NumMappedKeys = 51;
KeyMap: Array [1..NumMappedKeys] of KeyMapDesc = (
( CmdName: 'NormSpeed';
CmdDesc: 'Travel foreword at normal speed.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: '='; ),
( CmdName: 'FullSpeed';
CmdDesc: 'Travel foreword at maximum speed';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: '+'; ),
( CmdName: 'TurnLeft';
CmdDesc: 'Turn to the left.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: '['; ),
( CmdName: 'TurnRight';
CmdDesc: 'Turn to the right.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: ']'; ),
( CmdName: 'Stop';
CmdDesc: 'Stop moving, wait in place.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: '5'; ),
( CmdName: 'Dir-SouthWest';
CmdDesc: 'Move southwest.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: RPK_DownLeft; ),
( CmdName: 'Dir-South';
CmdDesc: 'Move south.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: RPK_Down; ),
( CmdName: 'Dir-SouthEast';
CmdDesc: 'Move southeast.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: RPK_DownRight; ),
( CmdName: 'Dir-West';
CmdDesc: 'Move west.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: RPK_Left; ),
( CmdName: 'Dir-East';
CmdDesc: 'Move east.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: RPK_Right; ),
( CmdName: 'Dir-NorthWest';
CmdDesc: 'Move northwest.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: RPK_UpLeft; ),
( CmdName: 'Dir-North';
CmdDesc: 'Move north.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: RPK_Up; ),
( CmdName: 'Dir-NorthEast';
CmdDesc: 'Move northeast.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: RPK_UpRight; ),
( CmdName: 'ShiftGears';
CmdDesc: 'Change movement mode.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: '.'; ),
( CmdName: 'Look';
CmdDesc: 'Look around the map.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'l'; ),
( CmdName: 'AttackMenu';
CmdDesc: 'Access the attack menu.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'A'; ),
( CmdName: 'QuitGame';
CmdDesc: 'Exit the game.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'Q'; ),
( CmdName: 'Talk';
CmdDesc: 'Initiate conversation with a NPC.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 't'; ),
( CmdName: 'Help';
CmdDesc: 'View these helpful messages.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'h'; ),
( CmdName: 'SwitchWeapon';
CmdDesc: 'Change the active weapon while selecting a target.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: '.'; ),
( CmdName: 'CalledShot';
CmdDesc: 'Toggle the Called Shot option while selecting a target.';
IsACommand: False;
KCode: '/'; ),
( CmdName: 'Get';
CmdDesc: 'Pick up an item lying on the ground.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: ','; ),
( CmdName: 'Inventory';
CmdDesc: 'Access all carried items.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'i'; ),
( CmdName: 'Equipment';
CmdDesc: 'Access all equipped items.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'e'; ),
( CmdName: 'Enter';
CmdDesc: 'Use a stairway or portal.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: '>'; ),
{ Commands 26 - 30 }
( CmdName: 'PartBrowser';
CmdDesc: 'Examine the individual components of your PC.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'B'; ),
( CmdName: 'LearnSkills';
CmdDesc: 'Spend accumulated experience points.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'L'; ),
( CmdName: 'Attack';
CmdDesc: 'Perform an attack.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'a'; ),
( CmdName: 'SelectMecha';
CmdDesc: 'Choose the mecha that will be used by this PC in combat.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'M'; ),
( CmdName: 'UseScenery';
CmdDesc: 'Activate a stationary item, such as a door or a computer.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'u'; ),
{ Commands 31 - 35 }
( CmdName: 'Messages';
CmdDesc: 'Review all current adventure memos, email, and news.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'm'; ),
( CmdName: 'SaveGame';
CmdDesc: 'Write the game data to disk, so you can come back and waste time later.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'X'; ),
( CmdName: 'Enter2';
CmdDesc: 'Use a stairway or portal.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: '<'; ),
( CmdName: 'CharInfo';
CmdDesc: 'View detailed information about your character, access option menus.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'C'; ),
( CmdName: 'ApplySkill';
CmdDesc: 'Select and use a skill that the PC knows.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 's'; ),
{ Commands 36 - 40 }
( CmdName: 'Eject';
CmdDesc: 'Eject from your mecha and abandon it on the field.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'E'; ),
( CmdName: 'Rest';
CmdDesc: 'Take a break for one hour of game time.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'Z'; ),
( CmdName: 'History';
CmdDesc: 'Display past messages.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'V'; ),
( CmdName: 'FieldHQ';
CmdDesc: 'Examine and edit your personal wargear.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'H'; ),
( CmdName: 'Search';
CmdDesc: 'Check the area for enemies and secrets.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'S'; ),
{ Commands 41 - 45 }
( CmdName: 'Telephone';
CmdDesc: 'Place a telephone call to a local NPC.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'T'; ),
( CmdName: 'SwitchBV';
CmdDesc: 'Switch the Burst Fire option while selecting a target.';
IsACommand: False;
KCode: '>'; ),
( CmdName: 'Reverse';
CmdDesc: 'Travel backward at normal speed.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: '-'; ),
( CmdName: 'SwitchTarget';
CmdDesc: 'Switch to next visible enemy when selecting a target.';
IsACommand: False;
KCode: ';'; ),
( CmdName: 'RunToggle';
CmdDesc: 'Toggle running on or off.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'r'; ),
{ Commands 46 - 50 }
( CmdName: 'WallToggle';
CmdDesc: 'Toggle short walls in graphical mode.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'W'; ),
( CmdName: 'QuickFire';
CmdDesc: 'Single-key automatic targeting attack.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'f'; ),
( CmdName: 'RollHistory';
CmdDesc: 'View the skill roll history.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'R'; ),
( CmdName: 'ExamineTarget';
CmdDesc: 'Examine a target closely.';
IsACommand: False;
KCode: '?'; ),
( CmdName: 'PartyMode';
CmdDesc: 'Toggle between clock mode and tactics mode.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'P'; ),
{ Commands 51 - 55 }
( CmdName: 'UseSystem';
CmdDesc: 'Use one of the special systems in a mecha.';
IsACommand: True;
KCode: 'U'; )