
ITs honestly not that much a different shape from the gp32!
Besides there is no such thing as a console shaped badly,.... except the PSP.
it looks nothing like the gp32........and the psp isnt badly shaped. its just massive. and it does look brilliant to hold. i especially like the look of the d-pad because its reminiscent of the mega drive pad

edit 2 ::::::::: /\ = how not to impress an english teacher
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When I checked it out at E3 I found it comfortable...but the one I picked up was apparently broken or the battery had died so I never saw the games but in all honesty is pales in comparison to the PSP and DS that I'd seen well before finding it, so I wasnt even interested in finding out what they looked like.

I will say it fits in your hand well and the Dpad isnt as horrible as it looks, but it's pretty heavy in my opinion or more specifically it felt really dense.

The shoulder buttons of the gp32 are a WHOLE LOT more comfortable to reach than the original GBA's shoulder buttons.
I like it

I have been trying to pre order it but no shops know what it is and its due out here next month (UK).

I want to try and support the device as much as i can as its manufactered in the UK and i think its a UK company that is behind it.

To be honist i can't see it dethroning Nintendo but it could be a good rival for the PSP. The deviced have similar specs and look like they are goping for the same movie/mp3/games crowd.

Rumours suggest the RRP could be as low as £60 or as high as £199 but i have never heard a price tage greater than £199 so it looks like its going to be £50-£100 less then the PSP for starters.
I'm pretty sure i read in an IGN article that i was gonna be about the £150 mark.

Thats the major annoyance i've had following this thing back when it was called gametrac, stuff magazine was reporting a price as low as £60 a few months back, now i've seen it climb to £200 without and form of advertising contract.
I like it

I have been trying to pre order it but no shops know what it is and its due out here next month (UK).

I want to try and support the device as much as i can as its manufactered in the UK and i think its a UK company that is behind it.

To be honist i can't see it dethroning Nintendo but it could be a good rival for the PSP. The deviced have similar specs and look like they are goping for the same movie/mp3/games crowd.

Rumours suggest the RRP could be as low as £60 or as high as £199 but i have never heard a price tage greater than £199 so it looks like its going to be £50-£100 less then the PSP for starters.
Have you tried Toys R Us? It said on teletext that Toys R Us would be stocking them from this summer onwards.

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The screen is too small on this jizmondo thing though. It is only 2.8" the same as GBA. That is like 3/4" smaller than the GP32. It doesn't look backlit either.
i believe it is backlit, or lit in some way, some of the photos ive seen definitely implied a lightsource.

yeah its small, but is almost the same resolution of the gp32, so images are going to look even better on it.

w00t, 300th post!
what will this be able to do that gp32 can't
its not that big of an improvement as far as i can see
More power, more potential. I'd like to know little details such as battery life etc, but I must admit this has peaked my interest. If it's available in the UK then it's a much better alternative to the Zodiac for those of us in Europe.
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Although the processor is more than double that of the gp32, I think the screen itself sucks, the L+R buttons look stupid, and I don't really like the other buttons either.

That said, it's extremely easy to write apps and games for the PocketPC OS, which is based on WinCE, so it should be about the same to write for that. It'll probably need an media card in it though (SD, XD, whatever) just so it has something to put it's swap file on :D (And before you say thats stupid, my PocketPC next to me has 64mb of ram, but still uses 32mb of VirtualMemory - ie. swapfile.

Unfortunately, it's probably the shape of things to come :(

For now, the GP32 & Zodiac are still the best, and both are available from GBAX, so no problem for us Europeans.
squidge. If this is good will you make something called "gizmondodrive"?

only joking. Soon I will have 2 gp32s. I just want my blu to hurry up and come so I stop second guessing myself and wanting to cancel my blu for this or DS or PSP or a Zodiac!!
what will this be able to do that gp32 can't
its not that big of an improvement as far as i can see
More power, more potential. I'd like to know little details such as battery life etc, but I must admit this has peaked my interest. If it's available in the UK then it's a much better alternative to the Zodiac for those of us in Europe.
i doesn't seem to me like it would have enough power to get something like ps1 or n64 and deffinently not saturn
i am not really on top of jaguars specs so i am not sure about this one
it seems like a lot more power
just not enough to make the console of the mid 90s emulated at playable speeds
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I dont like how it looks, and the screen looks pretty small

But dont it have multiplayer capability? that would be pretty nice, i mean anywhere in the world. B)
i dont think that gps would be nearly fast enough or even possible to have wireless gaming
the ds has wifi
there is a good idea