Future DraStic Android port: help needed


U can enable full screen in the menu.

I only play using full screen. And mapped my hardware menu button to switch screen back if needed too.
Hello to everyone,

I'm listening this topic since 1 month (nearly), and i'm exciting, very very exciting about any DraStic news.

I'm french and all the french community is very interesting about

Greetings from France guy
I've seen you on youtube. :P
What ?! How can this possible ? <.<

Which video my friend ? ^^
Sorry,I can't remind it exactlly.But is must be Exophase's teaser video or Grant Johnson's teaser video about Drastic. :) (My id on youtube is my true name)
i'm also french , so i think we are all exciting about drastic ^_^
everyone reading this lol i scamed all you guys drastic is a fake emulator that will never be released for android so you can stop complaining about it cause its fake :P
Cute. I don't know if being an obvious fake was part of the joke but if you're legitimately pretending to be me you might want to try sounding a little more like me. You should get in touch with this Drammurt guy, he's really good at making hoax messages.
Rofl i almost fell of my chair, a newbie developer with 1 post in total, seems legit.
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real exophase or fake exophase with a dot lol you gotta be kidding me

what a dumb scammer
Dear bobbybay34, us moderators can see IP addresses from every post.. We know you faked his ID.

I need to talk to other moderators to see where this proceeds from here.. 
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The plot thickens.

Maybe next time I should do the fake account, that'll really confuse the mods.
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Dear bobbybay34, us moderators can see IP addresses from every post.. We know you faked his ID.

I need to talk to other moderators to see where this proceeds from here.. 
Wait a minute.... what just happened here lol? Are you saying Bobbybay34 is the one who made the fake "Exophase." account and posted that garbage? I figured it would be some anonymous troll, not someone with another account who has already posted in this thread (with seemingly legitimate interest)... Then, on top of that, he attacks the "scammer" who is apparently himself:

real exophase or fake exophase with a dot lol you gotta be kidding me

what a dumb scammer
Man, this is like a mystery novel! Exophase, did you coordinate some sort of "Whodunnit Mystery Theater" for this thread while we wait? :P

EDIT: Nevermind... I just went back and re-read bobby's posts and he's the tard who posted the annoying "EXOPHASE GIV US RELEAZE DATE AND NO ONE ELSE SAY SUMTING IF IT'S BAD" post...
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