i been lookin round about this ginge thing, as i have only recently descovered the open source handheld thing i got some cath up to do.
the posts say ginge will be out 16 of august so i wasted time looking for something that isn't out yet. my concern is that as a none programmer i am relying on a little app called GAME EDITOR, like game maker it enables a ease-in approach to creating 2d games. it is cross platform and exports to GPX2!
this may be old news but as the gpx2 is two generations behind the up-comming caanoo, it worries that in my exitement at the idea a software like game editor- enabling you to make amature games for an actual console (with the added joy of contemplating button configurations instead of key strokes) will be sadly false.
ginge will change this i hope but, it seems illogical that GPH would make a console designed to emulate other machines, would not be able to host its own older generation games and apps- so i hold back buying anything till i'm sure i will get what i want out of the console or i may just be content to using my pc- but it does seem to me that gph is intent on making an all encompassing emulator power-house and game editor games are getting better and gretter in number so i'm hopefull either G.E will update its export to caanoo or GPH will ensure back compatibily cause i keep drooling when i look at that caanoo.
Game Editor does not work well as an introduction to coding, as it is more of a drag and drop interface. I highly recommend you start with something like Bennu or Fenix, as they are a great way to ease into coding.
Just tried Payback (full version), it didn't work. Just some horizontal lines then crashed.
emjay said:
Just tried Payback (full version), it didn't work. Just some horizontal lines then crashed.

Did you try the demo version?
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RupeeClock said:
Did you try the demo version?

No, I don't see the point of trying the demo when I have the full version. That's OK though, the game is not that good anyway.
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emjay said:
RupeeClock said:
Did you try the demo version?

No, I don't see the point of trying the demo when I have the full version. That's OK though, the game is not that good anyway.

I think it is, since earlier discussion said the demo version worked.
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I tried Beats2X and it got the GP2X coding comp screen then crashed back to GINGE's menu, but then again I couldn't even get Cave Story to work =[ says it needs to unpack files then crashes back to the menu
So is there a way to exit GINGE and return back to the Wiz menu? If so, I haven't figured it out yet.
Reo said:
So is there a way to exit GINGE and return back to the Wiz menu? If so, I haven't figured it out yet.
Press menu button to exit the aplication.

I´ve tried to run ZDoom but didnt work. Anyone knows if it works and how?

Sorry for my bad english.


Do you know if the touchscreen works? I´ve tried Exult and the only controller available is the pad and the buttons. In the Ginge menu the touchscreen works.
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Tried Vektar which loads to the title screen but none of the buttons start the game - I wonder if this uses the dpad push button that the Wiz does not have?

Freedroid and Thruster work just great :) Oh and of course Cave Story - lovely!

Don't you love recursive acronyms? It could have easily been called MINGE!
Cave Story is pretty much the only game I have for GINGE, so I GINGE'd it. I deleted all the GP2X menu resources and executable, and changed the launch script to call ginge_prep with the argument "dokutsu.gpe". Then, I stuck all the GINGE files with the Cave Story files. Now whenever ginge.gpe is called, it launches Cave Story. I love it.
raindog said:
Do you know if the touchscreen works? I´ve tried Exult and the only controller available is the pad and the buttons. In the Ginge menu the touchscreen works.
Touchscreen is not completely implemented.

frolik said:
Tried Vektar which loads to the title screen but none of the buttons start the game - I wonder if this uses the dpad push button that the Wiz does not have?
It uses second GP2X CPU which is difficult to handle, so no support.
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I see you have released version 3 for the Pandora. Will you be releasing v3 for the Wiz or is that all finished with ?
Surely, he'll release a massive update for Wiz (when it's ready :P).

I'm testing some GP2X apps

GnuBoy ... ,0,71,1043
Payback (Demo)
Cave Story ... ,0,26,2291
Exult (Ultima 7) ... ,0,20,1044 (no touchscreen)
Wind&Water (Demo & Full versione) ... ,0,22,2222
All Elements Interactive Games (
MiPDF ... 0,0,4,2593
StarFighter ... ,0,27,2319
Alex's Falldown,0,0,0,27,2011 (no music)
Garden2X,0,0,0,30,2499 (colors are wrong)
Enexfi,0,0,0,8,1888 (it locks on saving settings)

Not Working
Handy,0,0,0,71,1066 :(
Bunker Master,0,0,0,30,2184
(every Allegro game gives problems)
Reo said:
Cave Story is pretty much the only game I have for GINGE, so I GINGE'd it. I deleted all the GP2X menu resources and executable, and changed the launch script to call ginge_prep with the argument "dokutsu.gpe". Then, I stuck all the GINGE files with the Cave Story files. Now whenever ginge.gpe is called, it launches Cave Story. I love it.

That sounds ideal, making GINGE layered folders for launching individual GP2X apps.
Make one folder that launches Cavestory through GINGE, another for Wind and Water, another for Lemonboy, and so on.
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Some programs I tried so far, status only on those with issues:

Milkytracker works, but doesn't have touchscreen support, can't check whether has sound or not.
Oldplay worked when launched for the second time, but flickers and has no sound.
Drod doesn't work - crashes.
RupeeClock said:
Reo said:
Cave Story is pretty much the only game I have for GINGE, so I GINGE'd it. I deleted all the GP2X menu resources and executable, and changed the launch script to call ginge_prep with the argument "dokutsu.gpe". Then, I stuck all the GINGE files with the Cave Story files. Now whenever ginge.gpe is called, it launches Cave Story. I love it.

That sounds ideal, making GINGE layered folders for launching individual GP2X apps.
Make one folder that launches Cavestory through GINGE, another for Wind and Water, another for Lemonboy, and so on.
It's nice when you only have one or two apps that you need from the GP2X library and you don't want to start up the GP2X menu every time. I think that if I ever use another application in the future, I'll make a GINGE folder and instead only modify the launch script to point to each executable in its folder rather than dumping GINGE in a folder with my application.
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Mr.TwisT said:
Some programs I tried so far, status only on those with issues:

Milkytracker works, but doesn't have touchscreen support, can't check whether has sound or not.
Oldplay worked when launched for the second time, but flickers and has no sound.
Drod doesn't work - crashes.
Milky tracker works very fine (non-ts version) - sound is real stereo like on real Amiga. :D
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emjay said:
I see you have released version 3 for the Pandora. Will you be releasing v3 for the Wiz or is that all finished with ?
Sure I will, I was simply too tired to build and test Wiz version after I was done with pandora.

Mr 2X said:
I'm testing some GP2X apps


Not Working
That's really useful, thanks.
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