Woo! Mine literally arrived 5 minutes ago

On the X issue, though, I had it work ingame

I'd just beaten the first boss and the screen of text was showing and I instinctively pressed 'X' to skip it, but it quit and didn't save my progress (only first level, though, so not too upset).
Was this fixed in the patch? Can somebody else try to repeat this for me? It was an immediate quit to the menu.
Hooray for the first commercial game!
Edit: Further Thoughts:
One thing I was expecting with the commercial games was that they would autorun the game on startup; giving a cartridge experience.
Is this something you might try out in future, craig?
I've done it myself, but the only flaw is that it looks like the game restarts the menu without --disable-autorun, so Vektar restarts immediately and I have to continue playing