Release GearHead 2


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
This is GearHead 2. An RPG with Mechs.


I only packages the SDL version of it (there is also a text only and an OpenGL, but didn't compile neither of them).

Controls are customized with build 03 as follow (please remove your old gearhead.cfg if upgrading):

Turn left   {A}             Dir-South     c         AttackMenu    A

Turn right  {B}             Dir-East      f         QuitGame      Q

NormSpeed      {Y}             Dir-West      d         Talk          k

ShiftGears   .              Dir-North     r         Help          h

FullSpeed    0              SwitchWeapon  .         CalledShot    /

FullStop      backspace        Look          l         Get           ,

Inventory    i              Equipment     e         Enter         >

PartBrowser  B              LearnSkills   L         Attack        a

SelectMecha  M              UseScenery    u         Messages      m

SaveGame     X              Enter2        <         CharInfo      C

ApplySkill   s              Eject         E         Rest          Z

History      V              FieldHQ       H         Search        S

Telephone    T              SwitchBV      >         Reverse      {X}

SwitchTarget ;              RunToggle     t         WallToggle    W

QuickFire    h              RollHistory   R         ExamineTarget ?

PartyMode    P              UseSystem     U


That's huge list of keys !

History log

Build 04

  • Corrected {X} to be reverse, and Backspace to be Fullstop
  • Change DPad to be Diagonal movements
  • Non-diagonal can be found on "rcdf" now (Quickfire is now h).

Build 03


  • Corrected Customized Mech controls.
  • Added diagonal control ('w', 'r', 'z', 'c'), talk to npc is now 'k', toogle run is now 't'
  • Resized some dialogs to better fit the screen

Build 02


  • Customized Mech controls. Non-mech controls staid the same (DPad, non-dagonal).
Build 01

  • Initial release
  • Only SDL 2D isomeric version.
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It must be my firmware super  zaxxon 1.52 because this game will not open and no folder in appdata either. :(

Sorry.. maybe I should stop rating games. :mellow: ...bad luck for me  2/2 in the loss column  :eek:
Yeah, there were some more or less significant updates in the firmware.

Just try to upgrade with the Update OS tool :)

Don't forget to run it twice.
It must be my firmware super  zaxxon 1.52 because this game will not open and no folder in appdata either. :(

Sorry.. maybe I should stop rating games. :mellow: ...bad luck for me  2/2 in the loss column  :eek:
I am at firmware 1.54 yes. I think SDL has been improve it the firmware for example (and I didn't put a version in the PND), you should update, 1.54 is running great.
Ok then...this stubborn man is going to upgrade later pm :angry:  ....I will report when done. ;)
WHy do you even stay with the older firmware by the way?
Well I know you won't agree with this but I go with an old saying..."if it isn't broken don't try to fix it"... ;)

Everything is running so smoothly now with my firmware. It is just the fact that the last 3 pnd's out i have not been able to run = Cavez of Fear, Gearhead 2 and Tournament maybe I should rethink my drink so to speak  :p

It seems to be the consensus  that super zaxxon 1.52 is antiquated and will not run these pnd's and  all future ones. :eek:
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wow that was easy!!!!

Super Zaxxon 1.54..will test games later.
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none of the gear games will load for me with new firmware.  :(

oh well.
Hum, can you download them again, looks like corrupted PND to me (I'll try download them on a fresh Pandora too).

*EDIT* Tested on a CC. Freshly installed from PNDManager, and it runs. So don't know what to say :( Re-download in case of corruption.
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Hum, can you download them again, looks like corrupted PND to me (I'll try download them on a fresh Pandora too).

*EDIT* Tested on a CC. Freshly installed from PNDManager, and it runs. So don't know what to say :( Re-download in case of corruption.
I tried downloading this and ARENA on my 1 gigs and same thing on both. Downloaded each 3x...I am not joking and would never joke about this..3x same thing. :eek:

All I can say is other than seeing the game in my menu it is like everything else is invisible. <_<

I wish someone else with a 1 gig would report...if that means anything??...GB vs CC ??

I do have the new firmware though and it is better ...sorry topic. :blink:   :p
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Hum, can you download them again, looks like corrupted PND to me (I'll try download them on a fresh Pandora too).

*EDIT* Tested on a CC. Freshly installed from PNDManager, and it runs. So don't know what to say :( Re-download in case of corruption.
I tried downloading this and ARENA on my 1 gigs and same thing on both. Downloaded each 3x...I am not joking and would never joke about this..3x same thing. :eek:

All I can say is other than seeing the game in my menu it is like everything else is invisible. <_<

I wish someone else with a 1 gig would report...if that means anything??...GB vs CC ??

