like my jump and fire buttons on different ones then the default ?

bumping this been 3 days lol

also is there a front end we can use with this like rage on the gp2x/wiz ?
