Future DraStic Android port: help needed

So if I've got this correct, using the Export Backup Data function on Desmume should create a file that can be used with Drastic, right?
I know im like the 1 millionth person to say this or Im not. I just hope that this is released before all the schoolboys like myself have to get back to school stuff. Im not threatening just saying with a smile:). I will buy this definitely regatdless of what happenes.. with that said I hope It comes out before classes start because then I doubt ill buy it(immediately) untill later on when I have down time or breaks start. I am forever greatful to the ppl who contributed so much to even make this a reality. I can wait for as long as it takes and by no means am I rushing anyone or trying to.

P.S. SORRY THIS WASNT A REAL UPDATE TO THE EMULATOR AND JUST SOME RANDOM person ON THIS forum bickering :) . Once again thanks to all for your efforts and this made having an android worthwhile.
i got a question for exophase and exophase only if u got somethin negative to say i dont care cause u cant say it to ma face and you not ma momma or daddy so :P @ exophase dear exophase can we get a release date or is there still work that has to be done or at least a hint on how close u are releasing it? sincerly bobbybay p.s f*** all negative comments
i got a question for exophase and exophase onthose were definitely u got somethin negative to say i dont care cause u cant say it to is a face and you not ma momma or daddy so :P just axophase dear exophase can we get a release date or is there still work that has to be done or at least a hint on how close u are releasing it? sincerly bobbybay p.s f*** all negative comments

Don't you think that if he wanted to give a release date he would? Also, stop butchering our language, those were definitely not mistakes, and obviously no one here can be your mom or dad. I'm sorry to be a douche, but that post was just annoying.
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i got a question for exophase and exophase onthose were definitely u got somethin negative to say i dont care cause u cant say it to is a face and you not ma momma or daddy so :P just axophase dear exophase can we get a release date or is there still work that has to be done or at least a hint on how close u are releasing it? sincerly bobbybay p.s f*** all negative comments
Don't you think that if he wanted to give a release date he would? Also, stop butchering our language, those were definitely not mistakes, and obviously no one here can be your mom or dad. I'm sorry to be a douche, but that post was just annoying.
+1 I agree Plus I am sorry for asking for a release date in my last post. I am embarrassed for asking now...
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Hey there. Im following this topic "unregistered" for a long time now...

Now i just registered here, to let exophase know: "damn we all want this so damn harrrrrrrd"

Im sure alot more peoples just watchin this topic hidden and cant wait for it ;-) (like i did)

About that 8$ thing:

Bitch please- id pay even more for it. Cmon.

I mean i even bought the finalFantasy 4 game out of the playstore for like 15€ and i can say- its worth the gamefun i had(still have).

And 8$ only- for HOURS of emulated gameplay. Thats a rly good price...

I will buy it twice (for me and my wife, we both got Samsung S4)

You deserve the money...

Go for it exophase, release it and take my money!!

Greetings from Germany
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Hi, I have a tablet with a 1.5ghz rockchip 3066. Can I expect drastic to run well on it?
Hi, I have a tablet with a 1.5ghz rockchip 3066. Can I expect drastic to run well on it?
Anything that has ARMv7 and Neon should run it. That's everything that has at least a Cortex-A8, except Tegra 2.
Hey there. Im following this topic "unregistered" for a long time now...

Now i just registered here, to let exophase know: "damn we all want this so damn harrrrrrrd"

Im sure alot more peoples just watchin this topic hidden and cant wait for it ;-) (like i did)

About that 8$ thing:

Bitch please- id pay even more for it. Cmon.

I mean i even bought the finalFantasy 4 game out of the playstore for like 15€ and i can say- its worth the gamefun i had(still have).

And 8$ only- for HOURS of emulated gameplay. Thats a rly good price...

I will buy it twice (for me and my wife, we both got Samsung S4)

You deserve the money...

Go for it exophase, release it and take my money!!

Greetings from Germany
Why is everyone her  wants the emulator so damn now

a little waiting  bit will not hurt anyone

and At least, there are 80,000 people who want this emulator, but they do not waste their time in asking all time

So to be patient like everyone else
Hey there. Im following this topic "unregistered" for a long time now...

Now i just registered here, to let exophase know: "damn we all want this so damn harrrrrrrd"

Im sure alot more peoples just watchin this topic hidden and cant wait for it ;-) (like i did)

About that 8$ thing:

Bitch please- id pay even more for it. Cmon.

I mean i even bought the finalFantasy 4 game out of the playstore for like 15€ and i can say- its worth the gamefun i had(still have).

And 8$ only- for HOURS of emulated gameplay. Thats a rly good price...

I will buy it twice (for me and my wife, we both got Samsung S4)

You deserve the money...

Go for it exophase, release it and take my money!!

Greetings from Germany
Why is everyone her  wants the emulator so damn now

a little waiting  bit will not hurt anyone

and At least, there are 80,000 people who want this emulator, but they do not waste their time in asking all time

So to be patient like everyone else
I think u missunderstood the meaning of my post ma dear.

I said no word about "(right)now"

It was just a " gogo we love your work exo" post xD
Well. Thanks to DraStic. More and more people in my country begin to know openpandora, which is not famous so much before.
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Totally agree about the final fantasy thing, $19 is way too much, but I don't think the emulator should be that expensive, else it'll be the onlyemulator on the play store for a price greater than $6. It probably will be the most expensive emulator, but $8 is worth it.
Hello to everyone,

I'm reading this topic since 1 month (nearly), and i'm exciting, very very exciting about any DraStic news.

I'm french and all the french community is very interesting about

Greetings from France guy
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Hello to everyone,

I'm listening this topic since 1 month (nearly), and i'm exciting, very very exciting about any DraStic news.

I'm french and all the french community is very interesting about

Greetings from France guy
I've seen you on youtube. :P
I been testing drastic for a few days on my galaxy note 2 now.

Only now getting back to the public with my experience.

Im very impressed with speed emulation and game compatibility.

The UI is great and user frendly

The external bluetooth pairing is easy

The screen layout options is awesome.

New menu button icon is great. Give more screen relastate

I use my hardware menu button mapped to switch screens. Very handy

Over all.

Its just amazing
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I been testing drastic for a few days on my galaxy note 2 now.

Only now getting back to the public with my experience.

Im very impressed with speed emulation and game compatibility.

The UI is great and user frendly

The external bluetooth pairing is easy

The screen layout options is awesome.

New menu button icon is great. Give more screen relastate

I use my hardware menu button mapped to switch screens. Very handy

Over all.

Its just amazing
Ohhhhhhwwww maaaaan !!! :o   :wub:

Very exciting !!

I have a question guys, if i want delet the tactile screen on the right side of the screen, can I ? For play Mario Kart full screen... I'm worry about touch screen :/ (like with Super Mario Bros too, i don't want too)
Hello to everyone,

I'm listening this topic since 1 month (nearly), and i'm exciting, very very exciting about any DraStic news.

I'm french and all the french community is very interesting about

Greetings from France guy
I've seen you on youtube. :P
What ?! How can this possible ? <.<

Which video my friend ? ^^
Sorry,I can't remind it exactlly.But is must be Exophase's teaser video or Grant Johnson's teaser video about Drastic. :) (My id on youtube is my true name)