I do have the new firmware though and it is better ...sorry topic. :blink:   :p
I tested it on the 3 Pandora models. The GHz model is my dev Pandora. That is very strange. you should at least have a pnd out in "/tmp/pndrun_gearhead2.out".

If you don't, that means the PND is not launching. It can be caused by a corrupted PND (but if you see it in the menu, it's unlikely) or something else (but no ideas what). Have you tried rebooting also?
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Works for me (1GhZ Pandora, Firmware 1.54). Same results with GH:Arena. Thanks for the ports, I always liked these (though I don't have enough time for playing them)!

But a better default key mapping would be nice, currently (nondiagonal) movement requires [, ], and +. Or am I missing something?
Works for me (1GhZ Pandora, Firmware 1.54). Same results with GH:Arena. Thanks for the ports, I always liked these (though I don't have enough time for playing them)!

But a better default key mapping would be nice, currently (nondiagonal) movement requires [, ], and +. Or am I missing something?
I haven't change keymap. But I can do that. Give me a proposal and I do a new PND with that.
Hmm, actually I'm not a good pilot. Only excellent at crashing flying mechs:)

Perhaps either the DPad or A/B/X/Y to 'TurnLeft/TurnRight' (default [ and ]), NormSpeed/Reverse (default = and -). But FullSpeed (+) and Stop (uppercase S) are useful too, might be good on 0 and Backspace.

I think having 1-4,6-9 mapped to the directions is neccessary to answer the roguelike direction prompts (GH1) and move the cursor (GH2).

Can't remember whether the mouse should be usable with u(se) or t(alk).
Hum. So, is

{A} : Turn left

{B} : Turn right

{Y} : NormSpeed

{X} : Reverse

 0  : FullSpeed

backspace : FullStop

sounds good? I don't want to change DPad, as Up/Down/Deft/Right is usefull in menu...
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Hum, can you download them again, looks like corrupted PND to me (I'll try download them on a fresh Pandora too).

*EDIT* Tested on a CC. Freshly installed from PNDManager, and it runs. So don't know what to say :( Re-download in case of corruption.
I tried downloading this and ARENA on my 1 gigs and same thing on both. Downloaded each 3x...I am not joking and would never joke about this..3x same thing. :eek:

All I can say is other than seeing the game in my menu it is like everything else is invisible. <_<

I wish someone else with a 1 gig would report...if that means anything??...GB vs CC ??

I do have the new firmware though and it is better ...sorry topic. :blink:   :p
I tested it on the 3 Pandora models. The GHz model is my dev Pandora. That is very strange. you should at least have a pnd out in "/tmp/pndrun_gearhead2.out".

If you don't, that means the PND is not launching. It can be caused by a corrupted PND (but if you see it in the menu, it's unlikely) or something else (but no ideas what). Have you tried rebooting also?
yes...i tried rebooting. 

i thank you for your correspondence. I am sure there must be something incorrect with these particular games that has to do with me.

i am sorry but I cannot figure this one out. :(

I am glad others are enjoying this .
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Hum, can you download them again, looks like corrupted PND to me (I'll try download them on a fresh Pandora too).

*EDIT* Tested on a CC. Freshly installed from PNDManager, and it runs. So don't know what to say :( Re-download in case of corruption.
I tried downloading this and ARENA on my 1 gigs and same thing on both. Downloaded each 3x...I am not joking and would never joke about this..3x same thing. :eek:

All I can say is other than seeing the game in my menu it is like everything else is invisible. <_<

I wish someone else with a 1 gig would report...if that means anything??...GB vs CC ??

I do have the new firmware though and it is better ...sorry topic. :blink:   :p
I tested it on the 3 Pandora models. The GHz model is my dev Pandora. That is very strange. you should at least have a pnd out in "/tmp/pndrun_gearhead2.out".

If you don't, that means the PND is not launching. It can be caused by a corrupted PND (but if you see it in the menu, it's unlikely) or something else (but no ideas what). Have you tried rebooting also?
yes...i tried rebooting. 

i thank you for your correspondence. I am sure there must be something incorrect with these particular games that has to do with me.

i am sorry but I cannot figure this one out. :(

I am glad others are enjoying this .
What is even stranger is that "Dungeon Monkey Unlimited" is a PND just like the 2 other GearHead. A soft compiled with FreePascal, with just SDL as dependancy.