For Anyone Who Cares...

ive got one question though? will you be able to choose the buttons locations yourself, becaus it just feels odd having the buttons all with their correct names and not in the natural spots were they are on a snes controllor
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Anyone should know that the holy grail of GP2X emulation is the Amiga ;)

Amiga emulation is possible, isn't it? (Holy Grail was never FOUND)
I don't think anyone can say with certainty whether playable Amiga emulation will be achieved on the GP2X. And that's just the point.

The expression "the holy grail of..." basically means a very important sought after goal within a field. Something that is hard to attain and may or may not be possible to achieve, but that is still sought after because it would mean a big breakthrough in that particular field.

So to say that only things that are impossible may be called "holy grails" is wrong. After all, there's no point in searching for something we already know is impossible ;)

Anyway, I'm sorry for hijacking the thread here. I more tried to make a joke than to see how many people would agree/disagree with me. And SNES is good and all but it was pretty ok on the GP32 already. In time I expect it to be even better on the GP2X. Especially if Squidge is working on it :)

Getting Amiga emulation wouldn't be much of a breakthrough, so your logic doesn't stand. It barely hobbles. SNES or N64 would more likely be in accordance with that definition of Holy Grail you gave.

Anyone should know that the holy grail of GP2X emulation is the Amiga ;)



(lets see how long this can go on)

Psych, SNES and GBC rule! :P

<Infinite loop detected. Application terminated>


Wow, I bet when Squidge reads this topic he's going to feel real down because you're placing MANY one-worded off-topic posts talking about something he's NOT working on.
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I personally hope Squidge does great things with the emulator, and I'm not suggesting he suddenly abandons snes and gets back to work on Amiga. I'm just saying that for me (and also a lot of people Amiga is the "holy grail").
I personally hope Squidge does great things with the emulator, and I'm not suggesting he suddenly abandons snes and gets back to work on Amiga. I'm just saying that for me (and also a lot of people Amiga is the "holy grail").
If you're european and have had an Amiga it probably is the holy grail. But it makes sense to work on SNES emulation right now because that's much more likely to succeed. And SNES emulation is really wanted as well :)
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Oh I totally agree, the progress with the snes emu is great so far, whereas progress on the amiga seems stuck :(

So I'd rather he stick to snes emualation as we are much more likely to see a fully playable snes emu before we ever see a playable amiga one.

Sad but true..
Secret of Mana runs perfectly. A few graphical glitches (mainly just transparancies I think), but apart from that, it is very playable. :)
On a side note, the gp2x joystick is perfect for this game!
Much love for Squidge right now.

Just after posting this, the game froze after entering Potos villiage.
As you wish, Craig:
Actraiser: Fullspeed
Asterix & Obelix: Fullspeed w. Grafic Errors
Asterix: Fullspeed: Menu doesn't show up
Bubsy: Fullspeed
Chrono Trigger: Fullspeed
Illusion of Time: Fullspeed: Grafic Errors
Kirby3: Nothing (Extra Chip)
Lufia: "Nintendo" shows up then hang. Some behavior like in NK's SNES Emulator
Tetris & Dr Mario: First logo shows up, then nothing
Terranigma: No Intro, Fullspeed (Not when TextBox shows up), Grafic Errors
Legend of Zelda: Fullspeed
Donkey Kong 1: Massive Grafikal Errors, locks up, 2/3 Fullspeed
Donkey Kong 2: Grafic Errors, 2/3 Fullspeed
Donkey Kong 3: Grafic Errors, 1/3 Fullspeed
Kirby FUn Pack: Nothing (Extra Chip)
Lion King: Fullspeed
Super Mario RPG: Nothing (Extra Chip)
RType III: Fullspeed
Soul Blazer: Fullspeed
Seiken Densetsu 3: Nothing (Extra Chip???)
Super Mario World 2: Nothing (Extra Chip)
Secret of Evermore: Fullspeed, Hangs
Secret of Mana: Fullspeed
Super RType: Fullspeed
Tiny Toon: Fullspeed, Grafic Errors

ALL PAL Games run too fast (60Hz) They have to run on 50Hz

Have fun.