Vektar Collection

The Master

Dec 12, 2006
Hope this isn't out of line, but could anyone send me the first (0.1) version of Vektar? I can't find it online anywhere any more, and I'd really like to complete my "collection" :)

I have 0.9, 1.0, commercial demo 1, commercial demo 2, timebattle from the value pack (can't find any difference between that and commercial demo 2 so far, but I guess there must be), and of course the full commercial version. So I think that's only 0.1 missing, right? Someone must still have it... cheers!
WOW!! good luck finding .1, when you get it please make a pack of them and make them a torrent or put them up on a file-sharing site (except of course the commercial full game)
without checking on gp2x, I have a version downloaded on 26/2/2006, what version would that be ?

edit: lol - just checked and the png with it says 0.1 ! Damn Im such a hoarder :-) I'll upload it somewhere tomorrow - I'm off out right now for beers !
without checking on gp2x, I have a version downloaded on 26/2/2006, what version would that be ?

edit: lol - just checked and the png with it says 0.1 ! Damn Im such a hoarder :-) I'll upload it somewhere tomorrow - I'm off out right now for beers !
I lost .1 ages ago, please upload it somewhere. If you have no space just email it to me and ill host it, or you could just add it to the archive as a "Vektar Pack" :D
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lol - just checked and the png with it says 0.1 ! Damn Im such a hoarder :-) I'll upload it somewhere tomorrow - I'm off out right now for beers !

That's fantastic, thanks!! - will look forward to downloading it.

Yeah, I'd be up for putting together a freeware/demo Vektar pack. Vektar fucking rules, absolutely awesome game, I've even managed to "sell" a couple of GP2Xs to friends on pretty much Vektar alone. Well, and MAME ;)

Not sure if I'd be allowed to include the Value Pack Timebattle version though (Craig?). And what IS the difference between this and the second commercial demo?
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All those demo's should have been included on the commercial version
Vektar pack sounds like an ace idea to me - I've so far only played the commercial version (which I got this morning, and is absolutely fantastic) and the demo that is on
Its provided free, so there should be no problem including it.

Yeah, and I just saw it's in the Firmware 3.0.0 rip that's already on the archive, so should be fine.

All those demo's should have been included on the commercial version

Agreed, they all give a different take on the same concept, so it's cool to have the choice. There's space on the commercial SD card to fit them all on in addition, so you could copy them over yourself, but I'd be a bit worried about whether that might bugger up the commercial version's protection...?

Vektar pack sounds like an ace idea to me

Just waiting on 0.1 then, and then It Shall Be...
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I think I'll wait for somebody else to report on whether they broke their commercial vektar by putting it on the commercial SD card ;)
I can confirm it doesn't screw anything up if you copy the folder to your Vektar SD card :)

Would be nicer if you could copy the commercial Vektar to another SD card though :/ I like having everything in one place. I seem to remember Craig mentioning something about that becoming possible in the future via a patch? Could it not lock itself to the GP2X's ID instead of the card's, and perhaps have your name embedded in it as 'security'?

PS. over 100 downloads already - I'm impressed!! :blink:
I can confirm it doesn't screw anything up if you copy the folder to your Vektar SD card :)

Would be nicer if you could copy the commercial Vektar to another SD card though :/ I like having everything in one place. I seem to remember Craig mentioning something about that becoming possible in the future via a patch? Could it not lock itself to the GP2X's ID instead of the card's, and perhaps have your name embedded in it as 'security'?

PS. over 100 downloads already - I'm impressed!! :blink:
If it was a downloaded version, then yes.
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