... I guess I just don't see how it takes much time at all. The issue has been resolved, they've got all the specs/details (they have, after all, already made samples), all they're waiting for it the green light. A quick email, and they can get started. If you have time, you can ask for status updates on it along with the info for the rest of the cases.
The worst-case scenario is that they haven't done anything on them by the time Batch 1 (2?) is finished, at which point you go "Come on guys, you've been saying they're coming for <unknown> months, we want them already", and nothing is different from not giving the green light. Of course, the best-case is that they're done and ready to ship substantially sooner. Upfront cost of an email or two, maybe a phone call. What am I missing?
I realize it's hard to juggle so much, but that is the name of the game in production. If you can't juggle many, you won't be able to coordinate the parts, cases, boards, keymats, batteries, carry-cases, etc. so that they all arrive at the same time.