Release Ginge

Moxie said:
This lets me play Wind and Water again, this time with controls that do not suck. Everything is good in the world. Ta again, notaz!

I've still been waiting for them to port it to the Pandora. But I haven't seen any updates on their site in at least a year now. :(

-God Ginrai
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God Ginrai said:
Moxie said:
This lets me play Wind and Water again, this time with controls that do not suck. Everything is good in the world. Ta again, notaz!

I've still been waiting for them to port it to the Pandora. But I haven't seen any updates on their site in at least a year now. :(

-God Ginrai

Nope, but there was one today!

* W&W is available for free, on GP2x/Wiz and Windows.
* They are working on doing a version with online play at the moment.

* You can now order a lookalike sprite with animation poses, so that you can actually, really, play with yourself (no, not like that) in the game.

This last bit sounds like a good thing to do to support them with a bit of dough, given that the game is free now...
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Moxie, I just nabbed the game and suspect I'll spend more than enough time to send them some cash later.

I definitely love how flexible this is, though need to find if there is a pnd version of Cave Story now since I would rather not fire this up for the (now 2x) gp2x programs I currently enjoy.
Hi Notaz,

I know you're doing the work of ten devs as always, but just wondering what the next release is planned? Putting my DaveC hat on here, I'm really looking forward to a version with crisp 2x scaling instead of the default scaler it uses. Once that is in place I plan to contact various authors and ask if I can GINGE-wrap their stuff for Pandora release.
^ Gruso, this is a bit of a workaround, but if you've installed Hotfix 5, you can change the default scaler that's used system-wide. :P
^ No problem. :D Enjoy.

Just a note, though - I'm pretty sure that PCSX ReARMed has trouble with it, as I seem to need to re-set what filter it's using every time I use it, in spite of the stored default.
Prometheus said:
Just a note, though - I'm pretty sure that PCSX ReARMed has trouble with it, as I seem to need to re-set what filter it's using every time I use it, in spite of the stored default.
uh oh. Better report this in PCSX thread next time so I don't miss it.
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I'll do so as soon as I've had a moment to do a bit more checking on it, notaz. :P
Prometheus said:
^ Gruso, this is a bit of a workaround, but if you've installed Hotfix 5, you can change the default scaler that's used system-wide. :P

Nice one Prometheus, and of course ED & the firmware team. This little feature passed me by as well. Huge improvement for things like ginge. :)
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The GUI options for setting and, more importantly saving, the filter option was my most eagerly-awaited new feature in Hotfix 5, so I kept up with it.

It's much better than having to manually set it from the terminal on each boot-up.
I know you are on a break notaz, but just a little request if you are ever looking at updating ginge again.

I was messing about inside the .pnd, as I wanted to change the gp2xmenu to the wiz one (I've not used my GP2X in years, and I still use my wiz!), but very quickly ran out skill.

Would it be possible for the end user to put a 'gp2xmenu', and the related data/image files into ginge's 'appdata' folder and have ginge check for it and run that instead of the default one stuck inside the .pnd? Then we could use anyone we wanted; wiz, gmenu etc.

.pnd's are great, but the lack of tinkerability can be a pain.

sabregolly said:
I know you are on a break notaz, but just a little request if you are ever looking at updating ginge again.

I was messing about inside the .pnd, as I wanted to change the gp2xmenu to the wiz one (I've not used my GP2X in years, and I still use my wiz!), but very quickly ran out skill.

Would it be possible for the end user to put a 'gp2xmenu', and the related data/image files into ginge's 'appdata' folder and have ginge check for it and run that instead of the default one stuck inside the .pnd? Then we could use anyone we wanted; wiz, gmenu etc.

.pnd's are great, but the lack of tinkerability can be a pain.

The PND system DOES let you do this if you know the name of the file you are overiding in the appdata.
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PokeParadox said:
The PND system DOES let you do this if you know the name of the file you are overiding in the appdata.

I'm sorry, I'm not really sure what you mean. When I was messing I did try just putting a new gp2xmenu and related files into the appdata directory to see if it would work, but it didn't.

I tried 'disassembling' the .pnd to look inside, but fiddling with that and reassembling it back together didn't seem like a trivial task for a casual end user like myself; I couldn't find the pxml or an icon file for a start!

And when I say casual, I mean stupid.
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sabregolly said:
PokeParadox said:
The PND system DOES let you do this if you know the name of the file you are overiding in the appdata.

I'm sorry, I'm not really sure what you mean. When I was messing I did try just putting a new gp2xmenu and related files into the appdata directory to see if it would work, but it didn't.

I tried 'disassembling' the .pnd to look inside, but fiddling with that and reassembling it back together didn't seem like a trivial task for a casual end user like myself; I couldn't find the pxml or an icon file for a start!

And when I say casual, I mean stupid.

If you know the directory structure of the PND, IIRC you should be able to replace said files by using the appdata. For example, if it is (pnd's root)/menu/file, then just put file at (sd's root)/pandora/appdata/menu/file

-God Ginrai
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Yes I tried that, I 'mounted' the .pnd on my laptop and copied the files to a new directory- inside was this...

scot@scot-laptop:~/Pandora/ginge$ dir
ginge_dyn     ginge_prep  ginge_sloader  gp2xmenu_data	readme.txt	  gp2xmenu	 lib		tools

I then placed my file 'gp2xmenu' from my wiz into the ginge appdata, and the image files into the directory 'gp2xmenu_data' in the same place, so the sd card now has...

scot@scot-laptop:/media/FC30-3DA9/Pandora/appdata/ginge$ dir 
gp2xmenu  gp2xmenu_data
but it ran the standard gp2x menu same as before. I'm certain there has to be more to it than that!

I was originally thinking about repackaging the ginge .pnd with my wiz files in it, but reading about make_pnd and pxml files made my head hurt.

Thanks for your help anyway!
gp2xmenu included in ginge is actually a port to pandora from the sources released by GPH when they discontinued GP2X. The Wiz menu is closed and is unlikely to work under ginge as it does lots of things (I haven't really tried it though).
notaz said:
gp2xmenu included in ginge is actually a port to pandora from the sources released by GPH when they discontinued GP2X. The Wiz menu is closed and is unlikely to work under ginge as it does lots of things (I haven't really tried it though).

Ah, I see! That makes sense then - I thought it would be a more trivial task. Thanks again for your good work!
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im having a bit of a problem with anything thats related to ginge, so please bear with me here. ok... everytime i run either ginge, gpsp, or gpfce, it seems to create a mount point, for example from entering mount in terminal, this is part of it....

/dev/loop0 on /mnt/utmp/gpfcegp2x type squashfs (ro)
none on /mnt/utmp/gpfcegp2x type aufs (rw,si=616feb77)
/dev/loop1 on /mnt/utmp/gpspwiz type squashfs (ro)
none on /mnt/utmp/gpspwiz type aufs (rw,si=636f3b77)
/dev/loop3 on /mnt/utmp/ginge.notaz type squashfs (ro)
none on /mnt/utmp/ginge.notaz type aufs (rw,si=65431737)

while none of are are running anymore, all are exited the right way after using them, and heres the current pstree, and top outputs... to prove it. so my question is, why are these still mounted, why cant i umount them, because theyre causing me problems and not allowing me to launch other pnds from time to time. and i believe its also because of this that i cant unmount the sd card the ginge pnds are on now